Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 16: Fear Gemini!


George gasped heavily against the corner of the wall, in front of him was a slain demon, next to a wounded colleague, and a pirate captain. For a long time, George has been somewhat biased against pirates. It is roughly equivalent to the fact that ‘Easy is difficult to change.’ Therefore, there are also factions within Modo City. The battles have always been Sauron’s default. The power of the pirates is naturally strong, but the officers and soldiers selected in the half-elf are also very good.

The two sides competed quite a bit during this time, and the pirate captain who died was George's secret opponent.

But just now, this man with a scar was trying to cover their side attack, and the front was hard against the attack of the demon. The huge power broke the bones of his bones. Even before they waited for George to rescue them, the man died. Under the devil's hand. Even at the moment of death, the fierce man who drifted around the sea for the rest of his life, still using his last strength to pierce the weapon into the devil's throat, allowed them to successfully kill the demon.

A powerful demon.

They have never faced such a dangerous enemy. Although they have already heard of demons and demons in other parts of the mainland in the pub, this is the first time in the Moto City site. George slowly stood up and came to the dead comrade-in-arms. He slowly kneeled down on one knee and closed the other's eyes. The wounded who stood next to him stood up and shouted that the pastor was coming, while still nervously treating others.

Men's friendships are sometimes as simple as that.

They may still compete against each other's opponents in the past, but now they are truly worthy of the back of the comrades.

"May your soul rest in peace!"

George slowly gripped the sword and glanced at the pirate captain who died in front of him, then turned and walked outside the hutong.

The battle is not over yet.

No matter who he is, Modo City has already become his new home. In order to protect his homeland, he is willing to fight to the last moment of his life! The peaceful and orderly life here must not be destroyed by others!

Even a powerful demon can't affect the mind of his heart!

"Strong hand preparation!"

The garrisoner screamed angrily from the side, accompanied by neat footsteps, all of which were equipped with military shackles. The dwarf warriors leaped on the roof. These drow wizards have a much higher level of occupation than ordinary people, and their natural racial superiority allows them to quickly support the battlefields everywhere.


The dull dragon humming came.

The huge figure of the bipedal pterosaur appeared in the night sky, and it swooped and grabbed a demon figure. Then throw it directly from the height of hundreds of meters.

It seems to feel some kind of summoning.

The bipedal pterosaur suddenly became excited, and it screamed at the height of the dragon. Then it rushed to the position of the city seat.


"All the army!"

"Don't distract! Follow your training! Evacuate the civilians! Quickly evacuate the nearby civilians!"

A burst of roar sounded.

The pirates who have been through the battlefield have grown up a lot now, and as the high priest's spiritual ability opens, they quickly receive orders. Begin to evacuate the civilians around, while dividing the enemies around them.

Anyone who provokes war in Modo City must pay the price!

Since these demons dare to come, then one does not want to leave alive.


The figure of the bipedal pterosaur passes through the sky.

Gloria’s expression was amazed, and then quickly followed, and the fallen witch was blessing the magical flames, because it was about to turn into a sea of ​​fire.

The faint snoring came over.

When the two legendary witches arrived, the battle in front of them was almost over.

Vivienne's figure floated in midair.

The bipedal pterosaur slowly landed in front of her, and the little girl's hand held a black magic sword, as if the space around it was distorted.

- "Destroy the sword!"

The body of a higher demon, the body of a murderer. And a legendary priest who is seriously dying.

The mysterious demon tattoo appeared on Wei Wei's tender side, and the black princess dress seemed to be wrapped in some powerful power. Behind it was a pair of demon wings that had been opened a lot longer than in the past.

Her expression is very calm.

There were already a lot of demon corpses around the little girl. She turned her head and looked at Gloria who had come over. She immediately destroyed the magic sword in the neck of the legendary priest and said in a dignified voice: "Submission!" death!"

The legendary priest is struggling.

Vivien slightly raised her eyebrows and smashed the sword with a glimpse of it, and it was a skull flying.

The blood is dissipated by the distorted space, and the legendary spell known as the Artifact Level ‘Destroyed Sword’ is not a priest who can easily survive.

The body is dissipating.

This is the power of space debris, directly decomposing any material that cannot pass the judgment.

The little girl killed a legendary priest as if it was an ant that was crushed and moved easily. After determining that there were no enemies nearby, she fluttered in front of Gloria.


Gloria’s expression was a little scared and murmured: “Are you okay?”

Very powerful force.

Legendary spells are so easy to use, and this time Goliath even suspects that Vivienne is stronger than the most powerful caster she has ever touched.

High-level legendary caster!

Unbelievable power! Vivienne’s changes will not be less than Sauron’s!


The little girl shook her head gently. Then I glanced at Gloria and said slowly: "Is my brother out of the matter?"

Gloria nodded slowly and hurryed: "Yes. But he will be back soon."

Vivian shook her head and smiled, and then the toe fell gently on the back of the pterodactyl. She looked at Gloria calmly and whispered, "I am leaving."

"This is my destiny! I can't always escape! Always thinking about relying on my brother!..."

"I am a fear witch!..."

"Destiny is destined to face all of this personally~www.readwn.com~ Please tell your brother. Wait until the end of this. I will come back to him. Now!... I am going to face my own destiny!... ..."

Speaking of which.

The little girl’s voice was getting smaller and smaller, and she finally muttered with a voice that only she could hear: “Whether it’s Vivian or Lilian. Our destiny is destined to defeat Him to have the future.”


"Wei Wei'an! You can't escape any more! My brother said that there is still a bigger disaster coming. We can only face the elder brother's side and face everything with our own destiny!"

"We are fearful Gemini!"

"Let those demons and believers tremble under our name!"

..................(To be continued.)xh123


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