Abyss Domination

Chapter 49: track

The shadow under the corner of the wall.

Soren's slightly stunned body was hidden in it. He calmly put away the toughness and dried the blood on the machete with an old cloth.

He killed six people.

It seems that these are the veterans of the gangs in the old city. Everyone has got more than one hundred killing experience, especially the innkeeper actually gave him more than 300 killing experiences. It is a pity that because time is too tight, he simply has no chance to touch the body, and he has no time to search for the spoils. He just retired after killing the enemy. It seems that those things are finally cheaper than the guards of Amber City. They can't touch anything when they look at the body.

Killing is a small matter.

But setting fire is very serious!

Amber City doesn't care much about the death of a few gray people, but it is very strict for those who dare to set fire in the city. Because the consequences of the spread of the fire are extremely serious, the resulting casualties and property losses are much more serious than those who die. Sauron estimates that someone will pursue this matter if it is not used tomorrow. If the Guard is very concerned about this matter, it is very likely that someone will be invited to take some special shots. It is not impossible to investigate the identity of Sauron.

He must leave now!

Sauron looked at the distant scene and walked along the shadow of the wall until there was no light in the vicinity, and after seeing the guards, it stopped by the wall. He touched a rope from the pocket and tied an iron hook to it. Then he turned a few laps in his hand and threw the iron hook into the recess of the wall. He tightened the rope and tested it, then he climbed up the wall.

The extraordinary agility of 20 points made him extremely sensitive, and climbed the wall more than 20 meters high in less than a minute.

He glanced nervously around.

After discovering that there was no one, the iron hook was fixed in one position and then fell down the wall along the rope.

Sauron grabbed the rope and slammed it, and the iron hook naturally loosened and fell back into his hand from the wall. A piece of black scorpion in the wild, the half-elf's unique night vision ability allows Sauron to still see things. He put things back into the pockets and then bent down into the distant woods.

This time, naturally, it’s not the killing of those guys!

Sauron is ready to go along the road in the direction of the White Horse City to the Deciduous City. On the one hand, it is to kill monsters to accumulate killing experience, to upgrade the professional level when necessary, or to find opportunities for part-time advancement. On the other hand, it is also the case of viewing this road, to find out the distribution of nearby monsters, and in the future, with Vivian through this road, I can also have a lot of confidence in my heart. At the very least, for the terrain and direction, Sauron will never remember correctly after going through it.

The city is surrounded by the village.

Because of the proximity to the city, these villages have not built fences. The guards of White Horse City will patrol regularly. If there are beast monsters coming nearby, there will naturally be people to clean them up. Sauron walked out for a few kilometers in the night, then entered a small village. There are a lot of straw piles near the village now, mainly for the convenience of making fires and making beds. The lower elders do not have the financial resources to buy quilts. They can only use these soft straws on the bed, and even cover them as quilts in winter.

The mantle is rare in the south, only the north is more.

Sauron lay directly on a haystack, and it was initially itchy, but he soon got used to it.

There have been many years of wild adventures, and there are many things he has adapted.

It’s like this overnight.

Soren was awakened by the dog's voice the next day. I don't know who the domestic dog found him, and he was screaming under the straw.

He pulled out the scimitar and turned around. He originally planned to kill it, but when he saw the distant embryogenic thatched cottage, he recovered his weapon. For these bottom-level farmers, a dog is a very important family property. The dogs of this era are fierce. Sometimes when they encounter monsters, they dare to pounce on a few mouthfuls.

Sauron had seen the dog and the werewolf in the past. In order to protect his master, although he was finally killed, the courage was admirable.

Probably because I remembered Heath, the old and loyal old dog.

Sauron felt a piece of dried meat from his body and threw it in his hand and threw it to the dog below. The food that descended from the sky lowered the wariness of the dog. It looked suspiciously at Sauron, and eventually couldn’t help but pick up the meat. Sauron smashed the thatched grass, and one turned over from the haystack, and then looked around and walked toward the distant wilderness.

The sky is bright.

There are already farmers who are busy in the fields. As human beings, they have no talents of other races, so the skills they must master are farming. The children in the village will follow the land when they are five or six years old. They will gradually learn how to cultivate their work from the father's mouth. When should they be planted, when should they be harvested, how should they take care of the fields in peacetime, and what will happen when they encounter pests? Means of coping.

They are the most ordinary group of people in the world!


The roads in the fields are muddy.

Soren quickly found the avenue to the deciduous city, and then proceeded toward the plain of the White Horse.

This road takes a long time and takes a whole week, first through the black gas swamp, then through the edge of the White Horse Plain, and finally to the deciduous city. The first day was still relatively calm, because it is also a region of human activity, with militia groups nearby, and a small army of regular troops.

Sauron didn't stop on the way. When he was tired, he took a break and continued to hurry.

It was not until the next day that the scope of human activities gradually came out, and the things encountered gradually increased.

The villages here are scattered.

Only in the location close to the ground for easy irrigation, there will be villages built by humans, but it should be said that it is a village, surrounded by walls, with sentry towers and arrow towers. The village itself trains militia. When farming is busy, it is idle. Do simple training at the time. There are always some young people in these villages who are unwilling to take risks. Some of them are not coming back after they go out. Some of them return to their hometowns after giving up their adventures. They are the main force for training militia.

These people have a very high level of professionalism, but most of them are second-order adventurers, many of whom have injuries.

If there are no accidents, they will spend the rest of their lives with their wives and children. When they are older, they will drink wine at dusk and boast about their adventures with their children and grandchildren.

This is their life.

After the past, I returned to the plain, and occasionally remembered the lost comrades.


Solon pulled the grass and looked at the footprints on the ground, then pressed his hand on the machete and continued along the footprints. Field tracking is a skill that adventurers must master. The top players are undoubtedly Rangers and Druids, and then rogues like Sauron. They need to learn to judge goals through footprints and traces. This ability is multiplied by the basic skills of 'survival in the wild'. Sauron now judges the goal, mainly relying on past experience.

“Looks like a lot.”

As the land in the front became hard and the footprints became lighter and thinner, Sauron looked at the surrounding environment and secretly said: "I am afraid there are thirty or forty kobolds!"

"Are you running a larger group nearby?"

If there is no gathering place for the kobolds, the creatures in the wild are small-scale groups~www.readwn.com~ They are like hyenas on the plains of Africa. The Kobolds of the small ethnic group will have stronger individual strengths, because survival in the wilderness is the survival of the fittest. The number of kobolds in the large ethnic group will be many, especially the number of kobolds who occupy the mine, the number may reach more than 300. On a larger basis, a natural warlock may appear in the kobold.

"First take them to practice and see if the experience of the past group battles is still there."

Wilderness adventures will not be idiots to single-handedly with you. Group battles and melee are very common things. You must learn how to face multiple enemies at the same time. If you can't dodge and parry their attacks, you need to learn to let Try to get as much damage as possible. In the case of melee, the extraordinary agility of 20 points is not likely to escape all attacks.

This time you have to have an armor.

Sauron put an ordinary leather armor on it, then wrapped his arm around the arm and tied the leggings.

Kobolds use weapons and traps.

Those simple traps are naturally impossible to hurt Sauron, but their homemade short bows are somewhat dangerous.

The Kobold will fight with sticks, daggers, short swords and short bows!

Sauron's figure gradually faded under the shadow of the tree. If it wasn't carefully observed there, it would be difficult to notice it at one time. He pulled out the scimitar and gradually went deep into the jungle along the mottled tree shadow.

This time the battle is more dangerous than in the past!

Because he needs to face a group of more than 30 Kobolds.


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