Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 5: King

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The dull loud noise echoed on the battlefield.

With the sound of the bleak horn, the half-orcs swarmed like a flood, and the entire wall had become a **** ground meat. The primitive and wild rushing attacked the ancient walls again and again, and the shadows of the abyss scorpio were shuttled among the Orcs' army arrays. They jumped at a high speed and agile, looking for the opportunity to cut into the fight. These agile enemies have caused huge casualties to the half-elves, because they can climb the wall more than ten meters high by hand.


A hoarse low-pitched voice came, and even when he saw a middle-aged man with a **** flesh in front of him, he rushed over with a hammer. He picked up the warhammer and smashed a half-orc who climbed the wall, and then quickly rushed toward it. I rushed over here and whispered: "You are crazy? What are you doing here? Come on!"

"Go care for those women and children!...This is not the place you should come!..."


Another strong half-orc climbed up. The middle-aged man picked up an iron shield and slammed it up. He instantly slammed the enemy four or five meters away, then threw a stone from the wall and fell dead. It is.


The middle-aged man looked at the little girl in front of her eyes. The crazy battles of the day made his eyes bloodshot. The highly tight spirit and will did not notice the abnormal situation of the little girl at the moment. He reached out to palm and tried to catch the little girl in front of him, and then directly took her down the wall. The situation on the battlefield has become more and more difficult. At this time, there is no spare time to take care of a little girl. She stays here. It will only add chaos.


Facing the middle-aged man who came in front of her eyes, the little girl’s beautiful face frowned slightly. She moved her foot and turned lightly, then she passed her side, and even the sleeves were not stained. To.

"Hey?" The middle-aged man stood in horror.

His hands were empty and empty, and even the dip did not touch the little girl's clothes corner. Just all her actions were so flowing, revealing amazing and sensitive skills.

Milan did not look back.

The middle-aged man behind him is just a pastor who lost his magic. It is not worth attracting her attention now, wasting her precious time.

Because these times are exchanged for psionic energy!



The wild roar sounded, and a half-orc warrior in the armor rushed to the wall, and a beautiful white figure appeared in its sight. It was a beautiful little girl, dressed in a pure white dress, like a holy lotus flower blooming on the battlefield full of blood. This pure white was so striking on the battlefield full of blood, and in a moment it stung the blood-red pupil of the Orc Warrior, so it whispered without hesitation. I waved the blade and smashed it.

Its madness makes it want to let this pure lotus-like beauty wither, let the scarlet blood flow in a snow white.


The white tip of the foot was lightly touched, and the figure of Milan fluttered like a butterfly. In an instant, she passed by a half-elf garrison. The next moment, a narrow elf scimitar appeared in her palm. Her figure did not Staying in the air, in the blink of an eye, from the half-orc warrior in front of me, the cold knife cuts through the air, and then the time freezes at this moment, the figure of the Orc warrior is stiff.


Very clear grounding.

A skull landed. The headless body of the Orc Warrior slowly fell, and the blood spurted out wildly, but there wasn't even a drop of glue on Milan's pure white dress.

Her figure jumped on the wall like an elegant butterfly!

this moment.

The sight on the entire battlefield was attracted by this white figure, and countless people in the fight saw her presence.


Her existence seems to awaken the courage of the soldiers, so that they are still experiencing a force in the case of extremely tired, hard to repel the enemy's offensive.


The roar of roaring came.

The shadows of the Abyss and the Werewolf flew from under the corner. These powerful monsters with blood-red pupils noticed the existence of the little girl, and they rushed from all directions. Just like a black shadow swept through, slammed into the little girl in front of me, wanting to be the only white light on this battlefield!


In the face of the abyss and sorcerers who rushed in all directions, the little girl’s mouth showed a mocking smile. Her white tipped foot was lightly hooked, and the second elf scimitar fell into her palm.


Crisp metal interlaced sound.

Milan's figure flew in the air, the whole person was spinning at high speed, the double-knife turned into the cold of the sky, and the white dress made her like a flying butterfly, rushing out from the black shadows in an instant. Her figure passed through the air, and there was a drop of blood falling from the blade in the air. Behind her was a piece of fluttering sound, and the body of an abyss scorpion fell directly from the air.


The little girl landed gently, and she frowned and glanced at the elf scimitar, which had some curled edges in her hand, and threw it away.

There are scattered weapons everywhere on the battlefield.

She glanced at the other people coldly, and instantly found two scimitars, and then her figure turned into a white shadow, passing through the cold, ruthless knife, in the white After the figure, it was the body of a half-orc and a gnoll.

All are a knife!

No enemy can do more in her hands, even the Abyss and Werewolf can't support even a second!

The battlefield is dead.

The figure of Milan leaped on the wall like this, killing hundreds of Orcs and Jackals.

The half-orc's offensive was instantly contained.

With the bleak horns, the half-orcs who attacked wildly retreat like a tide.

A cheering sound came.

When the enemies in front of the eyes all retreated from the wall, the surviving half-elf warriors could not help but burst out.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The dull drums of the drums came from the rear of the Orcs. It was like a ritual-like mad drum that instantly caught the throats of all the half-elf warriors. They let them stop cheering and looked nervously at the half-orcs. rear. The half-orcs of a team are separated like tides, accompanied by the increasingly fierce drums, and a huge monster that is obviously a dragon. It has a thick dragon's horn, a huge body, strong limbs, and a hard dragon skin.

The half-orc priest Cang old figure appeared!

Eugene stood on the huge dragon beast, holding a white bone spear in his hand, which would spread the powder of the ashes of the tribe on his face, with a chest full of numerous scars.

The memory seems to have returned to the winter of that year.

In the cold and snow-covered season, it is also the way to hold the spear and face the frost giant army that threatens the tribe's survival!


It made a roar.

The old body can't hide the power it has. Eugene looks at the battlefield in front of him and screams: "For the Horde! For the Knife! For our children and grandchildren!!!"


The white bone war spear cut through the air. When Eugene pointed to the wall full of blood in front of him, countless half-orcs made wild roars. They clenched their simple weapons and hammered their chests with force. Tiredness turned into a violent courage.

"Eu Jin! Knife! Eugene! Knife!"

Countless half-orcs frantically shouted Eugene's name and rushed to the battlefield in front of him!

Cold, hunger, death.

This is the battle to determine the fate of the Orcs for hundreds of years to come!

Since the land was taken away by the half-elf, the half-orc clan was expelled to the cold, ridiculous land, and the shadow of hunger and death has been shrouded in them.


The Orcs did not fall down and did not fail.

Because they have ‘Eugian’!

The greatest half-orc leader ever!

It led the people to open up the wilderness in the northwest~www.readwn.com~ It is only to find a way to make the Knife clan strong and strong! It unites all the orcs with fraternity and tolerance! It treats the enemy cruelly and ruthlessly, treating the people like a child, and always reveals compassion and sadness in the eyes! It slaughtered the winter wolf in the cold snow and ice, and it went into the death swamp alone to kill the black dragon. It beheaded their king under the siege of the Frost Giants army!

It propped up the backbone of the knife clan with the old ridge!

It has never married his wife and children, and has no spouse. It is such an old half-orc shaman. The first thing he did after leading the tribe to defeat the half-elf army was not to celebrate the victory, but to lie on the ground. Kiss the black fertile land at the foot.

It is ‘Eu Jin-Shimao!’

It is the backbone of the Orcs, the hope of the Orcs, the real chief of the Orcs!

..................(To be continued.)xh118r1052

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