Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 65: Drow master mother!

(Forget it. ¥f. ¥f before the book is sealed, it is very irritating, first concentrate on writing this. The day after tomorrow began to add more.) -

Sauron gradually approached the interior.

Suddenly, he seemed to feel something, moving forward in one direction.

The perception of the gods is very sensitive. For the external elemental energy, various spell fluctuations, and even the anomalies of the environment, the gods have quite amazing perceptions. As soon as he entered the interior of the mountain, Sauron immediately felt the abnormality of the energy of the veins. The fire element was too rich and too rushing. The richness of this element is beyond the scope of the normal environment, and even his eyes can feel the terrible power of fire in the depths of the earth.

"In the end what happened?"

Sauron's expression was dignified and muttered: "Is there some deviation in history? I don't think there is such an amazing abnormal situation here!"

In the past, Sauron also paid little attention to the ancient red dragon.

Although he knows that there is such an ancient dragon here, but no one will have nothing to challenge it, so he is really not very clear about the situation inside the mountain.

The more anomalous the fire element is, the more obvious it becomes.

Sauron is almost certain that the nest of the ancient red dragon is in front, but he did not know what happened.


Sauron saw something that was not reasonable.

In nature, it is difficult to see the magma. Because of the environmental problems, the lava will cool down quickly, but the magma in front of it is flowing out from the front of the mountain. The temperature in the vicinity is a little scary. The magma actually merges into a pool. .


Sauron pressed the palm of his hand on the ground and muttered: "This is an active volcano? Impossible! There is no volcano in the geographical environment!"

The reason you can't know.

Actually, an active volcano was born in this mountain range. Although it has not completely erupted, Sauron finally knows the key to the abnormal energy of the fire element.

This is something artificially created.

So nature is very repulsive to the energy here, and the gods' perception of all this is also obvious.

A huge force is brewing inside the mountains.

Sauron opened his own limits of perception and was aware of the depths of the earth. Already close to the depth of the dark area, there is a huge flame power waiting for the eruption.

If it breaks out, then the horrible volcanic eruption will sweep the area around hundreds of kilometers.

Fortunately, there are no cities nearby.

Otherwise, this will directly destroy half of the country. However, if the volcano is really erupting, the nearby creatures should be destroyed, and the muddy swamps and foggy forests will be seriously affected.

"Is that the old red dragon doing?"

Sauron couldn't be sure of this, but he can be sure that there aren't many creatures in the entire material plane that have the ability to do this. In addition to those holy spirits, only a small number of biological levels above 30 can be achieved. The ancient red dragon likes to live near the volcano. There should be no volcano here, but now there is a volcano that is about to erupt. Soren feels that there is a great secret hidden in it and may be related to the dark area.

Because he saw the trail of the drow!



The real drow, unlike the drow in the city of Modo, mixed with the blood of other races, Sauron saw the pure drow in front of him, so he did not accidentally notice a snake holding the first whip. The female drow priest is whipping another male drow. The other party does not dare to move when standing in the same place. Allowing the barbed snake to whip his back, just two or three times, the entire back is already **** and fuzzy, and looks extraordinarily infiltrating.


The female drow priest, who is quite glamorous but dark-skinned, is angry and reprimanded and growls: "So many people can't catch a surface elf! What if the plan of the master and the mother leaked out?"

"Damn guy!"

“What is the use of this family of waste for your family?”

Soren quietly approached, and he found that these drows were a bit abnormal and seemed to have a slight whitening feature, so they were not afraid of the sun in the world.

A cold-looking Zall Warrior bowed his head and said: "Priest!"

"That is a very powerful druid!"

"He is good at tracking stealth. We need a more elite ranger to find him. But he still has injuries on his body and should not escape too far. I will send someone to continue looking now."

The chest of the female drow priest undulating, Shen Sheng said: "Not too fast!"

"What are you doing here?"

"Or, do you want me to send you to the lizards?"

The other drow warriors immediately moved, and they spread out on all sides. It seems to be looking for a drowsy dive.

“Are there other people who discovered the anomaly here?”

Sauron's figure stood in the shadows, and he stared at the drow in front of him, then turned and moved closer to a place.

