Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 116: Destruction and new life

The season of alternating autumn and winter is gradually coming.

In some places, the temperature has gradually approached zero, but the climate in the southern region is still relatively warm. Ryan glanced at the tramp curled up in the corner, and the thin linen made him understand a little bit blue. Ryan didn't have too much sympathy to pay attention to these people, because on the way to the south coast he has seen a lot of displaced people, only the most affluent in the south will be less, because they can go to Modo The city relies on labor for food.

Ryan couldn't help but speed up. With the cold winter coming, the half-elves in the deciduous city should be more sad than these people.

When he went to Modo to try to visit the lord, there were already people who died of hunger and cold in the deciduous city. This phenomenon may become more serious when winter comes.

"Although I didn't see that lord."

Thinking of the harvest of this trip, Ryan couldn't help but feel a hot heart, muttering: "But finally got a good news. Go back and organize the manpower to prepare for the migration."

It is not easy to see Sauron. As the king of the Three Seas, the shelter of the half-elf, he has too many important things to deal with.

But Ryan still got the results he wanted. The Lord was willing to accept them, but they needed to reach their own location near the coast, and then there would be a battleship to get them to the city of Modo. These people will be placed in the newly built town near the city of Modo, and the treatment is certainly not comparable to the first half of the migrating half-elves, but for Ryan, as long as the tribes will not die again because of hunger and cold.

The half-elf inherits the hard work of human beings, and they use their hands to create wealth.

Human beings are the most obsessed with the arable land, so the total population of human beings is now completely crushed by other races. The half-elf inherits this advantage, and they also attach great importance to farming.

Time has passed for three days.

Ryan finally returned to the deciduous city, and outside the gate did not know when there was a messy burial post. As the climate became colder and colder, the scarce material began to let the first vulnerable people fall. Those who are sick and infirm. Young people, the atmosphere in the city has become more and more silent, as if looming storms, in order to prevent the emergence of plague. The City Hall has taken more measures. The darkness of the atmosphere is spreading, and many half-elf refugees with numb expressions can be seen on the streets. The evil smells the desperate taste here, and the sinful things happen one after another in the dark corners.


A young guard saw Ryan as if he had seen a savior. Excited: "God! You are finally back!"

"Do you know what happened in the city recently??"


"It’s a devilish evil!..."

The young guards described a heinous evil crime. Although the prisoner had been tried, some breath was over the city, as if waiting for its destruction. Ryan’s face was dignified. He heard not only an evil crime, but a thing that was really possible behind the devil.

The devil finally stared at it.

Because of the death of the deciduous city, because of the sin of the deciduous city, because of the decay of the aristocratic parliament, because of the despair of the lower class.

These are the most desirable nutrients of the devil!

Despair will destroy everything, and despair will give them a chance. The devil's figure is in the shadow of the dark corner, ready to provoke the people to eventually destroy the city.

The appearance of Ryan gives this dead city a hint of life.

Because he represents hope at the moment, a piece from Modo City, the hope from that lord! The people with numb expressions gathered around him, and their eyes showed a longing expression, as if they wanted to hear the exciting news!

An old man dressed as a businessman appeared and stared at him with a questioning look.

Ryan nodded lightly, his face showing a smile.

Cheers are ringing!

I got the positive news from Ryan, and the people around me couldn’t help but burst out with a burst of cheers. The numb expression becomes vivid, as if these people were full of vitality in a moment, and the heart regained hope.

The hungry refugees stood up.

They gathered around Ryan, although the stomach was still empty. But in their increasingly thin body, they don't know why a force broke out.

These people firmly believe that as long as they have survived this time, they can bid farewell to suffering and have a new life after arriving in Modo City.

They are not lazy.

It is not because of their fault that they are causing all this. They are just innocent poor people who have no power.

Vitality and vitality spread in the deciduous city.

The really cold winter has not yet arrived, they still have the opportunity and time.


