Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 95: Killing God

The anger is violent.

Accompanied by a strange silver-white streamer, a raging wind raged, and the **** of hunting - Mara's power shield suddenly seemed to be broken like an egg shell. With the terrible attack speed of Sauron, the opponent broke open in the blink of an eye. Divine shield. On the speed of the shot, the **** of hunting cannot be higher than the Sauron who holds the battle. On the ability to dodge, He cannot be higher than the dodge of Sauron. His greatest advantage is that he is much thicker than Sauron, and conservatively estimates that the vitality of this **** is close to 800 points.

If there is no ‘pale justice’ in hand, it is almost impossible for Sauron to win him positively.

the reason is simple.

The opponent's lethality is very strong, the terrible power is enough to make up for the shortcomings in the speed of the shot. If you have to fight for the vitality at the end, then there is no doubt that the winner will be the **** of hunting - Marathi.

But now that Sauron has ‘pale justice’ in his hands, the result is completely different.

Five swords broken shield.

Pale justice has terrible attributes - "15 sharp, 13 penetration, 15 toughness, 13 armor, 15 holy damage."

This attribute is described in one sentence, that is, cutting the dragon scales on the dragon is as simple as cutting the tofu.

‘Pale Justice’ is one of the sharpest weapons in the material plane, because it was given the perfect blade when it was first produced, and it was still not blessed by divine power.

In the case where the weapon has an absolute advantage and its own shot speed is faster.

Soren almost broke out more than the hunter **** - Marathon double damage, any attack is enough to exceed the burst strength of hundreds of points, the power shield after resisting the damage value of about 600 points, finally Burst in silvery white streamer.


The **** of hunting - Marathon's face appeared a trace of horror, and at this moment He felt that death was approaching.

Therefore, he did not hesitate to activate his last life-saving card, the special power brought by the power of God--!

Greatly strengthen the form of the saints. Temporarily restore some of the power of the form of the gods.

Strengthen physical fitness.

Strengthen the power.

Strengthen resistance.

Immune spells.

The **** of hunting - Marathi's body is wrapped in a divine power, it seems to restore the body of the gods, the form of the true God is purely energized. It is not subject to many restrictions as the form of the saints. At this moment, He is close to the ability of about one-third of the form of the gods. The immune effect brought by the power of Godhead also makes him directly ignore the damage of cold, fire, acid, toxins, lightning, etc., and greatly increases his degree of physical damage reduction.

If someone else encounters this situation, it is basically scratching, because the elemental damage is basically invalid, and the physical damage reduction is as high as 90% or more (equivalent to the damage reduction of the demon lich), and no spell damage can be on his body. Have an effect.

In this case, basically there is no need to fight!



Sauron's figure borrowed from the power to go backwards. He held the Gis Silver Blade in one hand and the pale justice in the other. Gazing at the opponent in front of him.

"The effect must be dragged to the other side of the gods."

As a legendary rogue who has experienced the most turbulent period of the Holocaust, Sauron is very clear that in the case of the opening of the "God of God", basically no one can kill a god, the other side is now close to the form of the gods, and the form of the gods In the long history, it is almost rare to be killed by mortals several times. Although Sauron is also a god, the Holocaust of the Holy Spirit allows him to have only the most basic form of the saint. This gap is irreparable. The other party is immune to most of the elemental attacks, and it also has a damage reduction of up to 90% in the form of the gods.

If you face it hard, you can only kill Sauron.

at this point. Even if he is holding ‘pale justice’, it’s useless, the damage reduction is too high, and it can break the defense but can’t reinvent the opponent.

Only when the time of ‘God is going down’ ends. Sauron was able to kill each other.

Very lucky.

In the context of the Holocaust of the Holy Ghost, all the power of the gods is greatly weakened. Even if it is powerful like a spider god, it can only maintain the time of the gods.

The battle situation was suddenly reversed.

Sauron has become a constant continuation of the distance delay, and the **** of hunting - Mara is like crazy to chase him, as if a little slower step may be anti-robbery.

The power of the gods is short!

According to Sauron's estimate, the **** of hunting, Mara, can only sustain a natural time of about 30 seconds when he has broken the shield of power.

Thirty seconds later is the time to decide the outcome.

- "Shadows hide!"

- "Shadow jump!"

The rogue has a congenital advantage in survival. If Sauron does not want to be the **** of hunting - Marathon is hard steel, he can always find a way to get rid of the distance.

Anxious emotions spread on the face of the **** of hunting.

If Sauron is a warrior. He can kill each other in three seconds, but Sauron is a rogue. A **** high agile high dodge high stealth rogue.

Time passes by in a minute.

No one dares to approach the **** of hunting in the state of the gods, but the balance of victory over time has gradually tilted toward Sauron.

The power of God is burning!

The **** of hunting - Mara's power is almost exhausted. The long princess is waiting outside the battlefield. As a powerful spellcaster, she is not afraid that the **** of hunting can kill herself.

This is the confidence of Master Feng.

In the real top battle, the most powerful output will never be the Master, but the most powerful control field no one can compete with Fa.

The main force of the damage output is always the melee system, and the mage of the pure element system is hard to live in the legendary field.