As the gods who hold the [Rogues] priesthood, these drows are impossible to discover Sauron. Now he has two choices, one is to personally enter the crater spy, to see what happened. But there should be an ancient red dragon inside, this thing is a little risky. The other is to go directly to the druids in their mouths. The druid may know the passing of things. Soren can find out what happened after they find him one step ahead of them.



This is Sauron's strength, he found some traces almost quickly, and then quickly moved toward the south side of the mountain.

A little bit of **** smell.

Although it can be concealed, but it is not the eyes of Sauron.

There was a natural low cave in his sight. In the position of the rock pile near the mountainside, there was a very weak breathing sound, and there was a faint **** smell.


Just as Sauron came quietly, a vigilant voice sounded.

pretty shocked.

Sauron didn't think that the other person could find himself. It seems that this guy's stealth ability is really strong.

A black bear.

Sauron also saw the body of another black bear. This made him look a little curved and smiled at the other side. He slowly said: "You killed the black bear in this bear hole? Then directly disguised it." Look like hiding?"

"No wonder they can't find you."

"A very good plan!"

The power of the gods is so amazing. After seeing that Sauron is not a drow, the black bear in front of him suddenly changed into a burly and strong middle-aged elf. He has realized the difference between the two. Soren is completely easy to wipe. Go to the power of his existence. The middle-aged Druid's face was very pale and his breath was quite weak. It looked like the injury was very serious. He leaned over and said: "I don't know who you are?"

"I am a Druid member of the Mist Forest Council, Boro-Cheetah."

"An elemental exception has occurred here."

"I was ordered to investigate the causes of the natural environment anomalies, but I did not expect to encounter the drow here, their mother and a red dragon colluded together, seems to be planning a terrible conspiracy."

"Your Mightiness!"

"I am very hurt. Since you are a human being on the surface, you are certainly not willing to see the conspiracy from evil creatures in the dark areas."

"I don't know if you can help me send this news to the foggy forest and the Silvermoon Council?"

Very frank.

In front of the absolute strength gap, the current Druid made a very wise decision.

"The drow mother?"

Sauron couldn’t help but frown, staring at the other side: "Which is the main mother of the drow? The city of Mossolah? The city of shadows? Or the city of Carternos?"

The dagger master is actually colluding with the ancient red dragon.

The amount of information on this matter is a bit large, and even Sauron is not sure, because there may be a shadow behind the spider **** - Rose.

"I do not know."

The druid, who was pale in front of his head, shook his head and said with a hoarse voice: "But there is a drow city below this mountain."

“There is a passage inside the volcano that directly connects to the dark area.”


The entrance to the dark area is actually inside the volcano?

No wonder Sauron can't find it everywhere!

It is clear that there are creatures in the dark area, but Sauron can't find the passage of the dark area. The creatures in the dark area will not come out without any reason. Now he finally understands everything.


Sauron didn't think for too long, and quickly nodded: "Tell me what you know, I will pass it to the Mist Forest Council and the Silvermoon Council."

As a rogue who has lived in the dark for a while, Sauron is very aware of how serious the plot of the Lord's mother is involved.

Behind this is definitely the shadow of the spider **** - Rose.

Because the mother's self-existing hand is not to please the spider **** - Rose, is to complete the gods conveyed by the spider god.

The Holy Holocaust arrived.

Spider God is the most terrible and evil hunter ~www.readwn.com~ Her conspiracy will definitely cause terrible damage.

Moreover, her biggest ambition has always been to let the drow attack the ground. Sauron is not sure what conspiracy is hidden here, but there are things he can't stand by if he knows.

Finding trouble after the spider **** is conducive to world peace.

"Treatment of serious injuries!"

With the power of Sauron, it is possible to perform a 'recovery' because his gods have the ability to bring a level 20 priest to perform most of the magic, although this requires the consumption of divine power. However, if he does this, the identity of the Holy Spirit will be exposed, so Sauron can only pretend to activate a high-level equipment, giving the other side a "healing serious injury".

With the brilliance of the magic.

The druid in front of him clearly showed a lot of injuries. He looked at Sauron with amazement and said slowly: "The passage of things is like this."

.................. (To be continued.)

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