Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 85: Prayer! Third

The transfer door is near the side.

Sauron hesitated and did not enter it, because the difficulty of watching this chess plane, the interior of the wizard tower may be more dangerous. It can still be used for thousands of years to maintain energy conversion. It is definitely close to the level of the floating city. It may be because some reasons did not rise to the sky, which avoided the catastrophe of the Arcane Empire. Although Sauron has a form of saints, there are still many ways to kill him. It is estimated that a super-superconducting pulse gun can kill him.

There is no need to rush to take such risks!

The most striking destination on the first floor of the war chess plane is the Arcane Prayer. This is a mysterious alchemy process that he can't understand. The role is to extract the power of the half plane to perform a prayer.


Legendary spells can also be understood as ‘willingness’, paying a certain price to fulfill one's wishes.

This desire includes resurrecting a person who can be resurrected, gaining a large fortune, restoring one's own ability, canceling a certain disaster, and even improving one's strength.

In theory, what wishes can be promised, but it is hard to say if success is not successful!

There are not many places where Sauron used the prayers.

So when I came to the front of my eyes, I engraved with countless rune marks, surrounded by a strange energy aura, and after all the crystals made up of a prayer table, he did not know what a wish should be made.

Who is resurrected?

Soren seems to have no one who wants to be resurrected at the moment.

In exchange for a large fortune?

He is the owner of the city of Modo, sitting on the most affluent route of the material plane, wealth is enough, there is no need to waste a precious opportunity.

At last.

There are only two uses for Sauron to think about it.

One is to use the pledge to eliminate the curse on the high priest, because the lowest level of pledge summoning is the semi-god giant, and it is possible to eliminate the curse left by the spider god.

But the odds are estimated to be only five or five, because the spider **** is a powerful power!

The second use is to rely on pledge to improve the basic attributes, which is the most desirable way for adventurers to upgrade. Prayer can strengthen the intrinsic attributes, but the maximum can only reach 25 points.

And you need to pay a large amount of soul energy, which may lead to your own downgrade.

Moreover, relying on the pledge to improve their own attributes, the more they consume later, the most people in the year rely on the pledge to improve the basic attributes of 5 points.

The price he paid is not small!

Moreover, pledges need to be negotiated with the elemental giants. They will be distorted in various ways, or only literally. If they are not high enough IQ, they may directly confuse the contract. It is. In the end, it paid a huge price. But I didn't get the results I wanted.

Only the spellcaster who is smart enough and knows the contract can sign the contract that he needs with the elemental giant.


Sauron did not think too long.

He quickly made the decision. If you can only use it once, then the best way to pray is to let him improve his intelligence.

Sauron's current intellectual property is 24 points, and he can gain 1 bonus by relying on Prayer, and increase his intelligence to 25. This is the most effective upgrade for him, which is equivalent to the attribute bonus of two professional levels.

"are you ready?"

Taling No. 13 appeared next to the prayer table. It looked at Sauron with calm eyes and slowly said: "The legendary pledge must pay extra price. Even if the strength of the half plane can be extracted to complete the pledge But the negotiation with the elemental giants needs to be done by yourself. You can only rely on yourself for what you can get. If you are ready, then I will activate the power of the prayer platform."

Sauron nodded slightly: "Get started."

A spell of aura emerges.

With the help of Taling 13 to activate the power of the prayer platform. The surrounding arcane crystals suddenly appeared strangely radiant, followed by a low-pitched spell, and the legendary spells began to extract the power of the half-plane.

The space around it is gradually distorted.

Along with the power of the spells, a powerful power is shrouded in this half-plane.

Elemental god! ?

Soren felt a very powerful power of the gods in a flash. Immediately after a gust of wind, a vain illusion appeared, and she seemed to be a woman. But only the body of the wind element, only to see her calmly staring at Sauron, then waved out a quill pen and a contract paper, the voice calmly said: "Are you calling me?"

"A new god?"

"God of the Half Elf - Sauron? What are your wishes and prayers?"


God of the wind element! ! !

Sauron has forgotten a very important point, that is, he is also a god. If he comes to pledge, it is possible to directly summon the four elements of the main god.

The element plane has many powerful presences.

From the elemental giants to the demigods, then the gods of the gods of the elements, the gods, etc. If their own strength is sufficient, it is possible to directly invite the elemental **** to appear.

"The priest should be brought over!"

The first thing in Sauron’s mind was this thing, but seeing that Sauron did not respond to himself, the **** of the wind with powerful power seemed to feel a little impatient, and his expression was somewhat unpleasant: “Hurry up and say you. Wish, otherwise I will leave soon."

- "God of the Wind Element - Arcadia [Powerful Power]!"

She rarely responds to the prayers in the multiverse. If she does not feel the power of Sauron, she is absolutely impossible to show up here.

Time is too late.

Prayer is not binding on such a strong presence, as long as she is unhappy and can leave at any time.

So when Soren thought about it, he immediately said: "I hope to improve my ability."

The **** of the wind element glanced at Sauron and slowly said: "Yes? What ability do you need to improve? This is a contract document that will write your wishes."

Sauron took care of the contractual instrument with an incredible power.

A contract is a transaction.

Sauron carefully impressed his request with the power of God. After repeatedly reading it three times to make sure there were no loopholes, this was handed over to the **** of the wind element.

"Is lifting intelligence?"

The corner of the **** of the wind element evokes a slight curve, and it seems to make a chuckle, just like the spring breeze, then she picks up the quill and quickly writes down the transaction, then hands it to Sauron, and tastes: "You need to pay a part of the power of the soul. If there is no problem, leave it on the mark."

Sauron took it over and looked at it carefully, and watched it five times until it was determined that there was no problem, leaving the mark of the soul.


The **** of the wind element waved a hand, the mysterious contract dissipated with the wind, and then a divine power fell on Sauron's body, and his accumulated killing experience began to consume rapidly ~www.readwn.com~ a row of data emerged In front of you:

"You used the legendary spell [Praying]!..."

"According to the content of the contract! ... you will pay for part of the power of the soul! ... the power of the soul is transformed into the experience of killing killing! ... You consumed 200000 killing experience! ... permanently improve one's own intelligence!... ”

"The contract is reached!"

"Praying effect is activated!..."

"The ceremony is finished!..."

"I am permanently improving my intelligence by one point!..."

"My intelligence reaches 25 points, you gain legendary expertise [Epic Intelligence]!..."


"Epic Intelligence [Legendary Expertise]: Your possessor is far superior to the understanding of mortals. Any responsible spell model can't hold you hard, your memory and analytical skills are further improved. You can fully understand any spell you cast. And analyze the structure of this spell, so that you can refine and modify certain spells. In any judgment of spell penetration, you can permanently gain 1 bonus!"

The ceremony is over.

Sauron felt that he did not seem to change much, but his intellectual property did reach 25 points.

Pray for the ultimate attributes that the program can improve.

"The contract is complete."

Akadi, the **** of the wind with powerful power, took a look at Sauron, then smirked with the wind, and the powerful power that shrouded the half-plane disappeared.

Elemental gods rarely care about other things.

Everything that happened today is nothing more than an episode. She rarely meets the gods and will pray for rituals before she appears here.

..................(To be continued.)

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