Abyss Domination

Vol 5 Chapter 88: Construct a girl! Third

The bottomless abyss, the third layer [the land of forgotten].

There are many places in the bottomless abyss that are not ruled by the demon lords. The main reason is that the chaos in these places is too large, and the environment and value are not high enough, which leads to the powerful demon lord not planning to choose here. In the third layer of the bottomless abyss [the land of forgotten] is now almost the same situation, where the original demon lord is [the arrogant], a powerful demon who was once locked in the dark well. It is a pity that it died in the **** battle of the Abyss because it was too arrogant.

The third layer of the Abyss (now forgotten) is a very chaotic site.

There are a lot of demon lords divided into areas, including the succubus queen - the beautiful king of the sorcerer, the king of the scorpio - Jenogu, the king of the Tauren - Buffy Ment, the undead monarch, etc., even the eye The mother and the mother quietly sent a group of eye demons to dig holes here to build a nest. It seems that I want to share a piece of land in this territory without an absolute master.

Legend [The Forgotten Land] has a curse!

The reason is very simple. The plane of the bottomless abyss has a mainstream branch of the Styx. The land here is infiltrated by the power of the Styx. If there is a soul reincarnation on this plane, then the memory of the last life will be almost Forgot about it.

So here is called [the land of forgetting].

The whole plane can't be eaten, because some food is affected by the water of the Styx. If you eat it, you may forget what happened yesterday.

But the demons estimate that there are not too many concerns.

Anyway, their nature is very confusing, forgetting something is fine, just remember how to fight.

In the distance, next to a gray river.

A dark red-naked chest with a thick, devil's horn on his forehead, and a mid-level demon with a pair of demon wings behind him. It looks a bit different from other demons, but not many people care. Because the devil has a lot of strange things, this is just a more human figure.

Sauron carefully left the water of the Styx, and then threw a bag of sin to the Rose Devil.

These neutral evil demons like to trade with demons and demons. Because of their talented abilities, they have many ferrymen who become the Styx, and only with their power can they cross the Styx completely unaffected. The tributaries of the Styx are spread throughout the Barto Hell and the bottomless abyss. [Forgotten Land] is the first stop of Sauron. He needs to travel a lot to the next river and then directly to the 14th floor of the Abyss [Steam Marsh]!

A ghost also followed.

She looked at Sauron with vigilance, and her ugly face was deeply taboo. This is a plane businessman who resold goods between Barto's **** and the bottomless abyss. It seems to be a master of the dead spirits. wizard.

Any single plane businessman is not simple.

Sauron didn't have the trouble to get into trouble, and soon left. Gradually deep along the Styx [forgotten land].

Here is the territory in the war.

The war of the demon lord promoted the demand for weapons and arms, and the ghosts, night witches, and the Roses were active here. There are also some mercenaries who are not afraid of death, and occasionally encounter adventurers from other planes.

No bottom abyss can be encountered.

Because this is the most confusing place, it has the greatest possibility!

Surrounded by grotesque plants, there is not much nutrients in the desolate land, and they even mutate to the power of the water of the Styx.

There is a kind of forgetful grass here.

If you accidentally eat it, you may be awkward, and you will forget something if you don’t.


The violent explosion suddenly came from the front, and Sauron frowned and stopped, then carefully glanced over.


"Do you know who I am?"

There was a hint of surprise on Sauron’s face, because it was not the devil that appeared in front of him. Or there is one who is not a demon.

It was a very delicate girl.

She has silver-white skin, only about one meter tall, and her hair is pale gold. Wearing a Gothic costume, his face looked a little baby face, belonging to the small round face, with stitching marks on her arm. This is not a human being. She is an alchemy-packed life. She has no heartbeat or breathing. A very advanced creature must be created by the magic of the legendary activation of life.

Surrounded by three small and delicate puppets around her, it is a little similar to her face.

The height is about fifteen centimeters, and the hand holds a flashing knight gun. The doll looked at the front with no expression, and there were riddled devil bodies on the ground.

"No!...I don't know!..."

Facing the little girl who looks very cute in front of her eyes. A violent demon replied with a fearful voice.


The exquisitely dressed girl picked up her eyebrows and said coldly: "It looks so ugly! Still dead!"

The cold light emerged.

A doll turns into a shadow after a moment. Then I saw the violent magic in front of me falling to the ground, and there was a blood hole in the heart.

The surviving demons are missing one.

The demons who were blocked here shook with horror. They didn't try to escape and counterattack, but no one seemed to succeed. The girl's gaze turned to a male succubus and a female succubus. The two succubuses were so scared that they couldn't help but get close together and almost hugged.

"A pair of dogs for men and women!..."

The girl dressed up again snorted and frowned: "It’s still burning!"

The fire came to light.

The girl with a cute round face made a snap, and the fire came out in an instant, directly burning the pair of succubuses in front of them into ashes, and the screams of screams spread all around.


"You look so ugly!...it's better to die!"

The girl shook her head and said to herself with some distress: "And I don't know who I am!... It's damn!..."

"Hey!... Who am I?? What is my name?..."

"Why can't you think of it at all!..."

It seems as if I am thinking very distressed for a while~www.readwn.com~ The girl suddenly patted the small hand, the silver-white hand made a metal collision, and there was a sinister smile on her face. I don't want to be so much!..."

"You guys and ugly dogs and men are all going to die!..."


A terrible blast is shrouded in front of him, and a large group of demons are directly in the fire and explosions.


not far away.

Sauron’s heart twitched and he turned around without hesitation, ready to leave in the other direction.

This is the legendary level of alchemy!

I don't know how the legendary spellcaster's masterpiece will appear in the bottomless abyss. (To be continued)

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