It was at this time that suddenly a group of cold-blooded law enforcement teams appeared, violently dispelling nearby people. Even some poor women and children turned to the ground. These people directly surrounded Ryan, and then appeared as a middle-aged man with a cold expression. He was dressed as a nobleman, holding a stamp with a seal in his hand, and there were two half-elf wizards next to him. The middle-aged man stared at Ryan with his cold, disgusted eyes, raised the file in his hand, and said: "This is the arrest warrant of the parliament!"


"Let the weapon down! You have been arrested for the crime of gaining an enemy."

Passing the enemy?

There was a raging anger on Ryan’s face, and this unstoppable anger even made him want to kill the man in front of him.

There were riots around, the people who were dispelled seemed to hear the voice of a middle-aged man, and some even roared against the law enforcement team that surrounded him, but these poor underclass civilians had little power and they were easily stumbled. On the other hand, the blood of a stock has emerged, and even some people have fallen down like this and have not been able to stand up.

Ryan looked red and red, and anger made him clench his fists and a blood vessel appeared on his arm.


He slowly threw away the weapon and waved to stop the companions who had pressed his hand on the hilt and wanted to fight. Now it is a very unwise choice to confront the aristocratic parliament. Although he cultivated his team in the Deciduous City, But it is impossible to counter the traditional power of these dominations. The middle-aged man in front of him showed a sense of satisfaction and contempt, and even a hint of disappointment, because the most ideal result was that Ryan confronted the law enforcement team, and then forced all his associates out, eventually killing all the nets.

This way they can save a lot of trouble.

The upper levels of the aristocratic parliament always pay attention to these people, and their rule has not been able to withstand another wave of shaking.

"Get him!"

The middle-aged man was chilling, and the law enforcement team next to him slammed on Ryan's stomach, then locked his arm as he bent over, and then directly carried the shackle on him.

Waiting for him will be a trial, because he is one of the leaders of the underground forces of the Deciduous City!

The deciduous city has not fallen.

The aristocratic parliament firmly believes that as long as they have survived this winter, they will have the opportunity to survive this difficult time. A little death and sacrifice is a must. Although the lower civilians in the Deciduous City have been suffering, the aristocratic parliament still maintains the support of the army. As long as there is an army, there is still a chance to turn over. They firmly believe that there is a chance to breathe through the winter. However, Ryan’s move is undoubtedly pushing them to the brink of destruction. Waiting for this man will be a trial of death, because he has been fighting the deciduous city for thousands of years.

If he succeeds, the rule of the Deciduous City will really end.

The prestige of the aristocratic parliament has not withstood the second blow. They are frightened and afraid of desperation and madness and even begin to accept the help of some dark forces.

Despair is always easy to make people fall dark!

The riots are spreading further, and a riot conflict seems to happen soon, because the law enforcement team has taken their hopes, which is tantamount to approaching the frenzy of madness.

Negative emotions are nourishing the power of evil, and desperate people seem to be planning to hit the law enforcement team again.

Ryan stopped it all.

He ended it all with just two words, letting the desperate people regain hope, and temporarily abandoned the plan to break the net.


Ryan said these two words, and then many people were quiet.

Then he stalked and let the law enforcement team take him away because he knew that the aristocratic parliament could not stop it from coming.

The power of prayer will bring their beliefs and prayers to that lord!

Perhaps a person's prayer can't tell the Lord what happened here, but thousands of personal prayers will eventually convey everything about the Deciduous City to that lord.

He will never sit back and ignore this!

Because He is the master of the half-elf, the shelter of the half-elf, the **** of the half-elf!

The deciduous city is being shrouded in a dark force~www.readwn.com~ They have an evil purpose, nourish sin with despair, and then quietly wait for the destruction of the city, and finally share a feast in destruction.

This is an incomparably sinful fruit!

Whether it is for the devil, the devil, or the evil spirit, this evil feast can bring great satisfaction to them.

Ryan didn't know his next fate.

He can only pin all his hopes on the city of Modo, and he is pinned on the great lord, because only He can save the deciduous city, and only He can save the half-elves here.

Chaos is the nourishment of sin, and the evil forces that traveled in the material plane finally stared at the deciduous city.


The arrival of winter will be an opportunity, and hunger and death will bloom in the winter with the most beautiful and cruel and ruthless flower of sin. (To be continued.)


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