Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 74: Silver moon falls! Third

Under the bleak moonlight.

Sauron’s figure left the inconspicuous hotel, and it’s quiet outside, but occasionally I can hear the bark.

He reached an agreement with the prison officer.

Although it is impossible to understand why Sauron was able to use the Holy Avenger, but in order to completely repair the power of this artifact, he decided to make a deal with Sauron. The Warden was not a deadly samurai. After the eruption of the Holy Holocaust, he quickly became one of the leaders of the Holy Avengers, the Holy Avengers. As a person who can rise at the time of the Holocaust, the Warden must have something different from other Saints. This can be seen by other saints trained by him. These holy warriors are obvious. Be more rational and calmer.

The glory of the moon is getting darker.

Just after the magic goddess fell to the mortal world, today's moonlight suddenly seems a little bleak, and it looks like it is gray, with a shadow on it.

Sauron is not sure if it has fallen from the sky, but this lady is the core of the eruption of the Holy Holocaust.

She is one of the oldest goddesses and was once one of the most powerful goddesses.

Ms. Black Night and Ms. Silvermoon.

One is the evil spirit of powerful power, and the other good **** who used to be a powerful god. These two goddesses are like the twins of fate, fighting for countless years in the long years. Ms. Black has always wanted to completely defeat Ms. Yin Yue, and Ms. Yin Yue also wants to defeat the Lady of the Night. Their struggles are no longer statistic. The powerful power of the Magic Goddess is largely from the battle of these two goddesses. In the oldest era, the battle between the two goddesses led to the confusion of mysterious energy, and thus the first generation of the goddess of magic was born.

They are older than the Mother of the Earth because they are the first incarnation of light and darkness.

There have been many things during this period.

Ms. Yin Yue has had a great decline in power for some reason, and even the only level at the worst.


After all, she is an ancient and powerful god, sheltered under the protection of the goddess of magic. Ms. Yin Yue quickly retrieved some of her own strength and recovered it to the level. In the hundreds of years, she continued to intervene in the fields of birth, breastfeeding, maternality, etc., and she finally recovered. The power of it. Today, Ms. Yinyue no longer needs the blessing of the goddess of magic, but with the outbreak of the Holocaust, the two goddesses have once again violently collided.

There must be a little extra mention here, because according to Sauron’s memory, the fear witch Lilyan is in the hands of Ms. Silvermoon.

She is the oldest god.

The time of birth has been unable to count. Many legends are too long, and it is really hard to say.

What Sauron can be sure of is that the power of Ms. Yin Yue will change with the tide of elements. Sometimes the power is weak and sometimes the power is strong. The magic goddess was created by her battle with the lady of the night. The battle between the two goddesses caused a mystery explosion. Ms. Yin Yue gave up part of her strength for the sake of positive energy, which led to the emergence of the first generation of magical ladies. . And gained the power of some of them.

Therefore, the relationship between the goddess of magic and Ms. Yin Yue has always been very close.

The goddess maintains a good relationship with many gods. She used to be sheltered and in good contact with her. The representative of the bright camp has always been her staunch ally.

She also has an ally.

That is, the holy emblem is the **** of the drow girl who danced naked in the moonlight. She has already fallen into the hands of her mother, the spider god, Rose, the **** also has a relationship with Ms. Yin Yue. Intimate, so Ms. Yin Yue also maintains a hostile camp after the spider god.


Ms. Yin Yue’s biggest enemy is the lady of the night.

She is waiting. This same old lady of the night is a goddess who likes secrets. She was only weakest, but because of the last turbulent period. She conspired to kill the **** of the cave in the dark, and accepted the believer of the god. Then, Ms. Black Night created, through a series of alliances with the spider gods and the secret confrontation, the night lady and the spider **** entered the field at the same time.

If there is anyone who makes Sauron feel jealous after the spider god, there is no doubt one of them.

The old goddess is also very powerful.

As mentioned above, the deepest feelings and desires of the declining, resulting in a serious shift in its own camp, is the hand of the lady of the night. Ms. Night rarely appears in material planes, and she will only come in those grand dark ceremonies filled with dark dances, communion meetings, and seductive desires.

The fall of the **** of the first generation of thieves led to the blasphemy of others.

Even though the lady of the night has maintained a superficial alliance, she is still ready to plot to kill and then recapture the field.


The Holy Holocaust broke out.

The fall of the magic goddess led to the return of powerful power. Before the birth of the new magic goddess, the two forces that directly led to the birth of the magic goddess gradually returned to the body.

and so.

The two goddesses gradually restored the enormous power of the oldest era, and because of the conflict between them, the outbreak of the Holocaust was even more intense.

Everything is for a reason.

Soren has been in this world for so long. He has thought about it more than once to see if he can prevent the terrible destruction of the Holocaust, but when he gradually understands this, he will find everything in front of the flood of the multiverse. It is impossible to stop, and his weakest personal power cannot change the general trend of the turbulent year.

This is not caused by a factor.

The whole reason for this is concentrated on this timing, and then it broke out collectively because of this timing.

These reasons are still not erupted and will continue.

The outbreak was only because the energy storm ignited everything and provided a solution to all the grievances.


Glowing gloom.

Suddenly, the silver moon in the sky seemed to have lost its brilliance. The night shrouded the whole world. The sleeping people did not have any sense, but Sauron suddenly stopped. He felt that the moonlight in the sky lost his spirituality. It is like a gaze that has been watching the world for a long time, and it disappears without a trace.

Ms. Yin Yue fell.

Although there seems to be no abnormality, Sauron can be very certain, that is, Ms. Yin Yue has fallen to the mortal.

After the magic goddess fell to the mortal world, the second person of the Holy Holocaust also fell to the mortal.


Sauron stood there for a long time.

For Ms. Yin Yue, he did not know much about telling the truth. He did not pay much attention to it at the beginning, mainly because Sauron once liked the dark area activities and did not know the specific situation of the gods in the world.

in contrast.

For the gods in the dark area ~www.readwn.com~ especially the old rival of Ms. Yinyue, that is, the ability of Sauron is now very clear.

If he remembers it correctly.

The basic occupational level of the lady of the night is - rogue 10th level / shadow warrior 10 level / assassin level 10 / warlock level 10 / shadow dominates level 10.

Health: 968.

There are also believers in the dark areas. As a **** of the same level as the spider god, it is difficult for Sauron to remember her information.

And the lady of the night is still in control, and most people who have mixed in the underground world will remember.

Very interesting point.

The goddess is also advanced, but she is still advanced, and the strength is still too horrible compared to Sauron.

..................(To be continued.)


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