Abyss Domination

Chapter 73: Spell test

An inconspicuous little courtyard.

Sauron practiced with a scimitar in one stroke. He had been back to White Horse City for two days, and the time was very calm. During the day, I practiced the white crow swordsmanship and continued to study the spell model at night. Now he has mastered 10 0-level spells. There are hundreds of the lowest level tricks. He can only select useful first-class learning. The research progress of the 1st-level spell Arcane Missiles has also reached about 80%. If it is smooth, this evening. You can master the first formal spell. As the research progresses faster and faster, his understanding of the spell model is gradually increasing.

Many spell models are similar, and higher-order spells often contain lower-level spell models.

For example, the ‘strong acid arrow’ second-loop spell, the structure of its spell model is very complicated, it may be as many as hundreds of thousands of spell nodes, but the internal structure has many overlaps with the level 0 spell 'acid splash'. The same is true of the 'Arcane Missile' that Solon is currently studying. If he learns the four-ring 'secondary missile storm' in the future, he can introduce the spelling model of the Arcane Missile into it, which will greatly reduce the time for learning spells. .

The Arcane Missile is a one-time launch of up to five energy missiles, and the secondary missile storm is a one-time launch of 15-25 energy missiles.

The more the principle structure of many spell models is, the easier it is to study.

However, the study of the white crow swordsmanship is not fast, and the middle and high-level combat skills must take a long time to master. Normal training white crow swordsmanship is only three to five years before it can be slightly improved, so Sauron is a good talent, but these days are just to find some skills, far from being skilled. . There aren't many shortcuts to combat skill training. It took him a long time to train [Swords - Cross].

At noon, he will go to the caravan station to accompany Vivian.

The afternoon sun was warm in the autumn, and the two men leaned together to bask in the sun, and the little girl often fell asleep on his body.

This age is a long time, because the task of learning is very heavy, she seems more sleepy.

If there is anything new, the little girl will smash on his knees and tell him what he has learned. What happened today, and he will always fall asleep without knowing it. Spell learning is actually a very boring thing, and Gloria obviously wants to train the little girl into a full-fledged caster, or she will not teach her so much knowledge beyond the spell. For Vivienne's talent, Sauron is only a little clearer now. It is even stronger than himself. Anything you read and remembers once will almost understand most of it.

It can be said that it is a true genius.

If it wasn't for Sauron who had no special pedigree talent, he even had some doubts that Vivienne was the Son of God.

Or the descendants of the Son of God.

However, this idea only came out and he was vetoed for a while, because most of the gods have magical powers, and Vivian's body does not have any trace of divine power, so she should be the kind of cast genius. Moreover, two people have the same mother, and Vivian's father has a vague impression in his memory, as if it is just a more serious adventurer. To say that there is really blood, it should be the father of Sauron's body, after all, in his memory, it is a thief.

The casters who have the wizard tower are all high-level, and the thieves who dare to go in and steal things are basically the professional level 15 or above!

Because God knows how many traps and demons are there.

Any running wizard tower has a level of challenge above 15 and is almost as difficult as killing an adult red dragon.

The price of the wizard tower was basically above 1 million Kindler.

If there is money to a certain extent, the tower can be deformed and even fly. The final form of the wizard tower can be advanced to become a different dimension fortress and floating fortress, which is one of the few things that can make the legendary thieves also leave a psychological shadow. There are also only a few special buildings in the world that can be used to confront the gods in the past. There are ancient documents that record the Great Arcane Masters to transfer the floating fortress to the heavenly kingdom, and then they have dried up a god.


White Horse City has been grinding for such a long time, and finally it is beginning to take action.

For the efficiency of this world ruling class, Sauron’s heart was devastated. When the Southern Islands battled, he was killed by the aristocratic parliament. Otherwise, he will not ask the war of the kingdom again, and he will turn his attention to the adventure of the small team. Basically, in all the countries of the world, Sauron has no sense of identity. He has basically used more than half of the country's knives for the employment tasks he received during his stay.

Whoever gives more money, he will kill the enemy!

The White Horse City Guard is finally ready to go. The assembled army includes a Knights squad and employs a large number of adventurers.

After being blocked for nearly a week, the City Hall came up with a viable plan. Please move the sorcerer stationed in the city, assemble a 2,000-strong army, and begin to clean up the monsters on the main road. The wars in this world rarely occur in the number of conferences with more than 100,000 people. Even the number of people in the kingdom is only tens of thousands. It is not the reason for the small population. It is only the soldiers trained by ordinary people.

Here is an elite army, the real soldiers are soldiers of the proletariat.

