Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 98: change destiny

A battle of blasphemy came to an end.

Sauron's harvest is still relatively rich, but it takes a little time to completely digest it.

There are some specialities in the power of the gods. When absorbing the divinity and the priesthood of others, it is not excessive to be careful. But now there is a swaying mountain in Sauron's hand, which is one of the most powerful artifacts of the material plane.


This weapon, Sauron, did not want to return to the Glorious Lord of the Holy Warrior, for the simple reason that they are dead brains, have been at the forefront of fighting evil, and they will not be able to deal with themselves in the future.


This weapon, Sauron, must not be kept by himself. Keeping it is a never-ending big trouble.

So, he decided to try another way.

Ridiculous Gobi.

After returning to the princess, Sauron once again came to the reclusive place of the Holy Avengers.

The princess also absorbed a small part of the divinity and the godhead, and her own power was a little out of control. Now it is better to blend these divinities and godheads.

In the context of the Holocaust, the blasphemy will certainly lead to some waste of power.

Because everyone is a saint form, you can't condense the power of divine and divine as freely as the form of the gods. If it is a complete form of deity, even if it is impossible to integrate the field, Sauron can extract it separately and form a divine gift. others. Basically, there is no need to think about the form of the saints. According to the standard, the strength of the form of the saints may not be about one-third of the divine form.

Pale justice.

This weapon cannot be returned to the holy warriors, and it cannot be left in one's own hands.

So what should Sauron do now?

So, there was a bold thought in his mind, and that was to give it to the Holy Avenger who had a good relationship with himself.

Both sides are also holy warriors.

The Holy Avengers and the Glorious Lord of the Holy Warriors are completely different, and the former made even greater contributions after the eruption of the Holy Holocaust. They maintained the order and rules of the world, and did not resemble other saints. Obsessed with fighting against evil forces.

Lawful and kind.

This camp always has a focus, and the Holy Avengers pay the most attention. The faculty of the Glorious Lord pays more attention to and.

When I saw the Warden again, the other person’s expression looked very cautious.

This group of holy warriors also have their own news network, the **** of hunting - the fall of Marathon can not hold them, the fall of a evil **** is undoubtedly very happy, but if this evil **** died in another In the hands of a powerful evil camp, then reality may not be so happy.

This may represent the rise of the gods of a more powerful evil camp.

The evaluation of Sauron is wonderful.

His heart is hot and murderous, his life is cruel and ruthless, he can hardly see any virtues about kindness, kindness, tolerance, compassion, etc., but it is such a person, but he has made many heroes with countless virtues. Things that can't be done.

Bringing one party to world peace and order.

The South Coast is now the most stable order of the entire material plane with the lowest population decline. Civilians have the best living conditions and the least affected areas of war.

Sauron’s iron-clad rule absolutely does not allow for greater turmoil in his own territory.

Very ironic!

At present, the whole material plane is the most prosperous and most energetic, but it is created by the existence of such an evil camp.

"Lord Solon."

The prison officer bowed slightly and expressed his respect for a true God. This is the greatest difference between the Holy Avengers. They really value the lives of the lowest civilians, care and pity those people, not like others. The Holy Warriors used morality to kidnap these poor people and eventually pushed them to a more tragic situation in the war.

The biggest difference is that they know what it is called - compromise!

This is a kind of sorrow.

One is the sorrow of the holy warrior. It is this that allows them to complete the great cause that all other samurai can't do.

End the Holy Holocaust!

The last battle before the end of the energy storm, the Holy Avengers is a backbone to end the turmoil of the Holy Ghost.

After the war.

The gods return to their respective kingdoms, the devil and the devil are expelled back to the abyss and hell, and the cracks in the elemental plane are repaired by divine power. The barrier of the plane gradually stabilized, and other creatures from the multiverse returned.

At that time, the struggle between the gods was another rule.

They changed back to the players and fought with the pieces they had fallen. Instead of going to the shirt in person.

Two artifacts are an important force in the Holocaust.

A sacred avenger, a pale justice, Sauron is ready today to do something that might change the course of history. That is to give the ‘pale justice’ to the group of holy warriors in front of you.


Accompanied by the glory of the sacred, inserted in front of the prison officer.

"this is?!!!"

The prisoner's fortitude appeared on the face of the unspeakable shocked expression. He kneeled on the ground, not in front of Sauron, but in front of him, reaching out slowly and with a slight trembling Slowly touched its blade, the blade is so sharp, even if it looks like a very ordinary sword.

"Pale justice!"

The unspeakable exclamation sounded, and the prison officer stood up and looked at Sauron in surprise, muttering: "This is really pale justice!!! Lord?... I... I don't Know how to express my gratitude!..."

Sauron took out this Excalibur, naturally not to pretend to go.

It was the decision he had seriously considered before handing it over to this group of holy warriors.

An artifact cannot change their destiny.

But if there are two artifacts with the most powerful material planes, then the fate of this group of holy warriors is hard to say. (Remarks: After the outbreak of the Holocaust, the Holy Avengers have killed 90% of the holy warriors. The more rare thing is that ~www.readwn.com~ after the end of the turbulent year, they did not rely on the glorious past Taking the opportunity to grow, they chose to return to the ridiculous Gobi to retreat. They believe that the ancient tradition of the Holy Avengers should continue.)

"It is handed over to you."

Sauron's expression was cool, and after he dropped the pale justice, he was ready to turn and leave, leaving the other unpredictable back.

Camp hedging makes it difficult for them to find a match at the point of exchange.

Moreover, the next thing is not so glorious. If the warden is to be swallowed, then it must be inevitable to be smothered with other saints, but both sides are holy warriors who guard justice, presumably means more sophisticated sacred avengers. We have a way to deal with those dead brains.

Let the holy warrior and the holy warrior go to tear, think it is a bit guilty!


Sauron finally felt that he really changed the track of fate. (To be continued.)


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