Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 105: Demon lord

Blood, a drop of sand falls.

Behind the ear came the shackles of the wounded, and the screams of the jackals. This sound made Eugene feel very annoying, so he picked up a javelin and raised his hand to nail the crazy dog's jackal on the ground. The whole battlefield was quiet. In fact, the battle was over. Eugene didn't look at the geevers who were full of blood and anger, just stepping forward. The half-orcs who saw it along the way all crouched down, and the warriors of the fangs were not lightly wounded. Even if they lost the blessing of the gods, these half-elfs were not as good as they thought.


Salot broke the arrow on his chest, and the simple orc leather armor couldn't stop the half-elf's bow and arrow, but it was the most powerful warrior of the tribe, and the violent toughness was enough to make it hard against the enemy's shooting. When Eugene's old figure came to its front, this burly giant-like violent half-orc crouched down, and he humbly lowered his head and said: "Sir shaman."

The air is filled with a strong **** smell.

The clan's warriors are treating the wounded, and the gnolls are licking the bodies of the half-elf. This picture makes Eugene very unhappy, because even as a half-orc, it is very repulsive to these gnolls. If it weren't for defeating the squadron of the Deciduous City, it would not join forces with these dirty and disgusting gnolls.

"came back!……"

Eugene stood on a high **** overlooking the black land in front of him. Its old face could not cover the years of the past, and the scars were like the most dazzling medals, telling people how much wind and rain it had experienced.

Soft green grass, fertile land.

Eugene slowly crouched down, and the cockroach pendant on his chest touched the ground gently. The half-orc shaman who had passed through the long years kissed the land, and it was rough and covered with old fingers to pick up the black soil. Just put it in the mouth and taste it. It is a bitter taste. However, Eugene’s face showed a hint of intoxication. It slowly stood up, pulled out the spear on the back, and then inserted it into the ground in front of him.

It turned and looked at his own people, and used all his strength to make a roar: "I am finally back!!!"

"This is the land that belongs to us!..."

The violent roar sounded.

The warriors of the Knife Clan hammered their chests and looked at the half-elf body of the land, sending out a burst of fanaticism.

The body.

The body.

Still a corpse.

The Gnolls are enjoying a feast, but behind the front line, there are a group of burly wolves with black manes looking at everything in front of them with a scarlet pupil. They are stronger than other gnolls, they wear steel armor and they carry heavy flails. They have a devil's breath.

The heavy footsteps are close.

A three-meter-old gnoll came slowly. It was wearing full body armor. The special armor had blood-red lines. This strong and fearful gnoll wolf held a very special weapon.

That is a three-headed shackle.

The heavy three-headed scorpion was covered with blood, broken bones and flesh, and pieces of shield that were easily smashed.

The burly scorpion leader came to Eugene's face. He looked down at the half-orc shaman with a scarlet pupil. He didn't care about the action of just killing a gnoll, but his expression: "Semi-elf The army has failed."

"Where is the thing my Lord needs?"

Eugene turned and looked at the jackal in front of him. Even if the other person's size is so huge, full of a compelling pressure, but it still has no effect. It has already confronted the giant when it was young, and the size of it only means that the target is more likely to be hit. There are more weaknesses in the body. Eugene looked at the jackal in front of him and slowly said: "One of the heads of the years is in the hands of the half-elf."

"We have just defeated their army, how can we get the components of the artifact right away."

The gnoll leader looked at the old half-orc, and after a long silence. Shen Sheng: "Where do you want to fight? In half a month, you must present the artifacts for my master, otherwise your tribe will be ready to disappear completely!"

"Ghouls will kill you day and night. The wolves will kill your tribe!"

"The wrath of my Lord is not something you can afford!"

King of the Werewolf - Yenogu.

The demon lord of the 422th floor of the Abyss, He is the God of the Ghostwolf, the vast majority of the Gnolves are His people, and he conquered the king of the Ghoul-Dorisson in the struggle of an abyssal lord. So He is now the master of the ghoul, in his hands controlling the huge Ghoul Legion. The abyssal lord may not be as difficult to deal with as other terrible beings, but it is not that mortals can withstand his anger. The power of any demon lord is enough to rival the gods, and they have a huge number of demon corps.

