Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 79: conflict! 2nd more

Under the cold moonlight. ●⌒,

An original and wild altar is erected near the thorny valley, where a species of rarer species on the main road is found.

Steel 鬓 wild boar people!

The origin of this creature can no longer be explored. It is only known that outside the human kingdom, that is, near the wilderness, many creatures like wild boars are on the edge of the orc's territory. These races are basically the same as the gnolls, and they are the kind of races that live the life of fishing and hunting, so they are an indispensable part of their daily lives.

The **** of hunting - Mara's beliefs are widely spread in this area.

At the moment it was near the early hours of the morning, a large number of bonfires were erected near the altar, and there was a wild boar scream and other messy sounds.

Many evil beasts are the devout believers of Marathon.

At this moment, a large number of species are gathered in the vicinity of the altar, ranging from humans, orcs, lizards, and scorpions to wild boars. Many creatures are divided into their respective camps to stay near the altar. Because of the estrangement of race, even the believers who believe in the same god, the relationship between these hunters is not very harmonious, or unless they are important people, they rarely gather together.


A scream of fierce wolf came, and the wolves near the altar couldn’t help but be amazed and even shrank.

In the icy moonlight, a tall, burly figure is approaching quickly.

It has a close to the appearance of the gnoll, but if you look closely, he is not a gnoll, he is a dark creature.

He is a werewolf!

As a dark species like a vampire, the werewolf has a talented ability far beyond that of ordinary human beings. He looks at other hunters with scarlet pupils and then slowly moves toward the center of the altar.

Dark species rely on hunting to live.

Whether it is a werewolf or a vampire, there are quite a few people who believe in the **** of hunting - Marathi.

the reason is simple.

Not only because of the priesthood that the **** of hunting, but more importantly, He also has a very special field.


As a chaotic evil god, the **** of hunting can survive for such a long time. Nature is not so good.

Ms. Yin Yue was very weak during a certain period of time. She even had to rely on the protection of the **** of love and beauty to survive the power of the goddess of magic, that is, during this time. In order to expand his field and increase his own range of believers, the **** of hunting used a long time to extend his field and he mastered the field.

It is also because of this.

Many of the dark species have become his followers, especially the dark man of the werewolf. There are many ethnic groups who believe in Him.

well known.

Dark species always have special feelings for the power of the moon. Since the hunter god, Mara has mastered it, the beastists and their camps have been divided into two factions. One group still maintains the faith of Ms. Yinyue. One faction turned to the embrace of the **** of hunting, and they believed that the teachings of the **** of hunting were more suitable for the nature of dark species.

"The sacrifice begins!"

The burly Werewolves stood in the middle of the altar, and he looked down at the other species present, as if he was sworn to be his own unique position.

This is a legendary species.

Compared to vampires who like to be in humans, many werewolves and wild love, they like to wander in the wilderness. Many of them live near the orc's territory.

The dull snoring sounded.

A cheetah with a high level of biological level was lifted up, followed by a dragon that locked the limbs, and then a burly orc warrior.

One of the prey was sent to the altar.

Almost all of them are high-ranking creatures. They are now the prey of the **** of hunting, and the power will awaken the **** of hunting.

"Why is there no legendary blood?!"

The werewolf glanced at the prey and couldn't help but frown. He said: "Have you prepared these garbage for my Lord?"

The **** of hunting loves the blood of legend.

Even if there are many high-level creatures in front of you, it is better for the werewolves to deserve a legendary creature to win the favor of the **** of hunting.

The ceremony is going on.

Along with the rich **** smell, the prey was killed one by one, and the rich blood was gathered on the altar. Eventually it became a virtual illusion that twisted and roared like an orangutan but had fangs and claws.

This is the body of the **** of hunting!

A combination that looks like a combination of an orangutan and a donkey. The head is a bit like a jackal, the face is a blood-red scorpion, and the ears are like the outline of a dagger. It is covered with thick hair, strong limbs and strong, and there is a trail of tail behind it.

The king of beasts.

Black blood beast.

The body of the **** of hunting is a high-intelligence beast. It looks at the prey on the altar, and there is a hint of anger and dissatisfaction in the eyes of the condensed illusion, accompanied by a roar. The sorcerer who was holding the ceremony suddenly bleeds to death on the spot.


A large hunter crouched on the ground, praying with fear and awe, praying that the **** of hunting should not bring anger to himself.

The **** of hunting is very dissatisfied!

The burly Werewolf seems to have anticipated this for a long time, and there is no legendary blood dedicated to the owner.


The phantom of the **** of hunting screams in anger. Suddenly, he cast his sight on the hillside in the distance, whispering: "The prey is there!...Catch her!... Dedicated to me!...I want her Blood!..."

There are enemies nearby.

The burly werewolf realized this in a flash, and he squatted down on the knees of the beast that was twisted in front of him, and said: "My Lord! Hogg-Nock will immediately bring the prey to you!"


Along with a wolf ~ www.readwn.com ~ suddenly flew out of the shadow of several werewolves in the dark, the burly wolf leader jumped, directly across the distance of more than ten meters, rushed toward the front of the hillside.

at this time.

The other hunters only woke up and rushed over to the hillside over there.

Under the icy moonlight.

A strong, tall figure wandering out, she has a pointed ear, which represents her elf's identity, a silver long bow on her back, and a delicate blade at the waist, which means She is a brilliant ranger, and is well versed in far-reaching attacks and close combat. There is a special emblem on her chest, and the emblem is like a circle of stars. This is one of the signs.

She is a member of the monthly descendant who serves Ms. Yin Yue!

I don't know why, she would lurk in the vicinity to observe the **** sacrifices of the hunters who were hunted for the **** of hunting.

.................. (To be continued.)


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