Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 16: High priest!

Near, near, already very close.

The night wind blowing in the face is like a moist steam, and the sound of the river flowing in front can be heard. When passing through a sparse forest, everything in front of it appears in the eyes of these exhausted refugees. A huge warship, a large ship that many of them have never seen in their lifetime. At the Agate River, only a medium-sized ship can be seen at most. Such a large warship can only be deployed on the vast and boundless sea. .

The muzzle of the black hole aimed at the position of the land, and the army on the battleship was ready to go.

There are some torches on all sides, and I can't see how many warships there are, but I am afraid I will be close to hundreds of ships, because in their view the entire river is full of a large ship. Surrounded by the faint mist, there seems to be a mist in a certain position. No one can see what is inside under the night, but it seems to be a dangerous monster, watching quietly in front of everything, waiting The call of the master!

Fortunately, the Agate River can match the width of the Yellow River in the Yangtze River, otherwise the fleet of Sauron will not open.

"be quiet."

A soft female voice sounded like a spring breeze into the ears of other people.

Then everyone was quiet.

They don't even know why, they have just experienced a cruel killing and fleeing, and the panic is still in their hearts. But when they hear this soft female voice, they can't help but quietly, and the mind seems to be some kind of power. Soothe.

Pastor of the Holy Spirit - Milan looked up and looked forward.

She saw a veiled tall woman with a breath that she was very familiar with, and that was the divine power that my Lord had given.

But the other party is stronger than her!

Milan came to the front of the confrontation, gently picking up the skirt and petite and delicate body leaned down and bowed to the woman in front of her eyes and said: "His priest!"

The masked woman smiled and nodded.

The pastors of other churches glanced at each other and quickly leaned down to show respect. Although they still don't know who the masked woman is in front of her, it is obviously not ordinary to see that she has comforted everyone in one sentence.

“First let women and children get on board.”

The masked woman glanced at the crowd in front of her. Slowly, he said: "The man stays in place and has enough food on the shore. Let them be distributed to others."

"The Sixth Fleet is ready to fight."

"The enemy is likely to catch up at any time, send civilians to the cabin, and equip the militia with weapons after eating."

The soft voice seems to carry a magical power.

The crowd in front of us was automatically separated according to her order, and then the women and children were sent to the deck one by one and placed in the cabin of the battleship. These fleeing civilians basically have no old people, and it is very difficult for the elderly to survive in the war. Most of them are women and children, and then the militia who believes in the **** of half-elves. All adult men were recruited during the siege. Even teenage boys are forced to learn to master some combat skills.

"Let the pirates not harass these civilians."

The masked woman turned and glanced at the pirate leader behind her, and said coldly: "These are the believers of my Lord! You should know what Sauron will do to those who violate the order!"

The pirate leader who had lost his left ear showed a smirk on his face and nodded: "The priest is assured!"

"Who dares to come and I personally stripped his skin!"

Cruel means of domination.

Sauron’s rule on the South Coast was maintained by killing and order, and only those who have no problem in their minds know what it would be like to violate the orders of Lord Sauron.

This murder is not blind!

The steaming food was distributed, some of which were prepared in advance, and the other part was dried meat and salted fish. The prepared food contains a lot of meat, most of which are fish in the ocean. This is enough to fill the stomach. Now I can eat meat, and it is a sense of happiness for many people. Even in peacetime, as civilians they can add a bit of a holiday. In terms of everything seen in front of us, the food prepared by the reinforcements is very abundant, and the meat actually occupies a large proportion.

It seems that the power of my Lord is really very rich.

At least very rich!

The old bishop and the next priest looked at each other. At this time, no matter what the state of mind, picking up a bowl of hot soup is to devour the meat and salted fish. The deciduous city was besieged for a long time. The food in the city was not much. It was divided into a large number of refugees. Even the noble priests could barely fill their stomachs during this time.

Eating meat?

If you put a happy moral taboo, maybe the deciduous city does have a lot of 'meat'.

There are rumbling voices everywhere.

