Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 86: Golem Factory! 1st more

Something in the chess plane can take away part of it.

After completing the pledge, Sauron first came to the Golem Factory, which looks like a factory workshop in the Star Ages. There are mysterious crystal pipes on the walls. These are the half-planes connected to the war chess. In the element pool, most of the energy operation inside the entire semi-plane is based on the force extracted from the element plane. During the Arcane Empire, there were special energy supply techniques. Just like the use of electricity by previous humans, the energy supply of the Arcane Empire maintained the normal operation of a huge floating city.

There are many enamel parts in front of Sauron, most of which are parts of the clay golem and the stone golem.

Parts, including the skull, arms, limbs, torso, etc., are stacked in the workshop of the Golem Factory, with the finished Golem, but most of them have lost their effect. Sauron has just finished reading the basic craftsmanship of the Golem, and he understands the process of making it with the understanding of the gods. So he began to assemble these relatively simple parts, and finally completed a clay golem with the help of the Golem factory props.

The hardest part of making a golem is not the alchemy, but the energy of the soul.

Any Golem is an alchemy life with simple intelligence. They can accomplish some simple tasks according to their own intelligence level, including guarding, cleaning, fighting and so on.

Sauron is still the last step.

That is the power to inject the soul into the magic image, which requires a soul spar, an important currency from the lower plane.

The soul is a special wealth.

The **** of death maintains that the souls of the multiverse will not be plundered by the transition. They decide where the souls go, even the gods do not dare to challenge their duties easily.

But there are so many souls in the multiverse, and there are still countless ways people get souls.

Spiritualism is a spell created by wizards specifically to gain the power of the soul. It can confine a soul to a spar and eventually extract it when needed. The devils love the soul spar, which is the most valuable and most popular currency in Barto's hell. Soul spar has a pretty purchasing power from Little Big in Barto Hell.

A devil is willing to pay a huge price in exchange for a legendary level of soul spar!

Sauron originally had a small piece.

It is the lowest level of gray soul spar. It comes from the ghost of the original killing. The undead has a very small probability to drop the soul spar. It is the power of incomplete soul, but it can be used in many places. .

A minimalist clay golem.

It also needs to consume a finished soul spar. Since the souls are all high-order spells, the number of soul spar in the material plane is quite rare.

This spar is a good thing for Sauron to directly absorb the killing experience!

and so.

In the past, many adventurers called it an "experienced gem". Unfortunately, a soul spar that can provide thousands of killing experiences may be worth more than hundreds of thousands of Kindlers. Only the most local talents can afford it.

There is still the remaining soul spar in the Golem factory.

Unfortunately, the number is quite rare. There are only seven small soul spar, souls from certain creatures, even small-scale soul spar requires a professional-level soul. Even the extraction of ordinary people's souls can only get a gray stone spar. Inside the multi-universe, the best place to buy soul spar is Barto Hell. On the first floor of Barto Hell, there is a place for soul trading. Many merchant wizards from the entire universe will be there to practice the soul spar. Transaction.

A low-order soul spar can only activate a clay golem, and when done, it can have a certain amount of intelligence.

To maintain energy consumption in the future, it depends on the element to recharge.

Soul spar is like a smart chip in the brain, and ordinary recharging is just charging to keep the body running.

A complicated array of laws emerged.

Sauron slowly extracted the energy of the Soul. Then infused with the body of the clay golem, and finally a slight sound came, the clay golem slowly opened his eyes: "Master!"

"What is your order!?"

Sauron turned around a clay figurine about two meters high in front of him. This golem is not afraid of puncture damage. Because it is originally a clay composition that can be repaired, the role of the battle is not great, but it is the most common assistant for the wizards. The clay golem can be upgraded but requires a higher alchemy. It can only be further improved, but it may need to activate the blessing of life.

"Sweep here."

Sauron glanced around and said, "Sweep the entire Golem factory."

There is no change in the expression of the clay golem. Just replied: "Yes. Master."


It began to pick up tools to clean the entire Golem factory. The value of the soul is to give them intelligence, and the casters can inject some other intelligent programs themselves, but this requires a lot of spirit.

“It looks good.”

