Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 34: Blood giant

- "Revolving!"

Sauron’s palm appeared another scimitar, and in a twinkling of an offensive.

The so-called 'big whirlwind' is the amazing speed of at least one second and ten knives. This extreme speed does not affect the power and accuracy of too many attacks. In the case of mastering perfect double-armed weapons, this attack speed can be further Doubled up. Soren can't do it under normal conditions, and only relying on the effect of 'high acceleration' can barely reach the standard. After assassinating the eldest indigenous shaman in an instant, Soren quickly cleaned up the soldier next to him and rushed to another shaman who was wearing a mask.

These guys dress up a bit like a magician, with a breath that Sauron doesn't like very much, it's a very chaotic force!

A corpse fell.

In the vicinity of the altar, some terrible power is also rapidly condensing, and then countless blood flows like a flowing river to the stone near the altar, not only the first sacrifices, but also the blood of the first | The blood of the target of killing also gathered.

Indigenous people who are waking up in a dream have picked up their weapons!

But at this time the elite pirates had already rushed in, and the fierce half-elf archers slammed onto the roof, and then the arrow on the bow hit the enemy in front of them.

"Occupy high point!"

"The longbow hand suppresses the target! Pay attention to the nearby caster!"

These half-elf longbowmen are not warriors, but specialized professional archers. They have a small number of ranger skills, but there are few melee trainings. As a hybrid creature with a part of the elves, the half-elves know how to play their own advantages. As long as the talented elite has a higher proportion of elves, they will be trained by the archers and will be able to select advanced careers. The goal of the person.

The number of archers is not much, but the combat effect is very obvious!

Because they shoot very fast, there is a relatively heavy older half-elves. One hand actually has six arrows. Although this magical shooting technique can't be done, the process of pulling out the arrow from behind is saved. He actually shot seven or eight arrows in two seconds! In front of his sight, the indigenous warriors fell one after another. This extraordinary skill is not something that ordinary training can achieve. It must be able to keep up with its own talent!

Based on the attributes of mortals, he actually surpassed the explosive power of Sauron in terms of bows and arrows.

The explosive power of these archers is quite amazing. More than two-thirds of them are pulling out three arrows at the same time, which represents the expertise they all have.

If you are not a magical archer, you need a high talent and a certain ability to cast. Their cultivation value is estimated to be high!


There are no indigenous people standing in front of Sauron’s eyes.

When the blood gathered on the altar, the nearby Aborigines also seemed to see something horrible, and they actually retreated toward the back.

They are actually afraid of the gods they serve!

The rich blood eventually condenses and turns into a distorted, indescribable monster that looks a bit like a ooze, but can see blurred human figures in the center.


The monster in front of him made Sauron stunned. He seemed to have seen something similar in the bottomless abyss, but it was not so terrible. It seemed to be a descendant of a cocoon-like demon lord. Familiarity of the gods fluctuates. Sauron can be sure that the monster that is twisted in front of him is its body avatar, but this kind of enemy is the first time he encounters it.

- "Shadow kills!"

- "Swords!"

Sauron's figure disappeared in the same place, accompanied by the afterimage of the high-speed, the scimitar iced for a moment and hit the target.

No dodge.

The monster in front of me stopped in the same place to let Sauron attack. The ice rushed to the strange cold light, as if it had been cut from the jelly, there was no force at all, and it easily penetrated the other's body. But the next moment. It became like a jelly pudding-like blood that came up, and the strange tentacle spiked into Sauron's body.

"Physical immunity?"

Sauron’s figure quickly receded and his face suddenly became dignified. Because he just cut a knife mark more than three meters, but the other party did not feel the slightest, the wound easily healed. I am afraid that Sauron has just caused very little damage to it. It is only relying on the power of shadow erosion and the cold energy of ice, only slightly hurt the other side. However, from the perspective of the enemy's form, I am afraid that its regenerative ability is also quite amazing, because its body has been absorbing the blood nearby.

"What is this ghost thing?"

Sauron leaped violently, and a blood flowed under his feet, and then rolled over like a curtain.

Very strong corrosive.

One is only effective corrosive to flesh and blood, and the corpse in front of the body is corroded by blood, but the mud rock has no influence.

Sauron slashed again!

This time it was a full-blown explosion that directly cut off the blood in a semi-solid state, but the strange things happened again. These cut bodies automatically moved toward the body and then merged again.

