Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 4: Yingling!

"I am going to die?"

Mano felt that the power in the body was losing with the blood, his consciousness gradually began to scatter, and breathing became more and more difficult. As the death approached, the pain of the body gradually subsided. He began to lose consciousness, but the power of faith made his spirits condense. He felt that a huge force was calling himself.

That is the radiance of divinity!

This is a very common encounter. Since the outbreak of the Holocaust, the battle between humans and demons has begun.

As the officer in charge of the wind and spear hill defense, Mano is not the first time to fight with the devil, but this time he did not think that the number of enemies is so much, and they have no time to retreat for help.

They won.

This seems to be justified, because the city of Modo has never failed!

They have their own pride, which is the pride of the powerful force of Modo City. Even if the opponents are far more powerful than their demons, they will still win.


They won.

It was as if I followed Sauron’s Lord to kill White Dragon, followed Saulon’s defeat of other pirate kings, and followed Soren’s expedition to Treasure Island.

The army of Modo City is invincible!

Mano felt that his vitality was moving away from his body, and his injuries were already very serious. Breathing became so difficult, he tried to open his mouth to comfort his comrade-in-arms, but in the end he did not make a sound. These are the comrades who fight with him and deliver the life of the back. If he thinks so fast, he will have to take a step to see the old brothers who have died in battle. As a jealous pirate Mano is not afraid of death, his heart is only a little regret, because he has not witnessed the rise of the city of Modo standing on the top of the world!

He firmly believes that Modo City will become the greatest city in the material plane!

There is hope and hope there.

The devil has been killed by all of them, but the price they paid is also very heavy.

In the end of a team of twelve people, only three people rushed out of the encirclement. Relying on sophisticated equipment and tactics, they have killed more than a dozen chased demons.

The comrades around me have been scarred.

The death is getting closer and closer to Mano, he is weak enough to breathe, and his consciousness is gradually dissipating.

Such injuries are almost impossible to treat.

Unless there is a high-ranking priest on the spot to use rehabilitation, but now it is almost impossible, he can not support that time. The advent of death has allowed his spirit to be sublimated. His faith gathered the power of the soul, and at the moment when the consciousness was completely dissipated, he saw a golden glow descending from the sky.

A golden figure appeared in front of his eyes, reaching out to his smiling smile.

"My Lord!..."

Mano pneumatically moved his lips with the last force, but he could not make any sound, then he slowly closed his eyes.

Death is coming.

But all this is not the end for him, but a new beginning.


Sauron’s figure floated in midair.

His expression did not change much. Nor was it sad because of the death of a mad believer, because it was just a new beginning for him.

Mano’s life as a mortal has reached the end.

But then he is going to meet a new life, a new one.

The mortal can't see him at the moment.

The soldier holding Mano’s icy body was screaming with anger and anger, then madly picking up the weapon and slashing it on the body of the demon, as if to vent his anger.

Another person slowly closed Mano's eyes. Then he dragged his tired body toward the woods ahead.

There are also their dead comrades.

Soren looked at it all silently. When Mano's life was completely dissipated, he slowly extended his palm and then gently moved. A sly soul rises from the body and then falls into his palm.

A little golden glory emerged.

This soul of the soul gradually sublimated under the divine light of Sauron. The gray mark on the soul was faded, and a hint of pale golden brilliance gradually emerged.

As a fanatic, he is qualified to receive the power that Soren has given.

Sauron’s figure vacated and he waved at the woods ahead. There are even nine other souls falling into his palm. These souls also began to change after falling into Sauron's palm. A little grayish traces dissipated, and a trace of **** red light faded. Whether they were kind or evil before their death, the soul of the soul was taken after their death. Lun erased. These causes and effects are all borne by Sauron, so that they can offset the traction of the lower planes for these souls.

There are only two places for the evil one.

One is the lower plane containing the Barto Hell and the bottomless abyss, and the other is the kingdom of the gods they believe in.

Sauron is taking on their cause and effect.

Only by taking on these auras of causality in the name of the gods can he re-transfer these souls to his kingdom.

A little bit of white brilliance emerged.

Unlike Mano's soul, other souls turned white after touching the divine glow of Sauron. Their good and evil were erased. Now they are the soul of the neutral camp.

The lower planes will not be able to pull their souls, and Sauron is free to arrange their whereabouts.

These are not mad believers.

They are followers of Sauron, loyal, but the faith is not pious.

Without the appearance of Sauron, these souls may be drawn to the underworld and distributed by the Death Knight. If Saulun’s Kingdom of God works normally, the Alien God will periodically take away part of the soul from the Death, and then They are attracted to the kingdom of the gods. Only the souls of the devotees and the souls of the legendary professional can directly alarm the alien gods and the gods themselves, and these souls may be personally attracted or even not in the hands of the death servant.

Because the devils will steal the soul.

Through the evil and the contract of the loopholes, the devils have been trying to steal high-quality souls that the gods did not notice in the long years.

Even the gods have made a big fight with the devils!

Death is not as qualified as it is supposed to be, because there are so many souls that they need to handle. There are always some souls that are neglected, or it may be because of the secret trade with the devil. The gods of death gods always miss a little soul, and then the devil and the devils try their best to take them away.

Because of the eruption of the Holy Holocaust, the Kingdom of God has now broken the link.

Now no one knows if the kingdom of God is still functioning properly, and even the order of the underworld has not continued. Sauron is not prepared to give everything to the death of the servant to deal with ~www.readwn.com~ Since he has come here, then simply take these souls away. These souls are heroic warriors, and they did not retreat until the moment of death.

They are a group of excellent seeds.

A radiance emerges.

The figure of Sauron disappeared into the place, and the next moment appeared in the temple.

In his palm is ten souls that have faded away from memory. Death will gradually erase the memory of mortals. Only the most memorable memories can remain a little after reincarnation.

Under normal circumstances.

A mortal can only retain at least one percent of his life's memory after he dies.

"My Lord!..."

The figure of the high priest appeared outside the temple, and she leaned slightly toward Sauron.

Sauron turned his head and stared at her, then nodded lightly, and raised his hands to raise the souls, and then blended into the glory of the temple.

The kingdom of God is not stable.

In this case, Sauron is not suitable for sending these souls to the kingdom of God.

So he intends to spend a lot of effort to open up a small space in the temple, and then temporarily settle these souls. Relying on the power of faith gathered in the temple, these souls will gradually change. If their beliefs are still firm, these souls will be transformed into prayers associated with the temple, attached to the temple in the form of spirituality, until Soren finds the settlement again. Their place.

As for Mano's soul, he will blend the brilliance of the temple into a higher-order spirit.

If he can fuse the power of Sauron.

Then this soul will gradually become the [Holy Spirit], and the future will become the **** of Soren's soul.

.................. (To be continued.)

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