Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 102: Cut off faith

The rain gradually stopped.

As the evening came, the group of people finally chose to camp in the foot. They had already rushed through the rain for a whole day, and then they could not support the people and the horse. There was a lot of people outside, because it was not easy to raise the bonfire just after the rain. Many soldiers could only swallow dry food with water. But it doesn't work without a bonfire in the evening. Everyone is drenched and blows a cold night, and tomorrow is basically affected. These soldiers don't have much extraordinary physical existence.

Sir Eden sent someone to look for some dry firewood, and he ordered another small stove to be put into the carriage.

There is a charcoal stove inside the team. The exquisite and compact copper stove can cook something directly with charcoal, but only one or two people can eat it. The carriage is like another space, everything outside will not interfere with it, as if there is some kind of invisible power, others become very quiet after approaching the carriage.

Time passes by little by little.

The sky gradually darkened, and a bonfire was lit up outside. The soldiers cooked a large pot of broth.

Sir Eden casually ate some dry food, then drank a large bowl of soup, and then he began to arrange the night watchful sentinel. He is a veteran who has retired from the battlefield. The title of the jazz is given by his master. After his master passed away, his object of allegiance became the eldest daughter of the family. In the Principality of Varoland, there is no man to inherit the title, and the eldest daughter and the second daughter-in-law also have certain inheritance rights.

Arranged the vigil of the vigil, Sir Eden originally wanted to go to the carriage.

But just before I got to the carriage, he felt that he didn't bother to interrupt this time, so he turned and returned to the campfire.

The carriage is very quiet.

Of course, this is just not heard outside.

In fact, from the beginning of the night, the young man in front of Caitlin became distorted. He seemed to suffer great pains, holding his head in his hands and making a terrible low-pitched voice.

She feels very scared!

Then she didn't know anything when she was black.


The sturdy wooden planks of the carriage are easily crushed by young men like tofu, if not by the masked woman next to help. I am afraid that this carriage can be broken into pieces in the blink of an eye.

"the host!"

The masked woman put her hand on the forehead of the young man and said softly: "Relax!... Relax!..."

"Let my heart blend with you!... I will help you share these pains!... My master!... You must let go of your heart!... Otherwise your mortal body can’t bear the gods. Huge information!..."

"You will be crazy!"

"You really will go crazy!... Let me enter your heart!... Otherwise I can't help you cut off these belief connections!... That is the connection of faith to the last god!... His power is disturbing you !......You must learn to reject these beliefs!... You are the supreme god!...and not a tool to be kidnapped by faith!... Let me help you cut off all the faith connections!...and then re-establish your own country!……"

"if not!"

"The will of the last **** will replace you!... He will use your body as a resurrection!..."

"Abandon these beliefs!..."

"They are not you who serve the faith!... What you need is a new faith!... New kingdom!... My master!... Let me help you cut everything!..."

"These old beliefs should be buried with the dead gods!..."

An invisible spiritual field opened.

The masked woman took the young man's hands and then put her forehead on the other's forehead. In a flash, her face became pale, and the young man's distorted face gradually relaxed.


The masked woman was soaked and wet, and the sweat slipped down her pale cheeks. It was only an instant effort. She seemed to hear countless voices, saw countless pictures, and huge information hit her brain. Even if she used to be a psychic warrior with a professional level of more than 30, there is a feeling of being completely unbearable at the moment.

Too much!

Too much too much!

The call of mortals, the prayers of believers, the terrible dreams, everything is like a flood into her mind.


Deciduous city.

This once prosperous city has now become somewhat ruined, and the recession in White Horse City has begun to affect it, and another recent incident has caused the deciduous city to be hit hard.

The priests lost their connection to the gods.

The enemies who are eager to start are frequently harassed, and the soldiers without the power of the priest have suffered heavy losses. What is even more terrifying is that the news seems to be unable to hide. More and more people are panicking, and enemy attacks are becoming more frequent. A bad news was sent back here, and a large number of refugees gathered outside the city and lost the protection of the gods. Lost the priest's magic, within a few hundred kilometers around the center of the deciduous city, half-elves large and small towns and villages were attacked.

Jackal, half-orc, ogre...

The monsters that were expelled by them in the past suddenly returned to here, seemingly trying to recapture this fertile land.

"The Archbishop! Not good!"

A rush of footsteps sounded. Then a young trainee pastor walked quickly to the square.

He whispered a few words in the ear of a middle-aged pastor, and then the middle-aged pastor changed his face and quickly rushed toward the position where the temple was.

The temple of ‘the half-elf and the **** of the rogue.’

This is the largest temple in which he is the material plane. It is also the center of faith in His mortal world.

As the successor to the ‘the thief’s god’, the **** of ‘half-elf and rogue’ has lost too much power in the struggle of the gods. Because the field was not mastered, the rogue's faith began to be handed over to the 'shadow of the Lord', 'the goddess of fortune' and 'the lady of the night', and only inherited a weak professional priest, he could only spread the field of faith to himself. Within the racial scope, that is the half-elves that are sandwiched between humans and elves and have always been awkward.

So his first priesthood is, then it is.

The half-elves are his main source of faith.

He once relied on the promotion of the half-elf's faith, but unfortunately because the struggle in the rogue field failed, it was re-inflicted by the ‘shadow master’.

Today, as the first gods, He fell to the mortal world and eventually died in the hands of the vampire god.

The glory of the temple is very dim.

As the temple of the gods in the largest material plane, all the changes here represent many things.

The glory of divinity is in decline.

From the moment the half-elves and the **** of the rogues fell to the mortal, the glory of this temple has dimmed a lot. Fortunately, the recession has gradually stopped. Although the power of the temple has weakened a lot, it has retained a part, which has made many believers feel a little hope. However, not long ago, another amazing thing happened, that is, the statue of the 'semi-elf and the **** of the rogues' served in the temple suddenly became bleak and completely lost power, just like an ordinary statue. Like.

This process lasted for a whole day.

By the next day, these gods seem to have regained their strength and re-emerged with a glimmer of divine light.

Although very weak.

But at least one hope!


Everything that happens in front of us now makes all believers face like a dead gray. In the eyes of the middle-aged pastor's gray-faced, the image of the ‘half-elf and the **** of the rogues, erected in the center of the temple, gradually loses all the divine light. There is still a residual power in the temple, but there is no magical power on the image of the gods. The traces of cracks appear in the eyes of their sluggish eyes~www.readwn.com~The statues erected in the center of the temple suddenly collapsed and collapsed!


Just like the power to annihilate a certain source.

Centered around this temple, all the gods that serve ‘the half-elf and the **** of the rogues’ are all dull, and some even appear to be cracks.


In all the temples that serve Him, the annihilation of the divine powers one by one on the image of God is turned into a complete thing!


The **** is fallen!

This time is a complete degeneration, and there is nothing left!

His name of God has passed away.

..................(To be continued.)


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