Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 107: Cross-plane munition trade

A complex transmission matrix.

Although the barriers of many planes began to weaken because of the ravages of the saints, it is still very troublesome to reach the bottomless abyss. The particularity of the semi-plane allows Sauron to use it to skip the troubles of the astrology and ensure that it can be transmitted to the bottomless abyss at any time. But he doesn't have the power to waste a constant portal now, so he can only build a transport array that can be activated temporarily.

A low spell sounded.

Gloria and the fallen witch join forces to cast spells, while Sauron uses the power of God to open a plane.

It is a pity that there is no ability to master the gods. Otherwise, this thing will be much easier. The speed of accumulation of power is a bit painful. It can save a little bit of use.

Because Sauron recently used it to master a combat-type power.

"Shenli Shockwave: Consumes 10% of its own power, deals 120 damage to a target, and deals 40 damage to the target in the 30m range. Directly repel nearby targets."

Divine shield and divine shock wave.

This is two very important combat capabilities given by the godhead. Sauron's survivability is already very strong, so he chose to master the magical shock wave that can be single-killed and ranged. The more important reason for choosing this ability is that after Sauron mastered the field, there was a slight variation in one of his own abilities.

"The Word of God: Because of the power of the killing field, the effect of the Word of God changes, equivalent to legendary spells. You can use it for a target, or you can use it for all targets within 30 meters. When used as a single target, the sacred language will directly kill targets with a health value below 120. When used as multiple targets, the sacred language will directly kill targets with health below 20 points."

Sauron is still not fully grasped in the field of killing.

The power of divinity requires time to blend a little bit. Soren, the newly acquired field, is still very strange, but only some of the abilities he has now are enough to make his fighting power change dramatically.

Divine Shockwave, 120 points ignoring the unity of the Fortitude Exemption damage, 40 points of the range of damage.

In the language of blasphemy, the unit below 120 points directly erases life, and the group below 20 points erases life.

With the combination of the two abilities, Sauron was surprised to find that he had a direct killing power of 240 health and a group killing ability of 60 health.

of course!

The premise of strangling is that the target does not have the special power of 'immunity or death damage'.

After mastering these two abilities, Sauron finally felt like a god. To know when the Holy Holocaust broke out. The gods of those powerful powers are smashing, and Sauron’s fighting ability still seems to remain at the level of legendary professionals. The gap above is caused by the ability of God, changing the reality, changing the space, the gods and gods, etc. Soren is still far from the powerful ability of the gods.

He is now a god, the value of divinity and the value of the gods are enough, and the lack of it is only the accumulation of divine power.

Now Sauron waits for the volume change to cause a qualitative change!


The bottomless abyss, the land of forgotten.

A slight twist occurred in the surrounding space, and a portal was opened in front of Sauron's eyes. Massive equipment was transported from the portal by the stone magic. Maintaining this trans-station portal requires a lot of power, so Sauron did not dare to delay the time, and soon the gold and gems that were scrapped during this time were sent into the portal. The whole two boxes of gold jewels are worth about 300,000 Kindlers. There are also many rare materials that are only available in the bottomless abyss, all of which are sent to the portal.

One piece of weapons piled up into mountains.

Because the number is too large, the stone demon has been moved over dozens of rounds.

No one of these weapons can be shipped back alone, and the volume of more than twenty carriages can't fit even large storage spaces. However, Sauron has already been prepared, and soon the devil will be shipped back.

One hundred and two hundred heavy and extraordinary weapons.

Thirty heavy artillery.

A number of other medium-sized creatures can use equipment, plus a variety of war supplies.

Don't ask why Soren has shipped so many things.

Since it has already taken the effort to open the portal. Isn't it a loss to transport a little more?

The cost of cross-plane arms trade is very high. Such a portal, Sauron, is reluctant to open several times. It may only be such a transaction this year.

Half of the weapons used to arm the devil's avatars are basically handed over to the mid-level demons.

The other half of the weapons are used for arms trading. The bottomless abyss is either expensive or not worth a penny. The large ordering of equipment from the North Witch has brought a little burden to the treasury of Moduo City. The devil is here to earn back a little bit of money back.

Cross-plane arms deals are at least 200% profitable!

In addition to the 30 heavy artillery pieces used to attack the Columba arena, nearly half of the other equipment is ready to sell other demons. There is no arsenal in the bottomless abyss, and the demons are sure to be willing to exchange gold jewelry collected.

Soren is expected to be a net profit of more than 600,000 Kindlers!

With the outbreak of the Holocaust, the trade on the South Coast was gradually affected. The turmoil caused many aristocrats to give up the enjoyment of luxury goods. The tea, porcelain and silk from the Eastern countries were obviously not as profitable as before. He is ready to pass. This time the deal will earn back all the military expenses next year.

Urban development, building temples, maintaining a large army.

The output of Treasure Island and the tax on trade are not enough for Sauron to continue the violent war. He is ready to try the arms trade across the plane.

The most valuable thing about the bottomless abyss is the soul~www.readwn.com~ The demons are not very concerned about the catastrophe (Kindler), but it is just the Kinder, which the devils don’t care about, but they have the material plane. Quite a huge use.

Gloria always wanted to rebuild a wizard tower, and the fallen witch might need a tower of her own.

This stuff is not a move for millions of Kindler!

I don't mention whether to study the Floating City in the future, and the astronomical cost that the Institute needs. It is just the two towers of Gloria and the fallen witch. It has already made Soren realize that he must find a way to earn a wife.

The national treasury of Modo City can't afford it!

The stability of the overseas archipelago is based on a large army, and more funds can only be found in the bottomless abyss.

..................(To be continued.)


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