Abyss Domination

Chapter 74: Camp overview

The army of White Horse City will leave tomorrow morning.

So Soren went to the secret store early in the morning and bought a few necessary spell reels for himself.

Most of the spoils in his hand have been removed, and nearly 1,000 Kindlers have been exchanged. The money seems to be very much, but there is no more to buy something. The speed at which Master spends money is definitely beyond your imagination. Sauron purchased a scroll of the Second Ring spell 'Stealth' and spent 300 Kindlers directly. This is the most expensive two-ring spell scroll, which allows you to hide for a while after use. If you parse the spell scroll split model, the wizard can copy it to the spell book.

The thief's stealth ability can be superimposed with stealth.

Because stealth is just to let yourself disappear, it will not cover up your footsteps, and will not erase the traces of the activity. Only the thieves will be the least likely to let other people discover when using stealth. Of course, Sauron is not used as a one-time consumable. He decomposed the spell reel after reading the reading. According to the model on the spell reel, 15 sheets of paper were recorded, which counted the complete data of the stealth technique.

Stealth has more than one hundred and two spell nodes, nearly one hundred spell loops.

In the state of adding "reading", Sauron looked at it directly and looked at it, and then relied on a powerful and unforgettable ability to remember. Although it was recorded in the content of more than ten sheets of paper, Soren only took less than ten minutes, but to complete the construction of the spell model of stealth surgery, I am afraid that it will not be successful without a few days. It's as if you have finished an academic paper easily, you can experiment according to the content of academic papers, but it is very complicated and complicated.

Other first-level spells can be put aside for the time being, and stealth is currently the most useful spell for Sauron.

After mastering certain techniques of constructing spells, Sauron skipped other spells and learned stealth. The 4th-level wizard has 2 second-loop spells. You can remember two stealths every day. If you use it well, it is definitely Turn the bottom card. The stealth of 150 thieves can only achieve the effect of stealth surgery in the shadow, but the stealth of the second ring can be invisible directly during the day.

The two can't be compared at all!

If the thief can sneak in the hidden place at any time, I am afraid that it will be directly taken out by several second-loop spells.


It is also necessary to allocate logistics materials when dispatching the army, and it takes time for the adventurer to assign tasks.

Sauron’s mission is to scout, which is the most common task for rogues. The positive battle is mainly handed over to the White Horse City Corps. After leaving the secret store, he entered the gray area, and many equipments needed to be replenished, especially the poisoned scorpion and the venom of the two-legged dragon. These things cost him nearly 200 Kindler's gains, plus the spell scroll directly used half of the deposit. If you don't use the equipment carefully, an adventure is very likely to make ends meet.

Before leaving, Sauron went to the caravan residence.

Surprisingly, he met the glamorous woman again, but this time the other party did not use any spells on him, but just picked up the eyebrows to reveal a smile, and the white fingers held a card to play.


The fascinating woman chuckled and said: "I was scared by my sister last time? Actually, my sister just teased you to play. Really have to deal with you, a dissociation technique is enough."

Soren silently pressed the palm of his hand on the scimitar, his expression could not see any traces, but the whole person was ready to fight. The fascinating woman in front of her eyes is actually the mother of the caravan hostess. Although Sauron is very clever and does not ask, but it is not difficult to see that their mother-daughter relationship is very rigid. In the weak situation, never have too much curiosity, Sauron eyes and nose and focus on the attention, the line of sight fell slightly on the other's finger.

It is a Vientiane card, it may be a higher-order arcane card, or even a legendary fate card.

She may also be a high-level witch!

A Northland witch with a professional level of 15 or above and a powerful spellcasting ability.

"Mother." The figure of the caravan hostess soon appeared. She glanced at Sauron's slight nod, and then turned to the glamorous woman: "You should go back. According to the rules set by the parliament, you are every day. The time to leave the residence cannot exceed 2 hours."

Exiled witch?

Sauron brows a little and quickly hides all expressions.

His basic skills 'performance' has never been high, and ‘fraud’ skills are more general. In other words, Sauron can’t play, and can’t use his expression to lick his own true emotions. Therefore, most of the time, he tries to maintain a relatively cold and expressionless state, so as to avoid the other party's inner thoughts from his expression.

‘Performance’ and ‘Cheat’ are also useful basic skills.

It is said that beautiful women are born to play, with 10 points of performance skills, they are also very deceptive, with 20 points of fraud skills.

Of course, this may also be just a ridicule.

But there is no doubt that the glamorous woman in front of her eyes is obviously very acting. She stood up if she had nothing to do, and she clap her hands and decided to leave. Before she left, she also looked at Sauron inexplicably. That feeling is like being stared by a beautiful snake, even if the other side has a stunning appearance, but still let Sauron's back appear a goose bump. It was completely instinctive, and he subconsciously clenched the machete, and the muscles of his body tightened.


The glamorous woman gave a chuckle and a sullen smile on her face. She looked at Sauron up and down and played with the taste: "It looks like you are afraid of me."

She walked gently past Sauron, who had a unique scent.

Sauron unconsciously took a deep breath, as if the fragrance was very attractive. This move made the glamorous woman show a little smile, and it looked like a smile. Women always liked men to fall under their charm. However, Sauron’s expression is still very calm. He has already remembered this fragrance in his heart. If he smells this smell again, he can judge it quickly. The smell is something that is easy to expose the target, and the thief will erase the body odor as much as possible.

Sauron had killed many women before, and many of them were high-ranking witches. More than once, he relied on the scent to judge the position of the enemy after the high stealth.

The scent of women is very obvious, the more fragrant women are, the easier it is to kill them.