The weapon of the gnoll king - Jenogu is the shackles.

A three-headed fine gold chain.

Eugene's cold eyes gazed at each other, and there was no fear of the other party's threat. The gnoll leader looked at it and turned to walk behind the battlefield.

"Damn Jackal!"

A repressed low-pitched sound, the burly half-orc warrior stared at the distant gnoll leader, and slowly approached the big shaman in front of him: "Lord! Are we really going to give them artifacts?"

Eugene glanced at him faintly and calmly said: "Yes."

"But..." The half-orc wants to stop.

Eugene turned and walked down the hillside. He looked at the land in front of him and slowly said: "It was once considered to be the most powerful weapon in the world!... Only the holy warrior can compete with it!... Because of the power of fear, this artifact has been taken apart again and again!..."

"There are countless legends in the hands of the dead, killing the gods and even killing the gods with it!"

"The King of the Werewolf - Jenogu wants this weapon."

"If you don't get it, then if you really let it get together, on the day of its birth, its death will be coming soon!..."

Eugene's figure is getting farther away.

The half-orc warrior who stayed in the place seemed to understand and understand that there is still no way to understand so much with its IQ.


Overseas Islands. Modo City.

Gloria's figure instantly appeared near the portal connecting the shadow plane, and then she quickly blessed herself with several protective spells and directly entered the interior of the portal.

The picture in front of you turned.

In the blink of an eye, she has already arrived in the shadow plane. At this time, the shadow plane has changed somewhat. There are some special buildings here, and two steel statues remain here as guards. The cracking progress of the Wizard Tower is slow, and the mystery of the Arcane Empire contains too many secrets that they cannot understand. However, they are also the top of the North Witches, and they have a good understanding of the Northland locks. They have made some research results since this time.


Gloria's figure quickly approached the edge of the lock, watching the fallen witch who was contemplating in front of her eyes, slowly saying: "What did you find?"

There is residual energy fluctuation in the air.

The fallen witch turned to look at her daughter and gently nodded: "The half-face! This lock is the same as the parliament, and it relies on a half-plane to maintain."

"I feel the location of the element pool, but there is no way to locate this half-plane!"

Plane knowledge.

Gloria’s expression was dignified and slowly said: “Is there a half-plane connected here? Can you find the entrance to the half-face?”

The fallen witch gently shook her head.

She lifted her finger with black lace gloves and waved a illusion-like model in front of the eyes of two people, with four different tears occupying four corners. I only heard her say: "Any half of the plane is created by the pool of elements."

"Ground, water, wind, fire."

"This is the basic structure of the material plane. The energy of the element pool is the core of the half-plane, and it is also the key to the growth of the half-plane."

"Look here."

"The four points in the puzzle are the corresponding points of the element pool. There is also a half-plane hidden here. It is because of the energy supply of the half-plane that the wizard tower can support this for so long."

The image in front of the picture changes.

I don't know what means the fallen witch used. It simulates the general structure of the lock. With the central wizard tower as the center, special energy signs appear in all four areas.

“There are at least three pools of elements here.”

The fallen witch looks at the wizarding tower in front of him and slowly says: "There should be a pool of elements in the tower, which is responsible for maintaining the daily energy consumption of the wizard tower. There is also a pool of elements underneath this puzzle, responsible for transforming the energy supply wizard. Tower. Finally, there should be a much larger pool of elements in the half-plane we don't know."

"If the last element pool is still working!"

"From the end of the era of the Arcane Empire to the present ~ www.readwn.com ~ it is constantly providing enough energy to make a half-plane become very big!"

In the glory of Gloria, there was an amazing brilliance, muttering: "Mother! You mean..."

The fallen witch took her a look and said slowly: "Yes."

"An untapped alien space!...may be bigger than the half-plane of the Witch Council!..."


"It's the entrance may be there!"

The fallen witch’s gaze looked at the wizarding tower in front of him, and both of them were silently silent.

Can't get in.

Even if they join hands, they can't get in!

..................(To be continued.)


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