Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 78: [Fear Aura] 2nd



A trace of blood spilled from the naked chest of Sauron, and the blood seemed to make the fire that shrouded in the body more rushing, as if it were oiling the fire.

There was a trace of horror on the face of the bone demon, and a wound was left on his abdomen.

In the case of obvious advantages in all aspects, it actually lost to the other side in combat skills, and the injuries suffered by him were obviously more serious. The devil in front of him did not know what kind of person was in his life, and he was able to inherit such a powerful battle. Skills, when you are not living, you may be close to the legendary professional.

& "Pig" "Pig" "Island" novel www.zhuzud.omnbsp; This way, it is even more difficult to let it grow up.

If the soul falls into the abyss after the death of the mortal, it is still possible to inherit some memory and combat skills. For example, after a high-ranking warrior dies, the soul falls into the abyss and turns. He uses the weapons he has best used in his previous life, or some combat skills. It may wake up some of the memory and restore some of the fighting instinct that is accumulated while alive.

Sauron in front of him is undoubtedly such a existence in the bones, this demon is too easy to grow up.

Don't kill him now, it's a legendary level of inflammation in the future!

The Devil's Legion is inherently inferior in number. If there are too many such things as Sauron in the devil, then the pace of the attacking abyss must be blocked, and the devils will never let the potential enemy grow stronger. It wants to kill the Sauron in front of it, for which it is even ready to take a gamble with his life, if successful, perhaps the soul of the enemy will bring new power to it!


The whip of the flame crossed the air and whistled. Soron and the bone demon were all fighting for the old man at this moment, ready to hit the enemy in front of him.

The injuries of both people are increasing, and the balance of winning and losing seems to be in the fifth and fifth.


The bleak horn sounded. When Sauron and the Bone Mob played almost incomparable, the Devil's Legion's Chinese army finally came out. The high-level succubus flew into the sky, and the six-armed snake of the whole body armor held six at the same time. Dive the sword. The figure of the sorcerer is covered in the left and right, and the body of the tempting demon is like a giant, and the body begins to advance toward the center battlefield. But the most striking thing is not these, accompanied by the aura of a magical spell, the figure of seven or eight Barlows is appearing in the battlefields that are full of fire.

One of the Barlows is so eye-catching that it does not hold the flame whip and the dagger sword, but holds a huge death sickle!

The black lacquered blade burns with fire, but it is not red, but a black flame.

A kind of flame that looks like it will burn a soul!


Along with a blood splatter, this Baloyan magic instantly splits a bone demon in two halves.


The harsh laughter sounded, and the Baloyan slashed in the Devil's Legion. Rely on the natural transmission ability to avoid the enemy's sniper, constantly killing the devil in front of you. This is a balo-flame demon with a biological level of more than 25, which may be more powerful than the one that Sauron’s body originally dealt with. The most taboo is the weapon it holds, with a breath from the underworld. Like the water of the Styx, the devil and the devil are not allowed to approach easily.

The material plane is connected to the shadow plane, the shadow plane is close to the spiritual world, and the spiritual world is the death kingdom [underworld].

There is the site of death.

The waters of the Styx that flow in the bottomless abyss and Barto's **** are from the underworld, and the **** of death is responsible for maintaining the operation of the multiverse. Sometimes the Styx Ferry will decide where a soul should go.

It is the kingdom of the gods, or the abyss of evil.

This Baloyan magic is a weapon from the underworld, a fearful weapon full of death power, and this weapon may even threaten some weak gods!

No one dares to hard-hit its attacks. Even the high-level demon avoids this terrible death sickle.

At this moment, this Baloyan demon is like Sauron who took the [Holy Avengers] and defeated a force of the Devil Legion with an overwhelming advantage.

The real battle has begun!

It is these high-level demons that decide the battle for a deep abyss. They are the backbone of the bottomless abyss!


Blood is flowing.

Sauron is now very hurt. Fortunately, he was on the edge of the battlefield, and now the attention of the entire **** battle has turned to the center, and the daring ability of the Balosan Devil has caused the Devils to lose a lot. After the six-armed snakes are close to each other, they are completely killing machines. The souls are hidden in the left and right, and the huge body demonizing power of 5,000 pounds is amazing!

When the real main force of the demon comes on stage, the devil's battle is not so easy.


The dull drums of the drums, the abyss of the whole body armor also joined the battle, and some huge meat **** appeared from the flanks of the battlefield.