The population of Baimacheng covers more than half a million people, but the number of permanent troops is only about 5,000. These people are all regular soldiers who are out of production, and more than half of the time is training every year. Basically, there are advanced fighters in the army, but most of the professional ranks are below the fifth grade. Only those who have been tempered by the battlefield can break through to the fifth grade.

Sauron is also ready to act with them.

The killing experience is never enough. If there is such an opportunity to act with the group, he naturally has to find a way to get more experience.

At midnight.

Sauron finally learned the first level 1 spell, and also got an additional 100 points of professional experience. Wizards can get professional experience with formal spells, but only a small number of them. Level 1 spells are only 100 points, level 2 spells are 200 points, level 3 spells are 400 points, and level 4 spells are 800 points. The professional experience gained from the 5th-level spell is very impressive, a 5th-level spell has 1600 professional experience.

The level 6 spell is 3200 points, the level 7 spell is 6400 points, and the level 8 spell is 12800 points.

Level 9 spells are not yet known, but they should be large.

From this point of view, it seems that the wizard is not difficult to upgrade the professional level, but the problem is that the speed of the wizard learning spells is very slow, and the high-level spells have a learning time of one or two months, which is doomed to be less than the killings of others. Experience. Moreover, the price of these spells is not cheap, and the more advanced the spells get, the more difficult it is to get.

"Finally finished."

After Sauron successfully built the arcane missile's spell model, he immediately began to remember the spell. He is now a level 4 wizard with 3 level 1 spells and a low-level wizard ring. You can add an additional 1 Level spell position. That is to say, he can now memorize 4 one-ring spells, although only Arcane missiles can be memorized at present.

The time of memory is not long.

It took Soron only two hours to complete the spell memory, and the four spells formed after touching the magic net constructed the spell model of the Arcane Missile.

"Type of Item: Ring of the Low Sorcerer.

Item Level: [First Order Extraordinary Items]

Item Description: A wizard's ring made with special material enchantments can help the caster to store additional spells.

Equipment requirements: None.

Equipment effect: Add 1 level spell slot. ”

The most expensive item-level ring, the most expensive is the wizard's ring to increase the spell position, because you can flexibly memorize various types of spells. This is followed by a single enchanted ring that can be charged with additional spells. For example, the wilted wooden stick +1 that Sauron got, has 3 recharged level 1 oracle 'winding' on it, and after using it, the corresponding professional must repair the recharge. More advanced and extraordinary items can be recharged on their own, using a certain number of times a day, but the price and materials are very expensive.

"Type of item: withered stick +1.

Item Level: [First Order Extraordinary Items]

Item Description: Use the special stick of the magical blessing to launch an additional druid spell. The green leaf above is full of vitality.

Equipment requirements: None.

Equipment effect: You can use level 1 magic [winding] (2/3 times). ”

The memory is complete.

Sauron couldn't wait to stand up and then walked outside the room. He needed to test the power of the Arcane Missile. He first took out a piece of wood, about three centimeters thick, and then found a piece of iron, about 0.5 cm thick. It is his habit to test his strength before the battle.


The spellcasting time of the Arcane Missile is very short, only one second, the spell is three interlaced monosyllabic ~www.readwn.com~ With Sauron pointing forward, two groups of table tennis-sized arcane missiles emerge , instantly fell on the board in front of it. The speed of the spell is extremely fast. Although the dodge spell may be successful, it needs to be pre-judged in advance. It is like hiding the bullet and pre-judge the position of the opponent, the direction of the arm before the shot. The speed of the Arcane Missile is similar to that of a bullet. The possibility of dodging after the cast is very low. If you want to avoid it, you have to prepare it before the other party casts the spell.

Because the Arcane Missiles only hit the first target, many spells are like this.

Even the illusion of 'dissociation' and 'death one' are only applied to the first object encountered. Sauron had a hamster on his body for a while. When he was raised by a pet, he saw the red light of death and threw the hamster directly. If you are lucky, you can block a spell. If you are not lucky, you can only rely on physical strength and exemption.

Because there is no mastery of [Spell Control], the flight path of the Arcane Missile is a straight line, and the three-cm thick plank is directly punched out of a hole, and both missiles hit the same position. However, when Sauron released the spell for the second time, the Arcane Missile only made a pit on the iron plate, and his spell power could not penetrate the 0.5 cm thick iron plate.

"It's okay to deal with enemies who don't wear armor." Sauron took the iron plate and observed it carefully. He secretly said: "The enemy who wears armor is a lot worse, but fortunately, the speed of casting is very short, and it is good to use it unexpectedly. effect."

In the future, if you learn the 'flying storm', a spell can be sieved in the past.


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