Abyss Domination

Vol 4 Chapter 109: ceremony!

Quiet night.

Sauron wrote and painted on a white paper with a quill. After returning to Modo City, he finally had a little time to study higher-order spells. Soars are basically finished after the third-order spells, but if the spell level continues to go up, the difficulty of mastering will be much improved. I don't know if it is the reason for the advanced demigod. Soren's ability to understand the Arcane seems to have been strengthened a lot. In the past, the high-level spells that I found difficult to understand, he has at least doubled the speed.

The specific reasons are still unknown.

But it must be related to the power of the godhead, because Sauron did not have this before.

There are still a lot of killing experiences in storage!

However, Sauron is not eager to raise the level of professionalism, because for him now, the increase in one or two occupational levels is not large, and the most important thing is to decide his own path.

That's right.

It is the road of the future!

Although the field of the gods is very powerful, there are also great limitations, that is, it is difficult to change after the power is formed. Although the gods have all kinds of powerful strengths, their own occupations are stereotyped. Whether they are spiders or other gods, the highest-ranking profession will become the core of their power.

no doubt!

The core of Soren’s current power is the rogue, but the road he wants in his heart is not a rogue.

The half-elf and the **** of the rogue.

The former is the narrowest ethnic priesthood. The key to determining the size of one's own power is whether the race is prosperous. The half-evil race has no potential to compete with humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, and even half-humans have powerful power. The gods are sheltered, but the half-elves have been a weak **** for many years. Within the half-elf race, beliefs are also not uniform, and the influence of human gods and elf gods is serious.

Sauron never succumbed to the plan of the half-elf, but this is only a springboard for his future.

The rogue is a priest.

This priest has appeared at most [medium power], and is also strongly supported by the shadow field. Sauron did not expect too much from this.

As a former top rogue!

Sauron is well aware of the merits of this profession, but it is also very clear about its flaws.

The rogue is an indispensable part of his power, but he must not be the core area of ​​his priesthood, otherwise he will be restricted to grow, because the lofty potential of the rogue will be greatly reduced after entering the legendary field.

How about life-saving ability?

Sauron has already passed the period of life-saving, he needs more powerful combat, especially if he needs to face the fear of the devil!

Desperate hand.

This top legendary assassin is typical. His strengths and weaknesses are equally prominent. Perhaps these are no problem for mortals, but they are quite deadly for the gods.

Sauron can't seal the gods with the rogue. Otherwise he must work hard with the [Lord of Shadows]!

There is no professional qualification for ethnic priesthood.

Sauron can still have a chance to decide before he really seals God, and decide which career is in his core field, because it is very difficult for him to change after waiting for God. The rogue's combat power is very limited after the legendary field, unless it is advanced [shadow dominate], or other special occupations. These are fine for mortals, but for Sauron who is in the realm of the gods, it means that the future must be involved in the "shadow" field to be promoted.

Otherwise, he is stuck on this!

On this road he must kill [the Lord of Shadows], and [The Lord of Shadows] will also regard Sauron after the gods as an important enemy.

Currently speaking.

The success rate of Sauron's defeat of the Lord of the Shadows is 0!


Step on the step.

The gentle footsteps sounded outside the door. Sauron licked his forehead and put down the quill. He thought that it was Golia outside, but when he realized that he had been intimate with Gloria for two days, and she had already entered the shadow plane for the element pool this afternoon. After the study. Sauron knew that it was definitely not her who came outside.

Who is it?

Sauron raised his brow slightly and then heard the sound of knocking on the door.

"come in."

When Sauron’s perception was opened, he knew who was coming out of the door because she had a demon-like atmosphere similar to Sauron.

- Fallen witch.

The mother of Gloria. The sacred queen's voters.

The door is gently opened.

The figure of the fallen witch appeared in front of Sauron. She wore a black wizard's robes, but it was forked at the thigh roots and looked like a cheongsam. A long, sturdy thigh wearing black silk stockings. The top spiders from the dark areas are filled with an indescribable beauty. The silky long hair plate is a feminine hair bun, and the fallen witch does not have any decorations on her body. Through the thin wizard's robes, she can see two points of her slightly raised breasts.

