Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 93: Battle war! ! !

It's him!

When he saw Sauron's figure, the samurai who had seen him immediately recognized his identity. But at this moment, there is no time for them to think so much, because the battle results in the legendary field may be a momentary thing. They don't know why Soren will happen at this time. I don't know why Soren can pick up the Holy Avengers, and I don't know why Soren can use the legendary warrior's 'big whirlwind' skill.

But this does not affect them knowing that the battle has changed dramatically!

There is no time to mourn the dead comrades.

The samurai had a firm grip on the long sword and rushed up with a silver-white shield. Sauron has obviously suppressed the vampire god, just separate him from the **** poet, and then try to drag the alien demon. Then the battle will be completely biased towards the right side. After killing the vampire gods, their strength will be obviously suppressed. The **** poet is no longer strong enough to deal with so many samurai. The most crucial thing now is not to let the **** poet interfere with Sauron!

Once Sauron’s offensive is disturbed, the outcome of the battle is hard to say.

The high-ranking legendary professional of the Hell Poet, once formed a short-range attack with the vampire **** of the incarnation of the gods, may instantly hit or even kill Sauron.

The samurai who are present are veterans of the rest of the war, and it is clear what the consequences of this happening will be!

- "Sacred Area: Courage!"

The Warden has no time to think about why he can use the Divine Avengers. At the moment of the action of the Hell Poet, he slammed the hammer in his hand on the ground, and then the current of the Pentium raged out. This is a very Powerful legendary equipment. The current of the jump obviously affected the movement of the Hell's poet, and the prison officer quickly opened the black code in his hand. As he pressed his hand on the code, a pure and holy power broke out. He sighed: "Justice! Courage! Holy! Glory!"


An unspeakable field of power broke out, and the entire battlefield was shrouded in an instant.

- "Holy Field: Sacrifice!"

All the people nearby were instantly enveloped by the sacred realms of the legendary samurai, and even Sauron in the battle also showed a row of data in front of him:

"Affected by [Sacred Fields; Courage] effects!"

"The effect of all your own battles will receive an additional 1 point of courage bonus!... Autoimmune any fear effect!... Increased resistance to negative energy erosion!... All nearby friendly gains a morale bonus of 3 !......"


A sacred glow gives others courage.

The second sacred glory is divided into three, directly acting on the three nearby people. A seriously wounded samurai, a caster, and the last one is Sauron.

Sauron reappeared in front of the data:

"Affected by the [Holy Field: Sacrifice] effect!..."

"10% of any damage done by yourself will be transferred to the protector!... Adding 3 extra strength to yourself!... Adding 3 additional willpower resistance!..."


Legendary samurai.

There are very few holy warriors in the world who can go to the legendary field, but once they reach the advanced legendary field, their strength will be greatly improved!

Because of faith.

The power of faith is so powerful!

The holy warriors were born with a difficult and bumpy road, and they were destined to face more difficult tests than other professionals, but they also made their beliefs firmer.

The legendary samurai has the legendary expertise of [Kinghua Skin], [Epic Strong], [Perfect Body] and so on.

Inside all the professionals.

The samurai is always the top meat shield that can rank in the top three!


- "Sword potential [waist]!"

The power of the courage field makes the attack of Sauron more and more unstoppable. The battle after the killing of the killer is eager to meet the power of courage. It is like pouring oil on the fire!

- "Shadow jump!"

There is a word called ‘如影随形’. Sauron used to describe the moment is simply too suitable.

The natural environment of the dark area is very suitable for Sauron combat, and the familiarity with the terrain is a hidden advantage. No matter how the vampire goddess intends to pull away the distance, Sauron will be glued to him. Occasionally, the other side slightly opened the gap by a little means, but then Sauron launched the ability of the ‘shadow jump’ and instantly re-sticked.


The vampire **** is almost mad!

This is simply too deceiving! Is the rogue being such a play? You thought you were a barbarian!