They are suspended in midair and emit a deadly light!

- Eyes! ! !

The battlefield of the entire Abyss **** battle has boiled up. What did the devils do this time?

Why did this time even the eye-devil master who had rarely asked the **** battle before, the demon lord of the sixth layer of the Abyss, the highest ruler of this race, sent the army to join the **** battle?

There are absolutely serious things happening!

Even the chaotic demons now understand that a demon lord who rarely interferes in the **** battles of the abyss suddenly sends troops to join the battle. There must be something terrible behind this.

The devil's conspiracy even the eyes of the demon [the big master] feel the threat to participate in the war, this must be a big thing that endangers the bottomless abyss.

Numerous rays of lasing!

The eyes and the army are all appearing from the transmission array. The head is quite scary [Elder's Eye], in addition to a large number of eye demons, Gaussian eyes, abyss eyes, and even see [eyes] Demon's figure!

The battle is getting more intense.

Faced with such a situation, the Devil Legion still stood outside the city gate, as if the iron-like discipline had penetrated into the depths of their souls.

The devil army that was first dispatched has suffered serious losses, and the elite of the devil army has also attacked.

Horn Devil, Ice Devil, Demon, Fallen Angel, Bata Emu! ......

High-level devils have used the transmission ability to support the battlefield, and they have blocked the offensive of the Demon Legion. The devil's army has more and more casualties. This kind of war of attrition is very unfavorable to them, but they seem to have no retreat at all. It seems that there is still a plot to brew.



Sauron’s injury is getting worse and worse, but the bones and devils in front of him are not much better.

In the face of the enemy's crazy way of fighting, the bones of the demon have finally revealed a trace of fear, because it feels that if you continue this way, the enemy may end up with yourself!

This is not cost-effective.

As a devil, it is not as crazy as a demon, and it believes that if possible, the enemy in front of it will really die with it.

So it was shaken.

It wants to temporarily retreat to the rear to heal the wound, and with a fire, it is the end that it is unwilling to accept.


Just as it was preparing to retreat with the help of talent transfer capabilities, the reversal of things happened, and it was clear that the wounded fire of the fire did not know where the power broke out. Actually rushed over again, slamming the flame whip to entangle it, followed by wielding a long sword and smashing toward its head.

The battle is over.

Sauron gasped fiercely and spilled a blood in his mouth.

The flame on his body was a bit bleak, as if the power was exhausted, but when the bone demon in front of him was killed by him, a little bit of invisible soul power poured into his body, and Sauron’s body re-ignited instantly. It’s a raging fire.

A row of data comes to the forefront:

"Kill the bones!..."

"Extracting the power of the target soul!..."

"You have gained 108 soul power!... You successfully absorbed the target soul energy!... Your [fire burning] form has been partially upgraded!..."

"Bio level upgrade!... Your current creature level is 15!..."

"Formal advancement!......You become an elite form of fire burning!...Automatically comprehend the new ability [winding]!......French ability [Fireball] get improved!...The current usage is three times a day. !......[Dominate the demon] Ability to improve!... [Summon the Demon] Ability to improve!..."

"Unknown variation!..."

"There is an unknown mutation in the energy of the soul!... Some of the abilities produce fusion variations!..."

"Unknown power triggers!..."

"There is fusion variation in itself!...Unknown mutation!...Introduction of the soul power of the body!...You comprehend the new ability [Fear Aura]!..."


With the bursting sound of the smashing, Sauron’s body changed further.

The Devil's Horn has become more powerful and powerful. The Devil's Wing seems to grow further, and the body shape has gradually turned to the big creature of the enchantment. The demon tattoos are more and more, and the range of flames is expanding. Its own attributes have been comprehensively improved, and its vitality has become more and more amazing.

of course!

The most obvious change is that there is an invisible energy around Sauron's body. www.readwn.com~ The power of fear.

The "Fear Aura" possessed by the Devil himself seems to have been merged by him for some reason, becoming his own talent.

"Fear Aura [Nuclear Ability]: Any enemies within 5 meters of you must make a mandatory will save decision. If the exemption is not passed, the enemy will be affected by the effect of fear, the ability of this type of spell. The cast level is equal to your creature level (current level is 15). This ability cannot be increased by conventional means!"

Fear of aura.

Even Sauron was very surprised. He actually realized the ability of [Fear Aura] and seemed to be more powerful than the Bone.


It seems that he can gain more obvious power improvement in the **** battle.

..................(To be continued...)

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