Sauron glanced at the busy clay figurine and began to assemble the other golems. The current number of demons in Moto City is not enough. Whether it is Gloria’s laboratory or other places where huge labor is needed, the Golem can Very good alternative to others.

They don't get tired, they can work all the time as long as they have energy!

The clay golems look like the lowest-level Golems, but their level of challenge is not low, basically above level 5. And their strength can reach more than 20 points, their own weight exceeds 600 pounds, the need for the construction of the body, the activation of objects, activation of the life of the decoration and so on. A better clay golem, the cost of materials that can be consumed may be as high as 10,000 Kindlers. Sauron is easy to assemble because it has complete materials.

The complete Clay Golem challenge level is 10, which costs around 21,500 Kindlers and must consume the soul energy equivalent to 1500-3000 killing experience.

Sauron is not used to extracting his own soul energy, so it is better to use the soul spar.

The statues here are very advanced.

The clay figurine made by ordinary wizards can't talk. It can be spoken just before the completion, which means that the parts left by the Golem factory are good.

The second statue is the stone magic.

This is the highlight of the Devil's Golem and one of the best used labors!

The complete stone demon is about 3 meters tall, weighs over 2,000 pounds, and has a challenge level of 11+. It has good resistance to both physics and spells, and their power can be transformed to more than 30 points.

Although the stone devil is a bit cumbersome, it can be unambiguous in battle!

The stone golem parts in front of Sauron are all magically modified granites. Not only do you need a lot of spells, but you also need to add ‘anti-magic force field’ so that it can resist many low-level spells.

A top stone demon is manufactured at a price of around 50,000 Kindlers and must pay 3000-6000 points of killing experience equivalent to the soul energy.


The stone monsters are middle and high level wizards who act as bodyguards and important labor.

Stone Golem can easily move more than one ton of heavy objects. Many high-ranking wizards like to use them to build a wizard tower. The core labor force that Modo City needs now is the stone magic.

After all, relying on the human body to carry many things is very troublesome!

Further up is the Iron Golem, this is a high-quality goods, with the status of Gloria in the Witch's Parliament, but only so ten iron statues.

And this is still the property of the Witch Council!

A top-quality Iron Golem has the ability to single-handle mechanical armor, and may even be even more powerful than this.

(Note: Stone Golem parts require carvings and stonemasons in the craft, so it takes a lot of time to make a Golem, which can only be produced on a large scale during the Arcane Empire.)

The greatest value of the Golem factory in front of Sauron is the part that can automatically produce two kinds of magic images.

As long as Sauron prepares the materials as required, the Golem factory will be able to operate automatically, producing two low-level Golems in batches, ultimately providing him with a batch of combat power.

According to his preliminary calculations, relying on this Golem factory he can reduce the manufacturing cost to half!

Iron Golem already belongs to the middle and high level of the demon statue~www.readwn.com~ The iron devil does not only need to activate the life of the structure, but also needs to use the 'limited desire technique'. It is estimated that it is unlikely, maybe half-face There are manufacturing processes in other parts of the Witch Tower.

after all.

Sauron encountered a more terrible diamond golem in the shadow plane Witch Tower!

There must be a process for making a diamond golem, but Sauron doesn't know where it is. This is why he avoids the frontal conflict as much as possible. He is worried that it will destroy some of the things here, and he has no ability to repair it.

Keep them as much as possible and master the knowledge of these advanced alchemy processes!

Everything here is more advanced than the Witch's Parliament, and in the future it may be possible to rely on them to get rid of the dependence on the Witch's Parliament. Soren still likes to rely on himself.


Made seven statues in one breath.

Sauron finally used up all the materials in the Golem factory. Don't underestimate these demon statues. In addition to their huge labor value, they can almost single out a small army in battle.

Everything here is an important secret!

In particular, the Golem Factory can't let the Witch Council and the Wizarding Alliance know, so the next thing is to let Gloria and the fallen witch come over and let them personally crack the mystery of alchemy.

Books in the library can also be taken away, and Sauron is ready to take it out for them.


After seeing the last book, Battle Master is advanced! The art of binding black shadow tentacles! When Sauran thought about it, he still collected it alone. This book should not be better for them.

..................(To be continued.)

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