It is clear that there should be a trace of chaos in this time because of hunger and panic, but I don’t know why everyone’s heart is quiet whenever the voice of a masked woman sounds. They received the food in a quiet and orderly manner, and then prepared for the battle after filling their stomachs. It is natural to have enough to eat. The arrival of the reinforcements clearly restored the morale of the temple guards.

The foundation of a church is definitely not simple.

Many of the surviving pastors are close to high-level, and the temple guards have passed the first round of siege warfare. Most of the people who survive now are professionals with a third-order or above.

There are also a number of special advanced guardians.

Otherwise, they can't hold the army of the Orcs ten times their own, and they can hold on for so long.

"Like my master!"

"Like my master!"

"Like my master!"

A burst of praise and praying sounds, when the fire of hope is re-ignited, many people are not devoutly crouching on the ground to pray.

The masked woman smiles and looks at everything in front of her eyes!

She seems to be the center of everything. When anyone's sight falls on her body, the soul can't help but pass a soft breeze.


Everyone boarded the battleship, and the pirates who returned were in front of them.

The priests and the guards of the temple climbed onto the deck, and the civilians were placed in the cabin. The whole process was quite orderly, and there was no panic from beginning to end.

The figure of Sauron appeared in the night.

He looked at the face of the masked woman's mouth with a smile, then he said seriously: "Ready to fight! Fill the ammunition!"

"The half-orc army has caught up."


Eugene is coming very fast.

The Orc warriors have obvious advantages in comparison with humans in physical fitness. When all the civilians were placed in the cabin, the mighty army of half-orcs also appeared in the vision of the eagle.


The old fur seal stood on the observatory and held a monocular, muttering: "A lot of enemies! If they dare to rush up, how many bombs have we killed?"

They are pirates.

Although the coastal areas are also restricted by the church, the control of alchemy weapons is not so strict.

Almost every warship has a cannon, although it uses solid shells, but the lethality is still great for ordinary fighters. The catastrophe brought by the Arcane Empire has made many church forces strictly control the alchemy process, but there are not so many restrictions in the active area of ​​pirates. The artillery power controlled by Sauron should be few in the whole material plane. If you put it on a naval battle, it may not be so good. But when you switch to a dense battle on land, it is really a **** way to get out.

"Come here!"

Knife and face smirked and walked out. He was injured on his left arm and was injured by a half-orc sword. Fortunately, the other party had just advanced, and he also carefully prepared the handcuffed handcuffs (indigenous people). The venom used), otherwise it will be slaughtered by the enemy. Actually, there was a half-orc Juggernaut hidden in the battle formation. He was almost stunned by the yin and screaming face and took out two iron **** connected by chains, and then personally put them into the cannon, and laughed and said: Put this in! It’s cool enough to fight with this shell!”

The enemy is getting closer.

Because the volunteers were initially sent to the ship, the pirates must have no time to return.

So after Soren’s order was issued, the giant immediately led the elite pirates to the river and then looked forward to waiting for the enemy to rush.

Do not dare to come up.

If you dare to come up, these hundreds of cannons will definitely teach them to be re-made in minutes!


Eugene stopped.

It looked at a battleship in front of it and it looked quite difficult to look.


It used to travel around the mainland, and it is impossible for the pirate warships to have no impression. Although there is no pirate flag on the battleship, it can be recognized at a glance that these enemies are all pirates.

A cannon of a door.

Although this inferior alchemy weapon Eugene himself scorned ~www.readwn.com~ will not be in the eye, but it is also very clear about the damage of this weapon to ordinary soldiers. Its clumsy gun body and slow launch speed are a lot of scrap iron in many battles, but in the case of this army fighting, their lethality is quite amazing!

There are also cannons in the deciduous city.

But the half-elf is proud of the excellent archers. The dozens of cannons on the gates are simply furnishings, and the muzzle of a black hole in front of them is not at all a level.

Cannons are standard equipment for pirates!

Whether it is the skill of the gunner, the number of cannons, or the power of artillery, the coastal areas are not comparable to the inland areas.

Forcibly attacking.

I am afraid they have to fight against a round of gunfire!


(To be continued)


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