"Really like some ooze!"

Sauron's two exploratory attacks have almost clarified the characteristics of the enemy, muttering: "So, physical attacks really have little use for it?"

- "Law: Shock!"


As the blood and flesh of the corrosiveness increased, the shape of the twisted monster became larger and larger. Suddenly, its body began to change. From the flesh and blood, a pair of hands, feet, head, and eyes were turned into a blood. The look of the giant.

No eyes, no heart, no vitality.

On the surface of the body, the semi-solid blood swells slowly, and the head has only a fuzzy outline. It sends a spell to Sauron, and then picks up his fist and smashes it.

"You can change the form, you can use the magic!"

Sauron’s figure disappeared in place, quickly opened the distance and muttered: “It looks like a demigod!”

- "亵渎言!"


The weird devil speaks, and in the twinkling of an eye, Sauron’s soul.

It's a pity that such an attack has no use at all. Soren's long-standing resistance is not afraid of this kind of attack that wants to directly control the enemy.

The blood giant rushed toward Sauron.

It can be felt that the power on this land is gathering toward it, and it is gradually changing into a form similar to the spirit of the spirit.


It is obviously a semi-solid flesh and blood, but it is a huge pit on the ground.

Sauron flew past the other side, and with the cold knife light once again opened an amazing wound, but the enemy's body quickly recovered.

"The blood is like a protective film! It’s basically useless to attack the outside!"

"But I can't directly touch these blood. The corrosiveness of this thing is quite amazing. If it is entangled, I am afraid it is difficult to get out."

This time the effort.

The form of the enemy has changed again. The body of the blood giant is distorted. It turned out to be human. Now it has become the appearance of the King Kong. In the twinkling of an eye, its explosive power has increased dramatically, and it has rushed to the line at an alarming rate. Lun.

Morphological change.

It seems that its ability has also changed!

This is the legendary ability, its own attributes and characteristics will change with the transformation.

In the face of such an enemy with too high physical resistance, Sauron is a bit difficult to start, but he is not completely unable to do so. He only sees that he is flying away quickly, and the scimitar in his hand disappears. Instead, A flame.

- "Ma Youfu micro-Meteor!"

The flame of the jump emerged in Sauron's palm, accompanied by his amazing high-speed movement, passing through the strange flames in the air.


The violent explosion sounded, and when Sauron picked up his hand and pulled the micro-meteor flame out, the enemy's huge body exploded immediately.

Flesh flesh.

An obvious pit appears.

Sauron did not stop at all, and the micro-meteors that followed one after another roared out. In the deafening explosion, the blood giant body in front of the eyes became smaller and smaller, and the whole person had been blown up by Sauron!

- "Ma Youfu micro-Meteor!"

After a round of powerful Ma Youfu micro-meteor throwing, Sauron seems to think that the lethality is not enough, directly replaced by Ma Youfu micro-meteor of the extremely effective memory of the use of surgery.

The effect of this explosion is even more amazing!

Although Ma Youfu's micro-meteor does not directly cause a lot of damage, it has a very strong penetrating ability, otherwise it will not be called a 'Tutor's spell.'

How many adventurers used to rely on it to break the defensive field of the Holy Form!


Sauron can only use it to consume the enemy in a hurry. Anyway, the speed of the opponent is not as fast as him. The various control spells are basically ineffective against Sauron. In this case, you can fly the kite without fighting hard with the enemy. .




A round of magical Ma Youfu micro-meteor throws away ~www.readwn.com~ The body of the blood giant is getting smaller and smaller, and the speed of its own regeneration has not been able to keep up. The accumulated spell damage has made it worse.

- "Ma Youfu micro-Meteor!"

Sauron's palm reappeared as the flame of the micro-meteor. As a half-wrap wizard, he actually mastered a much larger number of spells than others, but it seems that there is also a benefit in this case, that is, Sauron has enough spells to remember. More 'Ma Youfu micro-meteor'. He doesn't have to save his life-saving spells like other wizards, and Sauron's own rogue ability is enough. All of his spells are used to remember blessing and attack spells.

There is another round after the round.

Regardless of whether you can kill the enemies in front of you, throw out the ‘Ma Youfu micro-meteor’ and say.

..................(To be continued...)

Chapter 34—The Blood Giant:


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