Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 81: plot

(There is still one more today.) -

Because of the appearance of the silver moonwalker, Sauron had to investigate the information of Ms. Silver.

It is still impossible to decide where Ms. Yin Yue is, but she is sure that she is now in contact with her church. Otherwise, the Silvermoon Church will not have so many moves recently. If the gods fall to the mortal world, they will usually contact their own church for the first time. After all, this is the most important force among them. The arrival of Ms. Yin Yue made Soren still a little nervous. After she sent a notice to tell Vivienne not to die to provoke the goddess, he had the energy to do something else.

After paying a small price, Sauron finally collected a part of Ms. Yin Yue’s intelligence. (pig) (pig) (island) novel www.zhu.om

"God name: [Ms. Silvermoon] - Su Lun.

Aliases: Our silver lady, Ms. Silvermoon, the girl of the moon, the goddess of the moon

God: No.

Godhead: medium power.

Holy emblem: A pair of women's eyes are surrounded by seven silver stars.

Residential boundary: the door of the moon.

Camp: chaotic goodness.

The priesthood: the moon, the voyage, the exploration, the stars, the wanderers, the kind and the neutral beast.

Areas: Moon, Chaos, Kindness, Stars, Protection, Travel, Beast, Exploring, Women, Breastfeeding, etc.

Believers: female casters, good and neutral beasts, voyagers, monks, sailors, etc.

Pastor camp: Neutral good, chaotic, and chaotic.

Favorite weapon: the moon's stick (heavy hard hammer)


This is a template of the gods summed up by Sauron based on various aspects of intelligence. It can be clearly judged that the core priesthood and field of Ms. Yin Yue are [the moon].

After collecting this information, he quickly realized the conflict between the **** of hunting and Ms. Yin Yue!

[Moon] field and [beasting person] believers.

The unusual movements of the Silver Moonwalker and the recent moves of the Silvermoon Church seem to have a deeper meaning. In the case of the current fall of the loss of most of the power of the gods. Ms. Yin Yue naturally needs to restore her strength. However, the Holy Holocaust is also an excellent opportunity for Ms. Yin Yue, who always wants to return to [Powerful Power].

If the Holy Holocaust does not break out, killing another **** is quite difficult!

Even the gods of [Weak Power] must pay a great price to kill them. Therefore, during the most frustrating period of Ms. Yin Yue, she was almost impossible to regain the power she once belonged to. But now the Holy Holocaust has erupted, and if Ms. Yin Yue has killed the enemies who took away her field of priesthood, then she has a great possibility to bring these forces back.

Sauron does not remember who the **** of hunting is dead!

The Holy Holocaust has a lot of degenerate gods. The rows of the gods in the Pantheon are not empty. It is really necessary to be serious. Many gods are not known, unless they have a clear intersection with themselves. Otherwise, Sauron will not deliberately remember these things.


Now the situation is also for him to have to send the arrow on the string. [Hunting] The priesthood is of great significance to Sauron. Even if Ms. Yin Yue intervenes, he must compete for it! Only when you get the [hunting] priesthood, it is possible for Sauron to enter the field of [powerful power]. Otherwise, it depends on some priests like [semi-elf] and [wanderer]. [Weakness and other power] is already his. limit. It is basically difficult to cross the ranks of [medium power] while missing the turbulent period of the Holocaust.

After the spider **** can be all the way from [weak power] (exile) to [powerful power] (now) is a special!


The Princess has no way to leave Allendale.

But for her level caster, space is no longer limiting her distance, as long as Sauron needs a space marker she can transfer directly to the material plane. The Holy Avenger is still in the hands of the Holy Warrior. Sauron took it with the power to withstand it, and only borrowed when the battle broke out. The most important thing today is to lock the **** of hunting - the body of Mara, as a **** of evil camps, it is still very embarrassing, and does not reveal the specific position of the body.

Sauron regained his identity as a disguise.

Next. He will be mixed into the hunting church as a high-ranking hunter, and judge the position of the **** of hunting according to the **** sacrifice ceremony.

He has fallen to the mortal world.

During the **** sacrifice ceremony, the ontology will create a spiritual level link with the ritual.

Unless the **** of hunting does not want the power of sacrifice, Sauron can always find it.


Modo City. Secret laboratory.