"very sorry."

When the glamorous woman left, the hostess of the caravan once again said a word of sorry, but did not say any reason. Sauron followed her in the lab and was ready to see Vivian before she left. The relationship between the mother and the daughter is very strange. The daughter is obviously a person who values ​​order and favors kindness, but the mother knows at a glance that she is the one who does what she wants.

If divided according to the camp of previous players, the camp of the caravan hostess should be law-neutral, favored by kind people, while her mother is chaotic and neutral, obviously biased towards evil people. The camp offsets of previous players are very common, because each camp has a statistical value of 50 points. For example, a lawful and neutral camp, 1 point tends to be orderly and kind, 50 points is biased towards orderly evil. But as long as it is within this range, it is still a law-neutral camp.

If you do something good or bad, it is very likely that camp shifts will occur and become lawful or lawful.

Of course, the plot aborigines rarely shift, mainly because the player is offset.

This camp shift is not just about good and evil, but also the way individuals behave, from lawful to neutral, or from neutral to chaotic.

Human behavior is changeable.

I am afraid that no race in this world will have a camp shift more often than humans.

It’s not the idea to decide the camp, because everybody has the idea of ​​evil in his mind, even the noble samurai. The key is whether you have put this idea into action, and the people in the evil camp always carry a lot of evil thoughts and resentments. In a world where supernatural power is very common, these things can be seen through the magic of the spell. Equally kind people will be grateful, and this is also a weak belief power that can be applied to certain spells.

Therefore, the samurai likes to use the Detective Evil spell on people, although this is the most annoying thing!

Sauron hates them.

Sometimes when I encounter these rafters, I really want to hack and die!


at dusk.

Sauron left the caravan station, the army of White Horse City will start tomorrow, he still needs to prepare.

Because the next fight is probably not easy.


(PS: Lawyers are the easiest to favor a sinister occupation, because if they help a bad person escape the legal sanctions, although the effect is only one or two people, but the consequences will affect the entire order. Can use the law The loopholes go to the bright and the evil, which is much more serious than simply killing one or two people. It is like the first old man who dares not to help, although her actions are only a deceitful young man, but it is produced. The influence spreads to the whole world. In reality, of course, sin does not die, but in this supernatural world, resentment and evil thoughts can directly shift her to the deepest orderly evil, because she leads to the decline of the moral point of the whole world. Even if such a person does not kill and set fire, it will be directly smashed by the samurai.

It is ridiculous to say what the camp should do, because how do you judge the behavior of a child's camp?

The magical light of the camp that appears in the spell is your feedback on the behavior of the whole world. Is your behavior making the world more kind and beautiful, or is the world biased towards evil? Are you maintaining the order of the world or spreading chaos in the world? The devil is the representative of the lawful evil. They have all kinds of evil purposes, but they don't arbitrarily kill and set fire. They like slavery but don't like slaughter, so the high-order devils use iron fists and cruel means to rule hell, and they Very focused on the contract.

The devil's contract is the most trustworthy thing in the multiverse!

This is the representative of extreme order.

Whether it is orderly, good or evil, it is a matter of severity.

Kindness and evil, order and chaos, and their own camps change with behavior. Now good people may have been evil, and now evil people may have been a noble samurai. You may talk about rules and order today, and tomorrow you may do what you want. Whether it is orderly or chaotic, it is still your most common way of behavior. Usually too free to do is chaos, half to half is neutral, most of the time to pay attention to the rules is lawful.

Extreme chaos is a madman, behavior is completely unreasonable, and extreme order is paranoid and even more unreasonable.

However, the stronger the existence, the firmer the beliefs and positions of the self, and the fact that camp offsets rarely occur.

The militia detected by the spell is a feedback from the world about your past actions, not what you are doing in the future. And ordinary detection spells can only show good and evil, can not show the behavior, it is said that the other is lawful or chaotic, but also you must judge according to his behavior.

Therefore, those Baidu who have a bit of orderly evil, think that students who should kill and set fire to the village to destroy the village can reflect on it.

You see this guy in the chaotic camp.

Today, I just finished writing the 3000 words of the main story, so I will explain the necessary things here, or write about the devil and there is controversy. After all, the type of this book is very unpopular, not explaining the results that make him talk and influence the book~www.readwn.com~ I may not write well, but I am still very serious about what I write. Boring summed up my past days, I found that the camp's offset is really powerful, from the lawful goodness to the lawful neutrality, now it is already a little neutral evil.

Everyone feels that they will sum up what camp will be?

I think many people are neutral and kind?


The order of good and evil in the whole world is actually to see which kind of people are a little more, and there are more people who maintain order, and everyone will behave in a rules. There are more kind people, and positive energy spreads more widely. So in the dark areas, evil behavior will be praised, and good behavior will be considered weak unless someone re-enacts the rules of the area. The first 18 years of Sauron were ruling thieves, killing people and arson and stealing blackmail. Although the evil points will not exceed 50 points, they will enter the range of extreme evil, but they will not easily drift to other camps. The devil has an occasional conscience to find help to the same kind, but the whole can not change the essence of their evil.


There are many foreign languages ​​in this chapter, and they should not be explained in the future. After all, it’s going to be on the shelves. It’s okay to add a free chapter to explain it. If the fee is added, it will be killed. As for why it is not related to the work, do you not know that the people in the orderly camp are more paranoid? I spent six hours summing up and writing, naturally I want you to see it.

Love your floating butcher. Hey.

[Good manners, neutral goodness, chaotic goodness, lawful neutrality, absolute neutrality, chaotic neutrality, lawful evil, neutral evil, chaotic evil]

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