Abyss Domination

Vol 6 Chapter 137: Trace of the goddess of magic

The goddess of magic is one of the biggest changes in the Holocaust.

It can be said that it is because of her fall that it will lead to such terrible damage to the Holocaust, and the impact of the collapse of the Magic Net is too long, until the end of the Holocaust of the Holy One affects the entire multiverse. Therefore, from the perspective of Sauron, the magic goddess suddenly appeared this time, no matter how he is concerned, he should pay attention to it, can not change the future, but at least he needs to judge from this matter where he will go in the future.

In the near future, the deaths of tens of millions of people are related to the goddess of magic.

At the critical moment when the plane barrier was broken, the Demon Legion and the Devil Legion descended on the material plane, the magic goddess suddenly fell. The collapse of the Magic Net caused the casters to become weak chickens all the time, not just the wizard. Was invaded into hell, even the pastor was collapsed because of the network of beliefs above the magic net. The gods were temporarily unable to contact the top of the magic net to give magic to the embarrassing situation. In this case, the only ones who can stand in front of the devil and the devil are the melee-professionals.

There were a lot of tragic heroes at the time.

The names of many warriors have been rumored by the world, but in the end they still cannot change the overall situation. It is impossible for the melee professionals to stop the demon army.

Without the help of the caster, they could not even close the abyss portal.

How many legendary warriors ended up killing thousands of demons, and eventually they were killed by the devils that came out of the portal.

Although the material plane is very weak, most cities have at least one legendary professional sitting in the city.

Especially in the Northland Witch Tower and the Southern Wizard City, there are quite a few legendary casters in these two places. If it is not the sudden collapse of the magic net, the material plane will not be ruined at once.


The whistling wind is accompanied by dust, and Sauron perceives everything around him.

"It looks like the magic goddess really appeared here."

It is a place close to the eastern desert. The source of intelligence is here. Just one day before, suddenly there is a rather amazing mana storm. There are only two people who can do this in the whole material plane. One is the lady who creates the Shadow Magic Net. The other one is the goddess of magic. Even after three days have passed, there is still a very active elemental energy left here, which has been permanently changed into a magically active area.

Since there is a dead zone, there are naturally some places that are very suitable for releasing spells.

"The magic goddess should appear here. But where will she go next?"

Sauron stood in the same place and couldn't help but feel that there were other people nearby, but he didn't care. The appearance of the goddess of magic attracted too many people's attention. Everyone was looking for the trace of the goddess.

At this moment, Sauron seems to be a high-ranking wizard.

There is nothing about the dress of the rogue. Now Sauron looks like a purebred wizard, and there are many people like him nearby, because for those wizards who have not yet entered the legendary field, as long as a little pleased, the magic goddess may be The opponent directly upgrades to the strength of the legendary wizard.

no way.

The magic goddess is such a hang, she wants to train a legendary wizard is a minute.

"You can only rely on tracking the priesthood."

The goddess of magic is also known as the mysterious lady. Sauron turned around without any discovery. In the end, she could only hope to rely on tracking the priesthood to find her.

Here are traces of her stay, tracking the clerk can provide clues to Sauron.


Sauron stood still for a long time, and when he suddenly opened his eyes, there was a faint divine glow in his pupil. Then there is a disappearance.

He left in one direction and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The people nearby are not surprised. Since the magic goddess appeared here, there are spellcasters appearing here every day, and then staying for a while and then leave in one direction according to prophecy or their intuition, trying to find Falling into the mortal magic goddess. However, it is a bit strange that I don't know why, for example, every caster who uses prophecy here can seem to find out. As for whether it is true or not, no one knows.

This is three days.

strictly speaking. Sauron really has no clues about the traces of the goddess of magic, and the direction that guides him is completely the power to trace the priesthood. He himself is not sure that tracking God's functions can't find the goddess of magic, but at this point he can only believe that the power of the ministry will not disappoint him.

This kind of powerful **** is trying to cover up the traces and others are hard to find.

Night falls.

After three consecutive days of going northwest. Sauron’s induction by tracking the sacred mission was suddenly interrupted.

There are only two reasons for this.

One is that he completely lost the magic goddess, even if he is tracking the gods, he can't find her traces.

The second is that the goddess of magic is nearby.

The other person's godhead and priestly shielded the effect of Sauron, because the mysterious lady has a lot of special fields, and tracking the priesthood is very likely to fail when it is very close to her.

Soren naturally still expects the goddess of magic to be nearby.

So he stopped and looked carefully around him. Here is a forest near the northwest. It is not far from the foggy forest. Soren has some impressions, as if I have heard of this place.

Under normal circumstances.

The places that Sauron remembers are treasures, which is because of the professional characteristics of the rogue.


Suddenly, a vigilant voice sounded, and Sauron discovered at this time that he actually triggered a warning spell, and the ability of the other party to cast spells was significantly higher than himself.

"I have no ill intentions"

Sauron quickly stood out from the shadows because he had seen the missile storm of the other side's palms and explained: "I am a wizard from the south, Sony, just passing by."

"I don't know who you are?"

When I heard Sauron's words, the wizard in front of him obviously relaxed a little, but did not completely eliminate the hostility, but slowly said: "I am Ildis from the city of wizards."

"What are you doing here?"



When Sauron heard the name, he couldn't help but shake it.

Because he actually met a famous figure in the future, and is one of the most powerful wizards in the future.

of course.

The most powerful wizard in the future did not have much brilliant achievements. Although he heard about his strength in Sauron's memory, he did not hear how powerful a enemy he had killed. However, this guy's luck is quite good, and he has been safely living to the end of the Holy Holocaust, and the reason why he can become the most powerful wizard in the material plane is actually very simple.

That is, he is on the magic goddess...

One thing that should have been mentioned before is that if a wizard is lucky enough to get the goddess of magic, or has had close contact with her incarnation, then the wizard can receive special gifts. Under normal circumstances, this lucky one will permanently add a legendary spell bit, or all the more lucky spell points plus one.

These are all permanent.

And these spells will not be affected by their own strengths~www.readwn.com~ Even if a level 1 wizard gets the favor of the goddess of magic, these spells can also be used after an intimate contact.

Of course, the premise is that he can remember a legendary spell.

This magical goddess seems to have only the lucky one of Ildis, but the last magical goddess has received a lot of wizards.


The daughter of the last magic goddess can give extra spells. A woman who once ruled Silvermoon City is quite popular among people because she can get a spell position once she gets her favor.

to be frank.

If there is really a plane in the world, then Ildis should be one of them.

.................. is not to be continued.


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