Saruman came to this huge laboratory in a gray wizard's gown. As one of the few wizards in Modo City, he finally proved his value and loyalty to Lord Sauron and Gloria after spending such a long time. After signing a more complicated contract involving the soul level. Saruman finally entered the high-level circle of Modo City.

in fact.

The main reason is that the high-order casters are too scarce, Saruman's accomplishments in alchemy are very good, and with the promotion of high-level wizards, Gloria and the fallen witch decided to let him know something.

The things in the shadow plane are naturally not easy to expose.

However, in the production of the 傀儡 傀儡, this high-level wizard can help a lot. After spending a lot of experimental research, the two witches finally began the process of assembling the diamond golem.

Sauron has a special hobby for the rioters!

Originally, the number of demons in Moto City is basically not suitable for continuing to expand production, and the cost of money is quite amazing.

However, the layout of Sauron has already taken effect, and the gold mines mined in Treasure Island have made the wealth of Modo City a steady stream.


He has plans to join the Fortune Shrine to create gold coins. In the absence of money, the rioters are naturally acceptable. The only trouble is that the element pool of Modo City has not yet been formed. It can only maintain the normal operation of the thirty demon statues. The current magic images are still in standby.

Element pool.

This is the core of a half-plane of the wizarding tower. The energy problem is probably to find a breakthrough point from the arcane tower of the shadow plane.


Elf Forest.

Sauron is now dressed as a hunter. He walked in this dense jungle in a hide-nurse coat and followed the original route to the gathering place of the hunters.

Gloria sent him a message the day before.

That is, the Diamond Golem has been initially completed. The only thing missing is the legendary 'Activate Life' spell. She will work with the Fallen Witch. If it can be remembered successfully, then mass production of the Diamond Golem will become possible. reality. This process takes about a few months, which means that near the end of the year, Sauron has the ability to rely on the diamond golem to forcibly break the defense system of the shadow plane Arcane Tower.

Through the lush virgin forest, Sauron entered the elf's territory.

Because of the chaos caused by the hunters, many of the elves' towns began to refuse outsiders. Especially hunters like Sauron are even more rejected by them.

Sauron did not waste time on the road, relying on powerful tracking capabilities, he quickly found a trace of the hunters.

A werewolf, an ogre, a gnoll and two half-orcs.

A standard five-person squad.

When Sauron discovered them, the hunters were still hiding in a hidden valley, and there was a fairy town nearby. Soren had a little insight into the heart and had an idea.

- "Transformation!"

Accompanied by a weak spell of aura. The figure of Sauron turned into a look of the Elf Ranger.

He turned to the direction of the Elf Town, and soon arrived at the town's sentry position. Someone had found him before he was close, Shen Shen said: "Who?"

Sauron looks a bit wolf at the moment. The shoulders were still stained with blood and seemed to be hurt a little.


Sauron disguised himself as a younger elf. He spoke to the Elf patrol in front of him: "I found the trail of the hunters! It's in the valley over there!"

"They attacked my companion!..."

When I heard Sauron’s words, there was a disturbance in the front post. Then there was a captain-like man who came out and said to him: "Where are they? How many people?"

Sauron looked at the other side, the strength is probably about high-end. Very in line with his plan, immediately said: "There are five people."

"They are amazing!..."

Only five people?

The elf captain heard the words suddenly, and Shen Sheng said: "Call the hands immediately! Bring the sentinel team back!"

"Bring the blasting arrow."

"Let's kill these **** Marathons!"

The Elf's patrols are all 30 to 60 people. ~www.readwn.com~The elf captain in front of him directly summoned 27 people. With such a clear amount of suppression, he has enough confidence to pay a small price. Then kill those hunters.

Most of the Elf Guards have a career level of five or more.

However, they are well equipped and rely on the talent of bow and arrow, it is easy to take advantage of small and medium-sized battles.

On the road.

The elf captain was very alert to ask about the origin of Sauron. It is estimated that he was afraid of being trapped, but Sauron had already done his homework, and the answer was not leaking.

As the valley approached the valley, the elf captain quickly discovered the trail of five hunters.

After confirming that there were only five enemies, he was obviously relieved, and then ordered other people to disperse and prepare to smash these **** hunters.

However, just as they were eager to destroy the enemy, the elf who first told them everything disappeared.

..................(To be continued...)

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