At this moment, Sauron even seemed to hear the ticking of time.

When the **** of hunting, Mara’s spiritual form, ended, he directly appeared in the shadow of the other side.

The **** of heaven is over.

So now it’s his turn to fight!

Just as the Sorens rushed to the side of the hunter god, Mara, the princess also quickly approached the other side. She completed the spellcasting at an alarming rate, and saw a huge palm appearing in the hunt. God - Marathon's head.

- "Bigby is holding the palm!"

The **** of the gods.

There was a shocking color in Sauron’s eyes. However, there was no hesitation in the action, and the sharp blade swept over in the blink of an eye.

The third move of Bigby's five-legged.

Although it is not the ‘bigger smashing palm’ of the most powerful legendary spells, ‘Bigby’s holding the palm’ still has a huge advantage in controlling the enemy.

These five-story battle wizard's spells have always been described as true ‘Tucus spells’.

In the application of combat. Their effect is much stronger than the low-level ‘Ma Youfu micro-meteor’, which can barely break the defense. The former is controlled by the gods in the form of the saints.

A huge energy palm grabbed the **** of hunting, Mara, and temporarily restricted it to the original place.

"Bigby takes the palm of his hand: Bigger can take the hand directly to the opponent with the energy giant, and the value of the caster is added to your caster level plus the intelligence adjustment value (Mage), the perceived adjustment value (priest) or the charm adjustment. Value (Warlock). The basic power of this energy giant is 35 points, and the upper limit of the power gain is 12 points. The enemy who is taken by the enemy must decide whether to break free through the power judgment. The enemy with too much power gap will be Was directly smashed."

Tuens magic!

As a not-so-high-level seven-ring spell, Bigger can summon a power giant with a base power of 35 to grab the opponent and calculate it according to the warlock's standard. After 10 points of charm, each 2 points of charm value can be added with an additional 1 point of strength to judge. Sauron is not quite sure about the charm of the long princess, but it must be above 30 points.

Then, according to thirty points, this spell is up to 45 points by determining the value of the exemption!

45 points of strength.

Not many people can achieve the entire material plane estimate?

It can be said that the weaker enemy is directly crushed by it, even if the power is high enough, it will be trapped for a while.

The name of the Tussauds spell is like this!

To deal with this spell, you can't basically resist it. You can only rely on various ways to avoid it, or to support the ability of immune plastic energy and force field spells.

Bigger's five palms are all energy field spells.

"Do not!!!"

Desperate roar, the **** of hunting - Mara is terrified to find that he is not able to break away from the control of 'Bigby. (The strength is judged to exceed 45 points.)

If only the long princess is present, he has enough confidence to rely on strong immunity and elemental resistance to resist spell failure.

But if you add a Sauron, then the possibility of his survival is infinitely close to 0!

A gust of wind hits.

The whole man of Sauron turned into a shadow of the sky. The ability of the perfect double-weapon battle is played in an instant, and a knife attack falls on the body of the hunter-mara, which instantly leaves countless scars on the other's body.

- "Swords!"

- "Revolving!"

With the blood coming out of the gushing. The **** of hunting - Mara's head flew in the cold knives, and then the huge body crashed into the ground. At the last moment before the death, He slowly said: "The hunter eventually became a prey!..."

A divine power sprang up!

The divine power visible to the naked eye is turned into a golden radiance. Unlike any goal that Sauron used to kill, the power of the hunter-marath is not all in his body.

Devil fragments.

The power of the true God will explode when it dies, and the gods that they possess will directly form the fragments of the gods, and only the power that suits Sauron can be absorbed by him.

For example, the ability to slay, hunt, track, etc.

And if it is the power of the field, it will be scattered directly on the battlefield, and the chaotic field will also condense a corresponding piece of Godhead.

This power is something that Sauron has no way to absorb. If absorption will have a huge impact on him!

The golden glow of the sky.

A large part of the divine power poured into Sauron's body, while another small part poured into the body of the princess.

This divine explosion is full of randomness.

There are even non-legends on the battlefield. Because of some unknowable fit, they incorporate a divine value from the **** of hunting. This divine nature may not be able to increase his strength. However, it is very likely to change his destiny.

Power is divided into three shares.

The biggest share has poured into Sauron's body because his ability to fit is too much.

Hunting, tracking, evil, power, etc.

The princess only absorbed a small part of the divine power, she selectively merged a part, and some of them were directly given up by her.

If it does not fit, the divine power is not as good as possible.

A touch of silver and white glory!

From the body of the hunting **** - Mara's body ~ www.readwn.com ~ emerged another large proportion of divine power, this power has not been absorbed by Sauron, but flew to the edge of the battlefield.



Occupy the **** of hunting - Mara's large proportion of the priesthood and field power disappeared, blending into a body that suddenly appeared on the edge of the battlefield.

- Ms. Silvermoon! ! !

Sauron turned his head and his expression seemed to be quite dissatisfied. His eyes turned to the incarnation of the gods who were covered in silver and white outside the battlefield.

The other party took part of his spoils.

Even if this part of the spoils does not fit him, but the kind of self-defeating behavior still makes him feel dissatisfied.

..................(To be continued)


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