If it is not a spell attack that is ineffective, and the melee is afraid of the power of the Holy Avengers, the vampire son really wants to tear the guy who chased himself behind into pieces.

Since being awakened as a feared son, when has he been chased like a dog like today!

And what is the ghost that is getting more and more powerful? !


The field of courage.

Soren has activated the form of the killer, and the battle desire in the heart is quite strong!

It is now blessed by the legendary samurai ‘courage field’. It can be said that his momentum at this moment is completely reaching a peak!

In this case, 1+1 is definitely greater than 2.

Soren’s current state is like ‘the narrow road meets’. There should be a ‘Brave Victory’ in the back, but in fact the vampire **** has not come to the temper, and the anger of Sauron has already exploded!

You are cheating! ! !

The vampire **** is going crazy! let's hit? I am not sure of resisting the attack of the Holy Avengers! Escape? This guy is chasing so hard and has the ability to jump shadows!

Can't escape at all? !

Sauron was not worried about being escaped by the vampire. Because his shadow jumps more than a hundred meters, the shadow shuttle has another chance to use.

This distance is longer than most scintillation transmission spells.

As for the transmission over a longer distance, the vampire didn't even have a cast time for a second in the case of Soren's sticky.

Want to cast a spell?

Only instant spells can be released!


The storm-like attack finally forced the vampire **** to nowhere to go!

In the face of Sauron who is biting behind him. The vampire **** finally finally bites his teeth in desperation, and then, after being hit by the Holy Avengers, lifts a moment to bless a spell and activates a special spell unique to the gods.

- "Summon the Dark Servant! [Vampire of the Gods]"


The priesthood that the gods have is not only expanding the scope of absorbing believers. In fact, most of the priesthood has their unique abilities. For example, in the field of Spider-Man's [诡术], a psychic warrior with a professional level of more than 30 is directly abolished. However, the [vampire] priesthood activated by the enemy in front of him is naturally better than the spider **** who has powerful power. This is a summoning spell that is produced by a priesthood and belongs to the legendary level of summoning ability.


The transmission channel is formed in an instant, and with a black mist, two or three extremely fast figures are rushed out of it.

High-order vampire!

One of them is obviously close to the legendary strength. These vampires rushed to Sauron at the moment of appearance, apparently intending to drag him under the command of the vampire god.


Sauron rushed over without expression, and instantly slashed a high-order vampire into two halves.

While a sword kills the enemy, Sauron's palm gently presses on the ground, and then the surrounding space immediately vibrates, and a portal that connects the element planes is opened.

- "Elemental Legion [Legend Spell]!"

The power of the elemental spar was activated by Sauron, and a gust of wind blew in the portal of the connecting element plane, and then a wind element elder rushed out of the portal.

The wind is raging!

The elders of the wind element raised their hands as a lightning bolt on the high-order vampire.


The scorching flame rushed out, and the giant fire element flew out of the portal, instantly burning the nearby ground.

At last.

Heavy footsteps sounded.

One appeared to be a bit too big, and it took a little effort to appear slowly from the portal.

The transfer door is closed.

The Elemental Corps summoned a wind element elder, a giant fire element and a giant earth element.


this moment.

The eyes of the vampire gods almost came out!

He managed to seize the opportunity to summon a dark servant ~www.readwn.com~ just want to let them drag Sauron and fight for their time. However, I did not expect that the enemy would launch the 'Elemental Legion' in a blink of an eye, and Hula suddenly summoned a lot of elemental life.

This guy is deliberate, right? ! ! !

The vampire **** is already mad at the moment! What makes him even more crazy is that he still doesn't know who the enemy is! ?

What the **** are you? !

Where did you come from? !

Are you a rogue or a samurai or a barbarian? ! Why do you have a big whirlwind? Why can you use the Holy Avengers? Why do you still have a big whirlwind with a holy avenger?

Why do you take the Holy Avenger to make a big whirlwind and **** will summon the Elemental Legion? !

What the **** are you! ! ! ?

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