Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 18: Arena!

The second day of the Columba Arena.

When Sauron walked out of the lava tavern, it was obvious that the atmosphere was a bit nervous. Many demons were left in a panic, and occasionally the caravans of the Rose and the Night Witch rushed away. In the pub, there was a place to inquire about the news. After throwing a plague to a ghostly ghost, Soron quickly got the information he wanted to know.

The demons are defeated again!

Hell's Demon will attack the rear of the first layer of the Abyss in the first layer of the Abyssal Plain. The real devils have successively pulled out several democracies of the Devil.

What is even more disturbing is that the **** fortress was transformed into a place of order by the devils!


Two of the Eight Devils in the Hell are stationed in the Blood War Fort.

According to the past situation, many demon lords should not be able to sit still in this kind of thing, whether it is the succubus queen - the beauty of the sorcerer, the king of the scorpio - Jenogu, the king of the Tauren - Buffy Gate, The undead monarch, the king of the evil spirits, the sleepless ones, etc., these demon lords should be crazy to increase the front line, and even send out their elite main force to regain lost territory. But the problem now is exactly the opposite. All the demon lords have no movements, and there is no plan to increase the first layer of the abyss.

Even more amazing is!

The devils actually began to search for the defense, they clearly have occupied the vast majority of the advantages, but did not chase after the pursuit of these demons.

Instead they are huddled near the **** battle fortress.

It is said that the scale of **** battles during this time is the smallest in centuries, all of which are small-scale conflicts, and many powerful demons and devils have stopped moving.

After hearing this news, the first reaction in Sauron’s mind was!

The **** battle temporarily stopped.

Because of the outbreak of the Holocaust, the scale of the **** battle was directly reduced to the battle of the small regiment, and the main forces of both sides began to cast their sights on other planes.

The plane barrier has not weakened yet!

But Sauron can feel that crossing the plane is much easier than in the past. When the Holy Holocaust really begins, the barrier of the plane will be broken by the energy storm. At that time, even a demon could slip into other planes.

The battle at the Columba Arena will continue.

Here is the third layer of the bottomless abyss. If you want to hit here, you have to destroy the second floor, so the demons are not afraid.

This day is gray.

When Sauron stepped on the land of the Columba Arena again, the demons of the audience immediately screamed excitedly.



"The first person - Sauron!"

Two battles.

Sauron has accumulated a lot of popularity here, even if the nearby demons have heard of a new rising fire fighter gladiator.

If Sauron's advancement becomes an enchantment, then there is a good chance that a demon will work!

The devil's thoughts are as simple as that.

In order to avoid being a slave, weak demons often want to be the masters of some powerful demons. After all, their status is much higher than that of slaves. However, this requires a contract of the Styx. The contract has a lot of binding power on the devil, and the contract that really plays a role in the bottomless abyss is. This is not a devil can easily be violated. Many mortals signed an ordinary contract with the devil, and the final result was quite miserable. The devil directly tore the contract and killed the other party.

The Styx vow is one of the oldest contracts!

In the bottomless abyss, many of the legendary demons are directly defending the relationship with the sacred vows.

Worship the strong.

This is the devil's nature, or else Sauron's room will not have a succubus maid knocking at the door in the middle of the night.

"It looks like our decapator - Sauron is very popular!"

The goblin evil magic skin smiled and looked at the surroundings without smile, then stood on the high platform of the arena, and instantly changed into an excited smile, loudly: "Today will be an extremely exciting competitive battle!"

"Because today is a chaotic fight!"

"There will be eight powerful gladiators on the scene at the same time. They are quite scary warriors. Only the last one can win!"

Chaotic fighting.

Hearing the sounds of the evil spirits of the goblins, the devils in the audience shouted wildly, and the chaotic nature made them like this battle mode the most.

A gladiator's big fight!

No one can predict who the final winner will be.


The evil spirits of the Goblin saw that the atmosphere on the arena had been mobilized, quite proud of the loud voice: "There is our first player!"

"The heart of the devil - Longsas!"

The heavy iron gate rises. A weird creature in a black robes floats out, and it hangs over a powerful spiritual field, with a hint of demon. Its face looks like a humanoid octopus, with four disgusting tentacles. The skin is a weird lavender covered with some kind of mucus. The devil is a hermaphrodite creature, the nature is like a drow and a spider elf, and they are extremely violent and cruel in their long history. Deal with their enemies. The devotees will tear the enemy's head and plunder their brains, but it seems that this is not all. The devotees prefer to use the power of the mind to control each other's thoughts and turn them into their own slaves.

Adults are very dangerous!

This is one of the most repulsive enemies in the dark area, and it is undoubtedly even more terrible to see the devil in the bottom of the abyss!

Enthusiasm has a mental bonus of 8 and requires a powerful will.

Sauron’s brows were slightly wrinkled.

With the advent of the demon, the entire arena was quiet, the demons were more brilliant, disgusted and curious, and this monster is not very common in the bottomless abyss.

The Goblin evil magician is very satisfied with the expression of the audience. It looks around and continues: "Now there is a second player who invites us!"

"From the depths of the bottomless abyss!"

"Eye of the Eyes - Grosdock!"


The steel gate slowly rises, and a huge eye magic floats in the air. The blind eye is watching everyone, and the **** mouth seems to be able to eat everything.

The demons are boiling up~www.readwn.com~ Obviously, today's arena players are out of their estimates.

The Goblin evil magician looked quite proud, and continued to use the warm tone: "Next is our third player!"

"Frost Giant - Ugle!"


The heavy footsteps sounded, and the whole ground seemed to be shaking slightly. A mutant giant of more than five meters slowly came out. It was wearing a simple armor and holding a metal spike of more than 1000 pounds. Baton.

The scene suddenly boiled!

This time, the goblins played really well, and the gladiators who appeared were almost all of the legendary level.

..................(To be continued.)


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