Abyss Domination

Chapter 66: 4 ring

Three black lacquered energy tentacles broke out!

The size is almost as thick as the baby's arm, but the length is 30 feet, which is completely entangled in a moment after the black tentacle composed of shadow energy appears. The first one to be entangled was the ogre. At the moment the black tentacle touched, the ogre stood stiff in the same place and looked like a puppet. The power of the three-ring fireball is equivalent to a howitzer. The four-ring shadow black tentacle is not as simple as it is on the surface.

Highly condensed shadow energy has a paralyzing effect, and any creature touched by a black tentacle must be judged by a Fortitude save, otherwise it will be paralyzed for a few seconds. Although the power of the ogre is very high, but the constitution does not exceed the human body, generally around 15 o'clock, so their chances of passing the tough judgment is only half. The black tentacle is entwined under the control of Sauron's mind. The length of thirty feet is enough to wrap the ogre in a circle, directly wrapped around its body to the neck, and then gradually tightened.

"Shadow Black Tentacles [Spell System] (four rings): Summon 3-6 energy tentacles in a range of 100 feet. You can control the enemy with your mind. The energy tentacles are up to 50 feet in length. Any target you touch must be done once. The Fortitude saves the judgment, otherwise it will be paralyzed for a few seconds due to the shadow energy. The energy tentacle has a base strength of 15 points, and the caster's spell power can increase by 1 point at each point, up to 25 points. Each spell power increase duration 6 second."

Soren’s intelligence is 18 points.

After his part-time job, he has 1 spell power from the Wizard's professional level 1, and then 18 points of intelligence gives him 4 points of spell power, which means that the shadow black tentacle he uses has 20 points of power and can last 30 seconds. Although the 30-second period is not long, it is enough to determine the life and death of both sides.


The first entangled ogre directly broke his neck, and the other two energy tentacles stalked along the swamp dragon lizard, and in a blink of an eye tied the limbs of the swamp monitor lizard while entangled the lizard Roy's waist rolled it up. The swamp dragon lizard screams with anger, but even if it succeeds in passing the Fortitude save, it can't break free from the energy tentacles. At the same time, the lizard druid was struck by the energy tentacles in the next moment, directly interrupting its casting progress.


Sauron’s expression was embarrassing, and the pain caused by the epidemic completely aroused his killing. The direct manipulation of the energy tentacle began to tighten constantly. The lizard druid made a scream of screams, directly from the spine to the neck. The whole person has also become a distorted zigzag. An energy tentacle with 20 basic strength is enough to crush it. If the power gap exceeds 5 points, the damage will be greatly increased, and sometimes fatal damage may occur.

An ordinary person with a strength of 10, against a professional boxer with a strength of 15 , the damage of the two sides in the power confrontation is completely different.

This is also the reason why no one can hardly pick up the front of the ogres.


Thirty seconds passed only halfway. Before other people reacted, Soren quickly maneuvered the energy tentacle, and an energy tentacle continued to bind the swamp monitor lizard. The other two energy tentacles launched on the nearby lizard. Ruthless killing. The energy tentacles flew toward the lizard warrior next to them, and flew out directly five or six meters away. When they landed, the bones broke into two pieces. A lizard archer squats and wants to attack Sauron, but is directly entangled by the energy tentacles, dragging it down from the fence of five or six meters, squatting on the ground, and then raising it. Underneath, almost the whole person has become a meatloaf.

The length of 30 feet means that the attack range of 20 meters in diameter is comparable to many long-range weapons.

"What are you doing?"

Sauron made a roar and shouted: "Counter! Now drive them out."

Thirty seconds is not very long, but the lethality is amazing. The ogre was killed by Soren, the lizard druid was instantly killed, and the nearby enemies were cleared in just 15 seconds. A clean one. With the death of the Lizard Druid, its animal mate swamp monitor lizard began to escape. Sauron launched an attack again and again, centered on three energy tentacles, and barely could see a living lizard warrior within 20 meters.

