Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 76: [Fear of gaze]! Third

The devil is always good at finding the enemy's weaknesses on the battlefield.

At this moment, Sauron is the biggest weakness of this group of demons, because in their view, as long as they are beheaded by Sauron, the demon army in front of them must spread, precisely because there are demons that look a bit like devils, these incompetent enemies. In order to bring them casualties. Even if the demon is suppressed again, the huge number of advantages is still there. Concentrating on the power to kill an enemy can also bring a lot of casualties to the other party. Even a ten-fold loss to a chain magic is a good deal for Sauron.

"I want to behead me?!"

It has always been Sauron's habit of beheading his enemies. He did not expect this time to become the object of being beheaded.

He does not have the strength of the ontology today, nor can he fall into the shadows to escape.

So in the face of this situation, the first thing he did was to open the body of the flame, and then quickly retreat toward the rear, while pulling the demon and the dominating demon that he summoned to resist. Barbs and Chain Devils are the main force of the Devil's Legion. Among them, if the advanced is complete, the Barbage has the ability to approach the high-level devil's 'High Conveyance'. In the past, they used the ability to transmit off the battle and continued to fight after recovering their injuries.

However, the current situation is that they use high-transmission to divide the encirclement, and seal the retreat of Sauron from the front, rear, left and right angles.

The devils don't believe that this seemingly demon can still escape in this situation!

"You can only fight hard!"

When the real test of Sauron's peak combat skills came, about five barbs formed an encirclement for him. The nearby demon cannon fodder could not be expected. It was already fortunate to be able to drag the chain to the close. Sauron does not have the ability of the ontology to fight in the current form of "burning the devil". If it is surrounded, it is basically dead!

This is the biggest danger of **** battles.

You can't be sure when you will be the target of the middle and high-level devil's dagger, because the devils know that they have killed their heads and the demon army will automatically collapse.

The scorching flame ignited in Sauron's body.

Because the entire battlefield is lit by the devils everywhere. At this moment, the real form of his transformation into a fire is not very eye-catching!

This should be the most fortunate thing.


Sauron did not continue to retreat, but suddenly rushed to the left side of the barb magic, his wrist gently flicked the flame of the whip directly pumped past, while fanning the devil's wing behind to make themselves jump higher, horizontal Crossing a distance of nearly 30 meters, the sword was turned to the enemy in front of you. The properties of the barb magic are not very powerful. Their greatest ability is to be violent. The Sauron advanced firecracker has gained some body advantage. He can achieve instant high-speed rush by relying on the demon wing.


Mars slams.

Sauron’s sword slammed into the barb of the front, and the other side wielded a long knife to frame his attack, but what the enemy did not expect was. At the moment when Sauron was attacked, the flame whip came back and tangled directly on the other side, locking the upper part of the arm. The flame whip is not a pure form of energy. The flame whip summoned by the fire is regarded as a natural magic weapon. It belongs to the morphological summoning equipment. One of the signature abilities of the Baloflame is to be able to wrap the enemy with the flame whip.


A blood splattered out.

Sauron never missed such a good opportunity, and immediately waved his dagger sword to the enemy's head, and the skill of the sword [dagger] broke out. The enemy's head was cut down on the spot.

"Be careful!"

Behind the warnings of purgatory, the devils clearly found that the demon was a bit different. His combat skills were quite high, and he knew how to use tactics and advantages to deal with the enemy. Even he knows that a sham shot hits their weakest point. The five barbs that had just been sent to the dagger, the one that Sauron killed was the weakest.

A loophole has appeared in the encirclement.

Sauron wanted to break through, but at this time a chain magic suddenly rushed over, accompanied by a cold chain of flying. Actually wrapped directly on his arm.


Sauron slashed his sword and slashed it. The fire was shining in front of him, but the long sword in his hand was only +1 extraordinary weapon.


Weapons and weapons!

As a professional who values ​​the melee system. Once again, Sauron tasted the pain of not having a weapon, and the long sword in his hand could not break the chains of the chain.

If there is ice in your hands, it will be fine!

The opportunity to do not think of Solondo at all, the back barb magic is getting closer and closer, in desperation, Sauron can only recoil to the front of the chain magic.

A flame whip slammed through.

The fire is roaring!

Seeing that the barbs are getting closer and closer, the Sauron's peak-level combat skills are completely erupted, and the flame whip hits with an extremely smashing angle, while wielding a long sword to launch the sword's technique of swinging.



On the back of Sauron, there was a **** wound. The nearest barb magic knife slashed directly on his back, and even saw the pale bones exposed after the muscles were cut. However, in front of Sauron, the chain magic that entangled him was also killed in an instant. In the face of the sudden attack of Sauron, it did not even support a round of attacks.

After all, Sauron’s challenge level has exceeded 10, and he is also close to the elite form of the Burning Devil.

A row of data comes to the forefront:

"Kill the mid-range chain demon!..."

"Extracting the power of the target soul!..."

"You have gained 36 points of soul power!... You successfully absorbed the target soul energy!... Your [fire burning] form has been partially upgraded!..."

"Unknown variation!..."

"There is an unknown mutation in the energy of the soul!... Some of the abilities produce fusion variations!..."

"Unknown power triggers!..."

"There is fusion variation in itself!... You have realized special abilities [timid gaze]!..."

"Unknown mutation!..."

"Introduction of the body's soul power!...The special ability you understand (the timid gaze) turns into a "fear of gaze"!..."


For a moment!

In the eyes of Sauron, there was a blood-red glow. Under the horrible gaze of his sudden explosion, the barbs that had come close behind him stopped.

Sauron’s sight is so frightening ~www.readwn.com~ as if they are facing a powerful devil, or even some terrible evil god!

The blade crossed the cold.

Sauron fanned the wounded demon wing and flew over, grabbing the moment when the enemy was scared by the fearful eyes, and once again decapitated a barb that was close to him.

At this time, the devils in front of them are waking up!

One to three.

The situation is still very unfavorable to Sauron, the injury on his back is still bleeding, but the powerful resilience of the demon is also in force. He has only 30% chance of winning against the three-headed barb, but if he can break through one by one, he is very likely to destroy the other with the ability of [Fearful Eyes]. The power of the devil seems to trigger the power of the soul of the ontology. The talent of the chain demon ‘ timid gaze’ because of some unknown reasons led to the improvement of the ability of Sauron, directly inheriting the power possessed by the body [fear gaze].

In this way, he really has a certain degree of control to reverse the situation of being chased and killed!

..................(To be continued...)

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