Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 27: [Elemental annihilation]! Third

Devil's Stone.

As for this special material, it is mentioned a little earlier, which is a small but extremely heavy substance.

They are the products!

It is the top alchemy technology of the Arcane Empire. The former can annihilate the elements to create a variety of special materials, while the latter can generate huge energy to maintain the operation of the floating city. In the whole multi-universe, there are theories of 'infinity big' and 'infinitely small'. Infinity is worthy of the vastness of the multiverse. In the boundless starry sky, there are so many even the gods do not know. The space, even the interface of the crystal wall system, also has many mysteries that the gods cannot know.

So even the gods will remain awed by the glorious endless galaxy!

The second infinitesimal theory is more difficult to explain with alchemy knowledge. The easiest way to explain is to extend the scientific knowledge of the past, the planet, the human body, the cells, the molecules, the atoms, the protons, the electrons, the neutrons, etc., if anyone has studied This knowledge can be understood that everything in the world has huge gaps. This gap may be quite small for humans. Even with the help of a microscope, it can only be barely observed, but in fact this gap is real. (Note: The body of the legendary warrior changes at the cellular level!)

Elemental annihilation is a terrible element collapse reaction. Particles inside the material resembling molecules, atoms, and protons are compressed and collapsed by energy, eventually producing a violent quenching effect, and then some bodies are born with positive and small hardness and weight. Substance. If this material is used to make weapons, the power is simply unstoppable. There have been several such weapons in history, and almost all of them have terrible penetrating power.

Even the body of the gods may not be able to stop!

In terms of the level of the item. The ‘Devil's Stone’ in the hands of Sauron is not a very high-level elemental annihilation material. The top-level element annihilation material is only the size of the fingernail, but the weight can reach more than 1000 kg.

White dwarfs and neutron stars are similar elements of quenching matter.

Above the white dwarf. Gravity can reach 180,000 times of the Earth, and the gravity of the neutron star is hard to estimate. Because the density of neutron stars has been compressed to a limit, if the earth is compressed to such a density, the diameter of the earth can only be about 22 meters.

The neutron star is one of the few endpoints that may become a star after the stellar evolution to the end, after a supernova explosion through gravitational collapse.

A typical neutron star is between 135 and 21 times the mass of the sun, and the radius is only between 10 and 20 km. If a normal weight (70 kg) encounters a neutron star. The energy he hits the surface of the neutron star will be equivalent to the power of 200 million tons of nuclear explosions (four times the power of the world's largest nuclear bombing tsar), of course, this is only a hypothesis, if this is the case, this person is getting more and more When you are close to the neutron star, it will be shattered by powerful tides.

This is the scientific and side information on this aspect of Sauron's memory, which belongs to the basic knowledge that was originally learned in physics class.

Everything back to the original point.

From the point of view of elemental particles, any material is full of huge gaps and voids, and it is forced to compress these spaces. When the material is twisted, it is like carbon is reshaped into artificial diamonds. But this is the lowest level area.

Because diamonds are diamonds, the huge Diamond Golems of the Arcane Empire were all made using them.

Essentially. Diamond is still made up of carbon.

Sauron’s multiverse is vastly different from previous lives, even in terms of laws, because even though there are many places that are very primitive, some areas are even beyond the understanding of the interstellar era, especially the planes, souls, and gods. and many more.

And is the current research area of ​​the fallen witch - Corinna.

Unfortunately, there are still no breakthrough results.

It can be ignored here, because this is an alchemy technology that produces enormous energy. Now mainly talk about the part, the element collapse can form diamond, which is the basic foundation of the most advanced alchemy technology, and then it will be. Directly transform the structure of the element itself, distorting the most essential power of the element. In the words of the Star Ages, the periodic table is reversed from the proton and electronic levels, and one element is reversed into another.

The Stone of the Devil is such a product.

It is itself a new element structure. In addition to the creation of the top alchemist masters, this material will only be born in the most marginal space of each plane, that is, close to the elemental void.

Only in such a place can the elemental annihilation of nature occur!

Such a place is naturally quite dangerous, so the annihilation material like the 'Devil's Stone' is extremely rare. If it can be forged into a weapon, the power is difficult to estimate with common sense.

The most obvious point!

It is this weapon that can cut off other legendary weapons. (Remarks: Born to bring off other legendary weapon effects!)

The astral void also has the phenomenon of elemental annihilation. For example, some meteors that have crossed the emptiness of the astral world are almost entirely composed of diamonds.

This is the phenomenon of elemental annihilation that occurs in the astral world for some reason.

There is a very small probability in the astral to find large elements annihilating matter, but the mass of this material is quite horrible, and it has unimaginable radiation, and the extreme gravity challenge, the flesh and blood is hard to get close to this substance, The energy body is easily disturbed or even affected by the power of radiation.

For a long time!

That is to say, only during the period of the Arcane Empire, large-scale research and utilization have been carried out. Many of the taboos are the weapons that are even tabooed by the gods.

It is also the reason for the destruction of the Arcane Empire.

In general, ~www.readwn.com~ the devil's stone in front of you is such a thing, some parts may change due to the rules of the multiverse, but the whole thing is almost the same thing.


A greedy color appeared in the eyes of Sauron!

It can be said that there are not many things that can make him so excited, but the magician of the evil spirits in front of him actually took out one.

Elements such as the Devil's Stone annihilate the material. If the body that is handed over to him is used to forge weapons, or if you want to use magical power to incorporate other weapons, it is possible to make artifacts directly!


A dragon crystal is also very important to him. One is the legendary item on the soul level, and the other is the legendary item on the material level. Sauron doesn't want to trade Longjing, but wants to get this demonic stone, so this may require a bold plan.

..................(To be continued)


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