The three energy tentacles are intertwined, and none of the lizards present can survive a second!


The surviving militia made a sound of fear and surprise, and then began to retrace the energy tentacle to launch a counterattack. On the contrary, the lizards are frightened, and the terrible and unknown spells have greatly eroded their morale. Especially after the druid as the leader was killed, the nearby lizard warriors have already fled because of fear. The caster is a nightmare in the eyes of all intelligent creatures. They are powerful and mysterious, and the fear of spells has already penetrated into the bone marrow.

Otherwise, the monsters in the wilderness will not avoid the obvious existence of the use of spells.

The situation reversed in just 30 seconds.

Sauron released the shadow black tentacle to kill the remaining ogre, and then killed the lizard druid (wilted), the lizard rushing into the village was killed in a short time more than 10 people, dying continuously The same kind makes them feel scared. The horrible power of the wizard caused many lizards to begin to collapse, and some directly fled toward the night.


The surviving militia made an unbelievable whisper: "We triumphed! The enemy fled! The lizard ran away!"

A burst of cheers sounded.

Even Sauron underestimated the enemy's fear of the spell, even though the energy tentacle dissipated after thirty seconds, but the fear of the lizard's heart has already overwhelmed the desire to fight, the initial casualties have reached 20%, Sauron's The outbreak directly raised the casualties to 40%. The death of the leader completely defeated their courage to continue fighting. More and more lizards began to run away and fled into the night.

Cheers spread throughout the village.

But after cheering, it was a screaming cry. The militia looked red-eyed and searched for their loved ones. A warrior with a broken arm resisted the pain and shouted the names of his wife and children with a choked voice. There were also some people who were heavily injured lying on the ground and wailing. Some of them could not be saved. The companion forced the sorrow to send him into the arms of death. If you don't give them a good time, they will even mourn for a whole day, and they will breathe in endless pain.

More and more crying sounds, everyone has sadness on their faces, because they have lost many people, their wives and children, and many familiar relatives and friends.

The ruthless killing of the lizard people caused great casualties, and the number of deaths in the village exceeded one hundred!


The fire is still burning.

Some places that have been completely burned are no longer extinguished. The survivors are busy treating the wounded, and at the same time grabbing some things from the fire as much as possible. The cold winter is coming, and their winter will be extremely difficult this year. There are cows and children crying everywhere. Men who have experienced a hard battle are trying to suppress their emotions. But when they see the bodies of their children’s parents, they still can’t help but drop their tears, even making extreme depression like a wolf. Mourning.

A young man stood in front of the fire~www.readwn.com~ He held the body of a young girl in his arms. It looked like he was only sixteen or seven years old. He couldn’t be beautiful, and at most he could only say that it was delicate. She The skin is dark and the hands are rough, because the actual age of long-term work may be smaller than it seems. The young man stood in the same position with his body, although he didn’t have the slightest words to cry, but he could make him feel sad. He stood so stupidly until a house collapsed under the fire, others When he pulled him over, it was like awakening to send a bleak wailing!


He frantically pulled out his weapon and slashed it toward the body of the lizard, cutting his flesh and blood.

No one is going to stop it.

Sauron didn't know who the dead girl was, maybe his lover, or his loved one, but he could feel the pain in the other's heart, but he could do nothing.

The world is sometimes so cruel, he has seen too many lives and deaths.


Sauron looked at the body of the lizard druid. For the first time, he didn't rush to search for the spoils. He tore a piece of cloth from his body and bit it in his mouth. Then he shook his hands and cut it with a machete. Down the carrion and abscess on the arm, the power of the epidemic has not dissipated. This vicious spell will continue to harm him if he does not cut off the carrion.

Depressed pain and howl.

Sauron was shaking all over, and he cut off the rotten meat little by little, and his expression twisted and smeared the medicinal agent.


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