Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 39: Sealing Ceremony (2)

The monsoon from the southwestern waters brought a new round of heavy rain.

Many fishing boats caught in the offshore area have returned to Port Domodo. The marine products of one boat and one ship have been shipped by sailors, many of which will be made into salted fish for sale to other places. The profit of selling salted fish is not on the fish. More often, salted fish are sold directly as a substitute for sea salt, because the salt of these salted fish is quite powerful.

A dark cloud appeared in the distant sky.

It is foreseeable that a heavy rain is about to hit, many merchants are busy packing things, and the fleet is docked at the port to collect the sails. Sailors and hard laborers shouted for speeding the handling of goods, because as they became familiar with the weather overseas, they also knew that the rainstorm would be faster than expected. The shop moved the goods outside, but the pub next door was still lively. Many pirates lived a life of drunken dreams. The Temple of Fortune built a luxurious pub directly in the port of Modo.

It offers expensive wines and beauty from the South Coast.

There are also some civilians in the port of Modo. Most of them are craftsmen with craftsmanship. They live here after being free. Soren does not restrain them too much. They can freely come and go through the days they want. However, there are very few people who are willing to leave at this time, because I heard that there are many wars in the entire South Coast. The news in the Port of Modo is very fast. What kind of situation is on the mainland today? Many people are quite clear, not It’s playing here and it’s playing there. It’s too long to run out at this time.

A cargo ship slowly docked at the port.

At about 50 years old, the dock clerk with a hat was walking quickly, followed by a young boy in his teens.

"External vessels. Medium-sized cargo ships. The cost of the dock is five Silverdale days."

The clerk smiled and nodded, then extended his palm. Soon the captain threw a small purse. He shook it with a purse and listened to the crisp crash. Then he smiled and recorded: "Ten silver." Diller, stopping for two days."

The little boy behind looked at him with wide eyes. He is just a small follower, occasionally helping adults run errands and get something.

I can have five Büdler in one day. If you are lucky, someone will appreciate something.


The clerk left here and it was going to rain soon.

He is also a decent official of the port of Modo, responsible for collecting the cost of calling the merchant ship. If it is drenched into a chicken, it will lose face.

The sailors on the cargo ship began to carry things.

At this time, two figures with black cloaks appeared on the deck. They nodded toward the captain and jumped lightly.

"Is this the city of Modo?"

A slightly young boy sounded. Vaguely, you can see the silvery white armor under the black cloak. He looked around carefully and muttered: "Not quite the same as I imagined! I thought it would be another city of wealth!"

The vicissitudes of the eyes are watching here.

An older man glanced around and slowly said: "It is not exactly the same as we imagined. The pirate king Sauron is a legendary murderous demon, a devastating fear of the gods, a cruel dictator, a blackmail Insidious villain!..."

"But this way."

"Whether it is Shipwreck Bay, Port of Tyrol, Irsha Island. Or today's Modo City. Some of the things we saw were orderly. I thought the rule of pirates would be brutal and chaotic, but I never thought of it. It is this way that I see all the strict order and the law of the law, and it seems that people under his rule. Both civilians and businessmen are better than others!"

They saw illegal pirates in the angry sand island, and they were hoisted by the law enforcement team for ten times. The whole back was bloody.

This way they saw the prosperity of the South Coast.

When the war in other places was hungry, the entire south coast maintained normal order. For the time being, people have not been affected by the turmoil. The civilians in these places have lived well.

In the dark corners.

Some of the two men who were watching the cargo ship on the faint side, one of them slowly said: "Which person is coming? Need to report it? Recently, there are many people from the port of Modo!"

The figure of the rogue is very inconspicuous in the corner.

The headed man looked carefully for a while. Then he shook his head: "It’s just two holy warriors."

"There is no need to care too much about them. They will go by themselves some time."

The holy warrior will not be a threat.

Because everything in Modo City gives people a confidence, that is, they will not be enemies of the holy warriors.

The figures of the two holy warriors are watching everything here.

The legend of Sauron has spread throughout the mainland, and there are all kinds of rumors about him everywhere. As the power to guard the world's justice and kindness, the holy warriors also noticed the legendary evil pirate king.

- The Solon Great Devil!

There are a lot of rumors about him, but it seems that the rumors are not the same as what they saw.

Because before they came to the city of Modo, they imagined that Sauron should be an evil demon king. There were countless people who died under him. He used the cruel rule and violence to control the south coast, forcing others to surrender. At his feet. Before coming to the South Coast, they heard a lot of rumors about him all the way. In addition to the powerful strength of Sauron, he was more arrogant and extravagant, cruel and killing, ridiculous, insidious and sinister.

It seems that what they should be, they become angry!

As a saint warrior who guards justice, they can't wait to directly hand this Soul the Great.


As they get closer to the coast, the rumors they hear are not the same.

The evil Sauron Demon seems to have become a sturdy character, using the iron fist to unify the pirates everywhere, and then take the opportunity to rise rapidly, and eventually become the most powerful pirate king ever! It seems that people still say that he is ruthless, a very hot figure, but it seems that he has not been described as a demon.

Go all the way forward.

When they came to the prosperous port of Terao, their concept was once again subverted. The evil Lord Sauron became the idol of the popular worship of the people, thinking that he brought the wealth status of the port of Tyrol. Whether it is the route of Allendale or the route of the East Sea, now it is almost the strength of the city of Fortune. In the eyes of many civilians, the wicked Sauron Devil is a wise ruler, a capable figure like a king.

Although, he still has the ruthless and ruthless means of evaluation, but other claims seem to have disappeared.

As long as it is the Great Devil of Soren, even the lowest civilians know that this is a great commitment! His reputation at the bottom of the civilian population seems to have been reversed. Although people fear him, they are very supportive of him.

Everything seems to be a drama!


The two holy warriors absolutely came to see the legendary city of Modo, the ‘miracle city’ that emerged in the overseas archipelago, gathered a large amount of wealth in a very short period of time, and affected the trade structure of the entire south coast.

Modo, Modo.

In other rumors, the place where the city's ‘magic’ ‘devil's city’ ‘the city of fear’ was described, the concept of the two holy warriors was completely subverted, and it really felt silent.

The son of killing?

Fear of the Son of God?

Bloody and cold dictator?

Evil depraved savage?

In this place called Modo~www.readwn.com~ They see that the civilians live and work in a prosperous trade prosperity, they see the law is strict and orderly, they see an unprecedented city of civilization, here I can't see the dirty mess in other cities, nor the poor refugees who live on the streets. Even the hard work at the bottom, they wear full clothes and a healthy blush on their faces, which means they have been far away from hunger for a long time.

You can hear the children's playfulness at the ear, the merchants bargaining in front of them, and the stern patrol of the solemn security team farther away.

it's here.

They actually saw something more prosperous, more energetic and more hopeful than the territory under the control of the Glorious Church, and this was not brought about by justice and kindness, but by a great demon named ‘Sauron’.

It’s ironic!

..................(To be continued...)

Chapter 39—The Sealing Ceremony (2:


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