Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 28: The crazy experiment of the fallen witch!

Sauron finally did not agree to the evil exchange requirements of the magic.

You can see that the expression when it left is so angry, as if Sauron is a guy who doesn't know how to be good, in the eyes that contain threats, other demons are also gloating, because they think Sauron estimates how long it will take. It is. Dare to face the request of a demon lord, Sauron is almost impossible to leave the Columba Arena alive.


Soon after the goblin evil magician left, Sauron immediately felt that someone was secretly monitoring himself, and there was a goblin warlock in the vicinity of the tavern to arrange the secondary anchor array in order to prevent Sauron from using advanced transmission. In the Gulamba Arena, the goblin demon lord does not want to easily break the rules he has set, so it is unlikely that he will really blatantly shoot at Sauron. The means for him should still be in the death competition, as long as Sauron died. In the duel of the Columba Arena, then Longjing naturally became an object of no ownership.

Sauron’s expression was fearless, and after returning to the other’s request, he returned to his room calmly.

Because his body has come to the third layer of the bottomless abyss [forgotten land]!


at the same time.

In the city of Modo in the overseas archipelago, a very important thing happened today.

On this day, Gloria is conducting a spell study, because the first layer of the war chess plane is opened, they have acquired a lot of spell knowledge during the arcane empire, including the powerful battle wizard spell 'Bigby's five palms' part of . Gloria has recently been busy remembering to master these spells while exercising her own melee combat skills.

no way.

The style of the War Mage is a little different from her past. If you want to use the 'Bigby five-handedly' flexibly, Gloria must learn some combat skills.

It was at this time that the fallen witch, Corinna, appeared outside the lab.

The study of the mother and daughter is separate, because two powerful witches are hard to say that you assist me or I assist you. So both of them are doing their own research work.

The research work of the fallen witch has always been in alchemy.

Because she has a very persistent pursuit of the technology of the Arcane Empire, and even paid for her own.


The fallen witch came to the laboratory of Gloria. Her expression was hesitant, and her footsteps were hesitant. She raised her hand several times and wanted to knock on the door. But it was re-collected.

Gloria perceives the situation outside, and with a weak spell, the laboratory door is directly opened.

She looked up and looked at the fallen witch outside, wondering: "Mother! Is there anything?"

The fallen witch slowly came in. Her face was hesitant and hesitant, but she finally bite her teeth and said: "Daughter. I want to re-run an alchemy experiment!"

Gloria heard a sudden change in her face!

She shook her head very firmly, Shen Sheng said: "Absolutely not!"

"This is too dangerous."

"If the experiment is wrong! I am afraid that Modo City will be razed to you!"

Razed to the ground.

This is not a joke. The elemental fission alchemy experiment carried out by the fallen witch in the past directly destroyed a large laboratory of the Northland Witch after the accident, and also destroyed everything in the vicinity, and even completely polluted the land and the environment, resulting in the distortion of the space. The tens of kilometers of land in the entire experimental area is shrouded in terrible energy radiation. It is also because of this matter that the fallen witch will be imprisoned by the Witch Council to White Horse City, and is also recognized as the number one enemy of nature by the Druid organization of the world!

She is now living in Modo City.

If the fallen witch dares to appear on the mainland, I am afraid that the Druids will immediately chase her. It may even lead other legendary Druids to personally arrest and even kill her.

no way.

Fallen Witch - Corinna!

The legendary enemy of nature! Natural destroyer! Environmental Destroyer! The evil fallen witch who pollutes the earth!

For nearly a hundred years.

Almost no wizard has caused more damage to nature than her, her name. Her appearance, her characteristics, almost all spread all the Druid organizations in the material plane.

Gloria can't let her do such a dangerous thing, even if the fallen witch is her biological mother.

I saw Goliath so resolute expression. The fallen witch’s face could not help but show a bitter smile. She naturally knew how much mistake she had made in the first place. There were countless creatures that died directly and indirectly under her hands. Even the place where the experiment was originally, the land is now They are all places of death and are not expected to be repaired in the next one or two hundred years.

If such an experimental explosion occurred in Modo City, it would be a devastating disaster!


She has almost given up all of this experiment and knowledge, the fallen witch - Corinna does not want to give up so easily, so she tried to convince her daughter.

She looked up and greeted Gloria with her eyes, and slowly said with a serious expression: "I know the mistake I put down at the beginning!"

"and so."

"This time I am going to do some simple experiments, and the place to experiment will not be Modo City."

"Not even in this plane."

"In the process of resolving the Golem factory in the half-plane of the war chess, I gained a lot of knowledge of alchemy engineering and also discovered some special materials. I plan to build a laboratory in this half-plane, then Carry out a basic study on elemental annihilation. [Elemental fission] can easily cause terrible damage, but [elemental annihilation] is much more stable."

"I plan to start with refining diamonds."

“This lab will be open to you, and you can monitor my research at any time!”

"I promise not to carry out that dangerous study anymore."

Without the core knowledge of the Arcane Empire, it is horrible to conduct research on [elemental fission].

The big bang at the beginning.

Almost ruined everything about her, such a thing that the fallen witch does not want to happen again, so this time she intends to re-examine from the bottom, some knowledge in the Golem factory brought her inspiration, she wants to try alchemy first Part of the experiment to change the structure of the material. If she can refine enough diamonds, she will gain a lot of experience and make a diamond golem.

Gloria’s expression hesitated.

She hesitated for a long time~www.readwn.com~ put it gently and said: "If you just refine the diamond, I can agree with your research, but the experiment can only be carried out in the half-plane of the war chess, I will always Monitor your research progress."

"If I think there will be terrible danger, I will force you to stop your experiment."

A look of surprise on the fallen witch's face, she excitedly reached out and hugged her daughter, kissed her face, a little incoherent: "Thank you!...Thank you!......My daughter!... ..."

Gloria couldn’t help but sigh.

No matter how much mistakes the woman in front of her is, after all, her mother, it is difficult for Gloria to reject her in this situation.

Now I only hope that she really only studies the alchemy that changes the structure of matter, instead of carrying out the dangerous elemental fission research, because even inside the half-plane of the war chess, if the terrible big bang occurs, the final result It is also difficult to predict. One and a half of the planes couldn’t stand the terrible explosion and collapsed. Gloria didn’t know how to tell Sauron.

She is curious about the knowledge of the Arcane Empire.

But Gloria also understands that there is no core knowledge. Any research experiment on the most advanced technology of the Arcane Empire will be quite dangerous.

Therefore, she decided to personally follow up the experiment of the fallen witch.

There are indeed a lot of automated alchemy factory technologies in the Golem factory, especially the energy structure network of the magic energy crystal transmission, which can automatically extract the power of the element pool and transfer it to the factory. There are other kinds of materials and knowledge. If applied properly, you may actually get some research results in alchemy.

.................. (To be continued.)

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