Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 68: water of life! 1st more

Oak wise people have a wide range of perceptions.

In fact, many of these natural guardians have penetrated their roots deep into the land, and the entire semi-position has a direct connection with them. It is like a country managed by them. Here, the natural guardians have similar wars. The general ability of the Tallinn No. 13 plane. Sauron is better if he only sneaked in, but if there is fighting or damage to the environment, then the ancient tree guards here can easily find his trace.

Tree essence, flower essence, water essence.

Sauron saw a lot of beautiful figures here, they lived quietly in this paradise, almost live a carefree life.

But all this is estimated to last no longer.

The demon of Bata Hell and the demon of the bottomless abyss have always liked the soul of this kind of natural soul, because they are the incarnation of nature and beauty, only need to slightly distort the power of the soul, the power of these natural souls can be greater the use of. The most basic point is that no matter the flower essence, the water essence, or the tree essence, the high-order devil of Barto Hell and the high-end demon of the bottomless abyss can easily transform it into a demon and a succubus.

This conversion is quite cheap!

Because the fit between the two is very high, it takes only a little bit of power to turn it into a demon and a succubus.

Therefore, after the eruption of the Holy Holocaust, the door of the jungle was destroyed and destroyed into a world. There is also a certain number of devils and succubuses wandering here. This is the remaining soul being twisted and transformed.

One is the beauty of goodness and the other is the beauty of evil.

Sauron did not want to change anything in the past, and he did not have the ability to change the world. The eruption of the Holy Holocaust was destined to be unstoppable. It was a blessing that he could bless the city of Modo after the eruption of the Holy Holocaust.

The closer to the interior of the jungle door, the taller the trees.

Here are all ancient trees of war. They are basically oak, and they are much more powerful than others when they are activated.

The footsteps of the rumble came!

There is a huge maple tree in the sight of Sauron, which looks like it is more than 20 meters high. There is a humanoid trace on the overall outline, which walks slowly through the dense woods. Carefully watch your feet to avoid stepping on some seedlings. From time to time, it will stop and whisper something in the old and slow tree language. It holds a special instrument in its hand, occasionally sprinkles a little water droplet, and then sees a big tree growing wildly, with the naked eye. The visible speed is rooted in the depths of the earth.

This is the legendary 'water of vitality'.

A special kind of strange object created by the ancient tree wise, the effect is not as exaggerated as the 'water of life', but they can be used to restore the injury and accelerate the growth of the old tree.

‘Water of Vitality’ belongs to the exotic props that are relatively easy to obtain.

Maple wise men have gone a few hundred meters. Then what it seems to have found, stayed in front of a tall oak, as if it felt a certain power, it poured all the 'water of vitality' onto the oak, and then saw the oak grow a lot The roots and the whole body size have become more and more huge. Maple wise man's wrinkled face reveals a smile, with a gentle and slow voice: "Slow down! Slow down! Don't worry! Rooted in the earth! Deeper! Deeper place!..."

A low-pitched spell rang.

The maple wise man in front of him is casting a spell. The wizard school has a spell that activates the alchemy to build life. Only the wizards of higher ranks can display it.


The spell of the Maple wise man is ‘Revitalizing Trees’, a legendary creature that is a part-time ‘shepherd’.

This is its daily activities.

As ancient tree people, they are almost uncontested. The task of the day is to nurture the forest, and then choose the old trees that have enough vitality and vitality, and slowly transform them into new trees with the help of the 'activate trees' spell.

This kind of work has been going on for thousands of years!

So in this country there are many more than two-digit legendary old trees. At the same time, there are tens of thousands of tree people with a challenge level of 5 or above, and only the army of the bottomless abyss and Barto Hell have the ability to destroy such a country.

The tree was activated successfully.

The oak tree in front of him had a human-like outline, and it slowly moved, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

Tree people rarely do activities. Even if they become members of the ancient tree guards, they often grow like trees. With the passage of time, their power will gradually become stronger. This process can be slow, but it has been going on for quite a long time. The Maple wise man completed today's mission. The birth of the tree is not easy, even if it is a legendary creature. At most, only one tree can be cultivated at a time.

The Maple wise man came to a high slope.

Then it rooted into the earth, the whole form changed, and finally became a huge old tree.

It needs a break.

The water of vitality is the natural essence of its birth. Only with the water of enough vitality can it complete the task of cultivating ancient trees.

Sauron’s goal is not the water of vitality.

He cautiously lurked from the side, the forest near it was guarded by this maple wise man, and the entire jungle door was divided into their own sites.

Each area has a legendary level of grazing guards.

Sauron marched along the path of memory, and on the way he saw a golden oak tree, a natural guardian.

The highest level of career for the tree.

The nature guardians are basically high-level legendary creatures, the professional level can reach 25 or above, most of the natural guardians are advanced by the druids to become a shepherd, and then the animal husbandry advances into a natural guardian. By.

They have the power to manipulate trees.

Any plant is their weapon, and they can wake up the entire forest when needed.

As the distance gets closer, Sauron feels a strong life. This is a very ancient force. There are only a few places where the entire multiverse can create the water of life. The door to the jungle is the material position. There are only two of them.

Ancient trees guard.

In the interior of the jungle door, the number of ancient tree guards is increasing~www.readwn.com~ If it is not Sauron's mastery of stealth, I am afraid that I will not know how many times to fight.

The tree man does not allow other creatures to be near here.

"felt it!"

Sauron couldn't help but slow down and feel the traces of life around him. What he wanted should be in front. Such a rich life can't be concealed.

There is a huge tree rhizome on the surface, but there is no matching big tree in front!

Judging from the size of the rhizome, the ancient tree that can produce such a large rhizome can reach a height of nearly 10,000 kilometers, just like the altitude of the Himalayas.

This is what has remained in ancient times.

The water of life that Sauron needs is in front of the rhizome, where there is a pool that produces the purest essence of life.

..................... (to be continued)


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