Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 128: Plane crack


The number of these demons is still quite a lot. At this moment, a group of black-pressed people pounce on a corpse, and they have already eaten their bodies for a long time. The white-flowered brain is covered with red blood and the intestines, even the battlefield of Ryan. Feeling a bit disgusting. Another half-elf boy has died and can no longer die. In such a short period of time, he is about to be eaten up by the hungry demon. Dandy was scared by the picture in front of him, and he just fell on the ground and kept retching.


The demons found out the arrival of Ryan, and soon a few figures rushed toward them.

The number of these demons has reached double digits. The only thing that is fortunate is that their ranks are very low. Most of them are the lowest level of demon. The rest are more special abyss quarks and small demons. Branch.


Ryan rushed to the sword and the demons were not enough to threaten him. Although he didn't understand why there were demons here, it is best to solve them all now. There are many ordinary civilians in the city of Modo. These civilians can't cope with the devil. Even the lowest level of the demon can easily open a civilian. The basic strength of the bottomless abyss and material plane is still too far. It is.

The battle is coming to an end.

Ryan killed the demons in a few minutes, and the demon who wanted to escape was shot by him with a bow and arrow.

He frowned and glanced at the wreckage of the boy named Alec, then glanced at Dandy, who was still soft next to his leg, turned and slammed it up and rushed outside.

It is too strange to see these demons without warning.

For this matter, Ryan felt that he had exceeded his ability, so he decided to report the matter first and hand it over to the top of the city.

The devil will not appear for no reason, I am afraid this is not so simple.


Sauron is preparing to continue to raise the ranks of the Wizard Tower.

During this time, Gloria’s attitude was a bit strange. He couldn’t say anything about it. Since she didn’t say Sauron, she didn’t ask much.

but. Just as he was about to continue exploring the interior of the Wizard Tower, a message was sent directly from the Guard to his hands. This news caused Sauron to pay great attention. He immediately notified Gloria after receiving the news, and then it was sent to the destination together. There is a demon in the territory of the city of Modo. Although the strength is not very strong, the number is not too much, but the way it appears is very strange, as if it came out of nowhere.

"It should be here"

Sauron’s expression was quite dignified, and in front of him was the dead demon corpse. There is also a remains of a half-elf juvenile.

It should be the victim.

The Modo City Guard, which had already been rushed nearby, was blocked and the news was not transmitted. Another informed teenager was temporarily shut down.

At this time, it is better not to leak the news, it is easy to cause panic among ordinary people.

"Send someone to go out and search now"

Sauron glanced at the battlefield and ordered directly to his guard: "Search for nearby areas to see if there are any demons that have missed the net. Block this area and not allow others to get closer."

"Yes," the guard standing behind Sauron took the lead.

Sauron followed Goliath's footprints along the demon, and soon passed through the dense jungle and reached a dark valley.

It is a very small valley.

The perception of the **** level opened, and Sauron did not find any anomalies. Gloria is also exploring the surroundings, but her expression is very doubtful.

After a while.

Gloria stopped and muttered: "It's strange that there aren't any summoning circles and no traces left by others. It's like these low demons appear here out of thin air."

Sauron heard a shock.

Immediately, his whole person fell into silence, and then he sighed: "I will use the telepathy to help you open the horizon of the gods, you check the space nearby."


Gloria raised her head in confusion, but quickly nodded: "Good."

The glory of divinity emerges.

Sauron's pupils glowed golden, and at the same time, with the power of telepathy, everything he saw was passed on to Gloria's mind.

Everything in front of us is beginning to change.

The space began to show a slight distortion, and everything seen on the level of the gods was completely different from what the mortal saw. Not to mention that Sauron is trying to grasp the power of God who changes the space.

"Not right"

Gloria’s expression also became extremely dignified and muttered: “The space here seems a bit distorted. I can’t be sure what it is, but the space here is really unstable.”

it has started.

It seems that the Holy Holocaust has really begun.

When I heard the words of Gloria, Sauron had an answer in her heart. However, he did not say much, because he had to make further confirmation, so he slowly said: "Can you lay a warning circle here? I think the answer should appear soon."

Gloria heard the words and immediately nodded: "Yes."


A subtle array of vigilance has been completed, and the two stayed in place, making sure to leave without any other discoveries.

The blink of an eye has passed for a long time.

When the night fell, the alert circle under Goliath was suddenly touched. In the twinkling of an eye, two people have a sense of heart, and then directly transmitted to the valley in the daytime.

The air in front of you seems to be turbulent.

Sauron saw that the space was gradually distorted, and then a small gap was cracked. Through the slit Sauron, the hot magma could be seen. It was impossible to determine where the opposite of the space crack was, but it was definitely one of the bottomless abyss. local.


Along with a messy voice~www.readwn.com~ some small demons climbed out of the cracks in the small space. Through the cracks, you can also see a huge violent demon, but it seems that it can not pass such a small space. Space cracks lasted for a short time, less than a minute or two, because the demons competed, and only six demons climbed out of them.

"I think I know the reason."

Gloria’s expression was as dignified as ever, muttering: “Is this what you have been worried about?”

Sauron did not answer.

He gently grabbed his hand and the demon was caught, and then immediately volleyed into a meat sauce, slowly said: "This must be sealed. I am afraid there will often be demons coming out here."

The space crack is closed.

There is a quiet piece in the entire valley. Except for the devil's body on the ground, there seems to be no abnormality here. To be continued.


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