Nothing is worn inside.

Sauron’s breathing was a little quick, but the brain was a bit messy and a bit of a headache.

He is jealous of this woman.

But it is also undeniable that she is attracted by her glamorous beauty. Unlike the beauty of Gloria, her mother has another strange charm, which is more evil, more degenerate and more tempting.

"You seem to be bothered."

The fallen witch’s expression was calm, as if her own costume was not tempting Sauron at all. She came directly to Sauron’s face, sitting on the desk with her round hips, if there was no lust, it was not Any spell effect, but a charm that she is born with.

Corinna looked down at Sauron with her faint eyes, and her white fingers licked the bumps on her chest and breathed.

She has been paying attention to the changes in Sauron.

When she felt the heartbeat of Sauron's acceleration, the fallen witch's mouth showed a scornful smile. She gently touched Sauron's cheek with her index finger, as if to say to himself: "Since you intend Entering the realm of the gods, then all the rules of the mortal can't bind you!..."

"The life of the gods is very long."

"Very very long! In the endless years, do you plan to spend so alone? Instead of having more people around you?"


"Do you know? Sometimes I obviously feel that you are evil! But sometimes I find that your **** is more than me!"


The figure of the fallen witch vacated, and the whole man landed on Sauron's knees. A powerful palm penetrated into her robes and held the fruit of the chest. The rapid breathing, the accelerating heartbeat, and the stiffness and burning felt on the buttocks, the fascinating face of the fallen witch appeared a blush, and the breathing gradually became a mess.

Sauron feels the difference in palm, bigger and softer than Gloria, this is another ultimate enjoyment.

Just stunned for a while.

He slowly pulled out his palm and his face gradually calmed down, but he still held the fallen witch in front of him and said slowly: "Let's say. Why are you coming tonight tonight? You should know the impact of this kind of thing on Gloria." I should also know that I don't want her to be sad! There is no good reason, as her mother, you will not come tonight!..."


The fallen witch was stiff and suddenly broke free from Sauron's arms. She got up and sorted out her wizard's robes, and then said in a calm voice: "I know that it is impossible to hold you!... ”

"This is a ritual to please the succubus queen - Mickey's!! She gave me the power of divinity!...and I must please her at the right time!..."

"A pleasing ceremony for a fallen taboo!..."

"This ritual must be completed, otherwise I will be punished by her, it will be extreme pain and corruption."

"If you are not willing to help me complete the ceremony."

"Then I will go out and find someone now, kill them all after the ceremony!..."

Speaking of this, the voice of the fallen witch has a slight tremor, but it still seems calm: "I have a combination of interests with Gloria's father. The number of meetings has been less than five times, but no other man has ever touched it. I. You are the best choice for me and should be the one who can best please the succubus queen."

"But if you refuse ~www.readwn.com~ I can only use other methods to perform the ceremony!..."

Speaking of this, the body of the fallen witch is obviously more trembling.


Sauron couldn't help but sigh. He got up and stood up and handed the palm of his hand to the fallen witch. He slowly said, "Take it over!... I have seen the fallen ceremony of the Queen of the Succubus!... There is no way to satisfy her!..."

The fallen witch trembled a little, and then the face appeared strange blush.

She took out a whip made of special silk, and then handed it to Sauron's palm with a slight trembling, then she gently removed the clothes and turned her back to Sauron. The white back and the rounded hips were exposed in front of him. The fallen witch crouched down to him slowly, and his mouth groaned in a strange low voice, as if he was calling.

An invisible energy field emerges.

In the clavicle position of the fallen witch, a demon hickey suddenly appeared to be alive, and then a whole layer of blush appeared on her entire skin.

- [Queen's Kiss]!

The sacred queen-McCant's gift ritual is also the emblem of evil degeneration.

It can give mortal powerful power and even directly enhance the attributes of mortals, but it also means dragging the soul of mortals into a deeper abyss.


A crisp whip sounded.

A red mark appeared on the back of the fallen witch's white pheasant. Her whole person trembled fiercely, her breath was rushing and her face was blushing, and her mouth could not suppress it, but she did not know whether it was pain or comfort!

..................(To be continued...) R1292

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