Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 37: If you are disobedient, die! 4th more

(It was written very smoothly today.)

Inside the rather elaborate manor, a group of guards are waiting outside.

Today is the day when Baron Naros greets the guests. From the blood of Isabella, who returned from Aaron Dell, Ms. Adele-Isabela was invited to come here for a day. In the vicinity of the Windy Spear Hills, the Isabella clan is an absolute rule. There are two barons nearby with the blood of Queen Isabella, and a squadron of the squadrons. During this time, a lot of nobles took the route of Allendale through Ms. Adele-Ishabella, and it is said that as long as the fleet returns, they can get a lot of profits.

Baron Naros’s territory is relatively poor.

Because there are not many land that can be reclaimed on the three sides of the mountain, he is also planning to invest in ocean trade today.

of course.

He has deeper thoughts if there is an opportunity to implement it.


A middle-aged man in a butler costume came to the Baron Naros, whispered: "Ms. Adele-Ishabella went out to hunt with her entourage."

"The people you need to arrange are already in place."

Baron Naros is a cold-looking middle-aged man who looks very handsome, but his face has a kind of weirdness that can't be said. If you look closely, his eyes are as cold as a snake, and his face is too sharp. .


Baron Naros nodded slightly and slowly said: "Is Ullica back?"

"How did she relate to the fear church? These fearers are troublesome, we can't go too close to them."

The snake people have long been mingled among humans.

Many of them, like vampires, retreat in remote areas as small aristocrats. Most of the snakes nowadays are mixed, so it is difficult to distinguish them in shape changes.

Even if someone knows, it is a step back for both sides.

"It shouldn't be there yet." The middle-aged housekeeper shook his head: "Lord Baron. I suggest that she still handle her. Since the last mission failed, many people have been dissatisfied with her."

Baron Naros expressed some hesitation.

The reason why hesitated is because Ullika is actually his illegitimate daughter. Snakes can not only breed with the snakes, but also have no reproductive isolation from humans. So many half-snake people were born this way.

A purebred snake is an oviparous.

But the mixed-snake snake became a viviparous.

Baron Naros does not have much affection for this daughter, but in any case she is her own daughter and does not want to see her being punished too seriously.

Cold-blooded animals also have a little meager affinity.

"I know."

Baron Naros thought for a moment and waved: "When she comes back, she will lock her up first."

"Don't torture her."

The middle-aged butler nodded slightly: "Yes. Baron."

Baron Naros turned and looked out the window, slowly saying: "The focus is still on the lady Adele-Isabela, who plays an important role in the growth of our family."

"Understand." The middle-aged butler nodded.


A dense forest outside.

Adele Isabella changed her clothes and rode on a group of black horses. She was on the surface hunting with her hands, but in fact she was observing the environment of this territory. The wind spear hills are the key to Sauron’s plan. Here you can directly connect to the shipwreck overseas, and it is very close to the inland area. She knows a little about the rumor of Baron Naros. This is a family with snake blood.

They are obstacles that need to be cleaned up.

In just a few months, Adele Isabella has had its own reputation in the South, and the operation in the dark is also going on. Now it is just waiting for a suitable opportunity.

"Just here."

Adele Isabella gently waved: "We will go to the manor and let the people below be careful. This Baron Naros seems a little uncomfortable."


At this time, the exclamation of the guards suddenly came from the front.


A tall figure came out of the woods. Adele-Isabella glanced at it and couldn't help but frown.

It was a look of a pretty woman.

I don't know why, looking at her Adele Isabella is not feeling well. It is like facing the Baron Naros.


At this time, the woman came out behind him. A little girl dressed in a black princess dress was like a little angel. When she saw the other person's appearance, Adele-Ishabella suddenly fell into a pose. Shock, jumped straight from the moment, and squatted down the knee to the little girl: "Miss!!"

"How come you are here?"

Immediately behind Adele Isabella, the master who was responsible for protecting her also fell down on one knee and looked surprised: "Miss!!"


There is no one in Modo City who knows no one else, the heart of Lord Sauron. His wife, Vivienne.

These are the masters who choose to perform the tasks, many of whom are high-level professionals. How could these people have never heard of Vivian's name?

This is the baby of Modo City!


Vivian picked up her delicate brow and glanced at her head and looked at Adele-Isabela. Then I was a little surprised: "It turned out to be you. The hair has changed color."

"How come you are here?"

Brother's men.

There are some things she has seen before. The memories of the little girls have been very good. They may be related to their brother's plans.


She also has her own plan.

"All right."

The little girl patted the little hand gently and said slowly: "Since you are here, I want to conquer this land. If you have your help, it should be a lot easier."

The other people present were in opposition.

Adele Isabella’s expression was a bit stiff, but she still daringly said: “Conquering here?”

Miss, how is this done?

Vivienne glanced at the gorgeous woman next to her, and there was a wicked smile in her mouth. It was crisp: "The lord here is a snake, they are a little useful to me."


"This woman is my servant, she is the illegitimate daughter of the lord."

"Wait, let's kill the lord, and then let her control the snakes. It's a very simple matter."

The other people in the room twitched at the corner of the mouth~www.readwn.com~ Adele-Isabella’s forehead overflowed with a cold sweat, carefully said: “Mr. Vivienne! I’m afraid things are not that simple, many of them may not be willing to obey For you."


The little girl gently patted the little white hand and smiled lightly: "I know."

"But I don't have time to delay here, so those who don't want to obey me are still dead."

Sunny day.

I don't know why, there was a chill in the hearts of other people present.

They suddenly thought of Lord Sauron, this is the real god-killing, preconceived concept. They think that Vivian is just a little girl, but she forgets that she is also the sister of Lord Sauron.

This is also a killing **** level!

..................(To be continued)

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