Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 103: Abyss pattern (on)

The deepest part of the bottomless abyss.

Suddenly a terrible force broke out in a narrow plane unknown to mortals and gods.

The horror of the atmosphere spread everywhere, the whole plane trembled under this force, and the space broke through a gap. Under the force of tearing the plane, a cockroach had a huge body but could see the bones as if the creatures were like The beast of the undead appeared. Its appearance caused the entire bottomless abyss to vibrate. The irresistible force shocked the connected planes, as if it was venting the anger that was sealed for thousands of years. This wolf-like beast roared in the sky. A force that can't be difficult directly runs through the bottomless abyss, so that all the demon lords can't help but squint. Some of them are even awkward.

It is back!

This terrible beast is now proclaiming his return to the entire bottomless abyss. This provocative move is almost a declaration of war to all the demon lords. Even the powerful gods do not dare to do this easily, but it Dare to do this without any scruples.

Because it is one of the three evil spirits of the ancient times - Chaos Devil - Kirzev!

Chaos Devil - Kzfu, also known as the Heavenly Marauder, specializes in the souls of the gods (Prayers), and the souls that are swallowed by them will be completely destroyed, even if the power cannot save them. soul. The Chaos Demon Dog was once locked up by the Higher Spirits Council in the sinister air tunnel for several centuries. The price of this was that the right hand of the former **** of justice (powerful power) was bitten by Kzov. It was later released, and it was sealed by the former Meske. As a result, it did not know how to be released, chasing the former - Mesker, and also biting the leg of the god.

Such a guy who hangs on the sky is once again sealed by the gods during the Arcane Empire, but what everyone has not thought of is. The terrible energy storm created by the Holocaust of the Holy Hazard struck the entire multiverse, causing loopholes in a large number of seals.


Such a horrible creature ran out again.

The Chaos Devil appeared in the deepest part of the bottomless abyss. This terrible breath made the demon lords near the lower abyss frightened. Even the abyss giants who had been busy with struggles temporarily put down other things and began to turn to the front. Crisis.

The best case is to send it to the upper plane or the material plane. It would be best if you could bite off the current Glorious Lord with one arm and one leg. But when it was sealed in the chaos, the demon lord of the bottomless abyss also worked hard, I am afraid that it may not leave easily, no one likes this greedy beast, because the soul is the most precious wealth of the lower plane, and it The appetite is almost endless, no matter how many souls can always be eaten clean.


The deepest crisis in the bottomless abyss did not affect the higher levels of space.

The appearance of the Chaos Demon dog only shocked the demon lords of the hundreds of spaces in the lower layer. For the close to the surface of the bottomless abyss, almost all the demons were unaware of this. The bottomless abyss is too broad. A lot of space is a barrier. The chaotic dog needs a little effort even if he wants to leave, because it is also a deadly threat to this terrible evil.

Living at the bottom of the bottomless abyss is the oldest and most powerful demon, and even the remaining Orbis demon, they are much stronger than the current Tanali demon, the impact of the Chaos Devil may need a paragraph Time fermentation can affect the higher plane. However, because of the emergence of the Chaos Demon, the pattern of the bottomless abyss seems to be turbulent again, and the demon corps of the upper plane apparently began to decrease. The struggle of many demon lords seems to have suddenly disappeared a lot.

at the same time.

In the deepest part of the bottomless abyss, an ancient Orbis demon is also gestating a new conspiracy.

She is called the night.

The owner of the 600th floor of the Abyss. An ancient demon hidden in an endless maze.

In the bottomless abyss, most of the surviving Orbis devils became interested in the highest right to fight for the abyss. Countless centuries ago, the fiasco was still surrounded by nightmares, and the status quo is enough to make them feel Satisfied (such as Da Yu and the Wind Devil - Pazuzu), but there are some ancient Orbis demons who have been eager for more powerful power and rights.

In this chaotic era, there is an Orbis demon that is supernatural - the mysterious night. She chose to take another approach to join the battle for the bottomless abyss. The night set her bone fortress on the 600th floor of the bottomless abyss. A layer full of endless labyrinths, it is these endless labyrinths that prevent the war of demons from spreading here. The night knows that the lords who dare to claim that they are the supreme rulers of the bottomless abyss are the most powerful demons. She knows her strength and chooses not to join the competition.

Thus, the night summoned the mysterious existence and gave birth to many descendants, and then let her children join the battle. Once one of them becomes the "devil master." Then the night will become the "mother of the devil."

It is always a controversial topic of who or what made the night a lot of demons. Asmotels, ancient gods, or the unknown existence of the multiverse, some people think that the spouse of the night is an ancient race that can constantly change the form, but another way is that the bottomless abyss itself makes the celestial Night pregnancy.

In the long years, nights have bred countless demons and monsters, most of them have died, either died of their own brothers and sisters, or died in the extremely harsh environment of the bottomless abyss. Only a very small part eventually became the demon lord~www.readwn.com~ Someone tried to find out who is their father from the appearance of the descendants of the night, but the result of this is only to make them more confused and depressed, because these The offspring have great differences in appearance and ability, or these offspring do not have the same father.

The lazy master, Lupusio, has black skin, and the constantly undulating body is wrapped in a black cloud of smoke; Fekrik has a human shape, but his true face is hidden under the chain that closely surrounds himself; Ms. Carrion - Jefferson has three heads; and the Queen of Shadows - Rick Sally has no real body. Among the many children of the night, only one has the strength to win the bottomless abyss, he is Grazt, the bottomless abyss, that is, the adventurer's mouth.

No one has ever seen this mysterious ancient demon fight.

However, from the many descendants of her birth, it is not difficult to see her terrible, gave birth to so many demon lords, and also gave birth to an abyss three giants.

This existence has been silently affecting the pattern of the bottomless abyss.

..................(To be continued.)


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