Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 17: Grab the head!

Most of the kingdom of the gods.

The alien gods who are responsible for regularly going to the underworld to deliver souls to the gods are very special. They are basically given special abilities by the gods, and they also inherit a certain power characteristic of the priesthood. Because in the eyes of the **** of death in the underworld, the messengers responsible for regularly attracting the souls of the believers in the kingdom of gods do not look outwards. They all look at the characteristics of the power of the ministry and the imprint of the soul of the messenger.

simply put.

If Sauron wants to create a **** that regularly leads to the soul to deliver souls, he must dismantle a trace of his own main priesthood, the [semi-elf] priesthood, and leave it on these messengers as imprints.

Only those descendants of the underworld will recognize the identity of these gods.


The death gods will not allow God to take away these souls. They must follow the contract with the gods to prevent some souls from being stolen by the enemy.

The ordinary soul is of low natural value.

But what if it is the soul of a legendary professional believer? In order to win these souls, I am afraid that some evil spirits are willing to [change the form] to pretend!

It is precisely because of this.

There is another part of God's domestic squad that is dedicated to personally welcoming the soul of the legendary professional.

Under normal circumstances.

A legendary professional who has faith and is still a devout, can see the messenger who serves the gods to pick himself up at the moment of his death.

If it is a pan-faith, I am afraid it will be more difficult.

For most of the gods, a soul with a weak belief is not good even if it is strong before life, unless it is a **** of evil to do something else.

These six alien gods make them all half-god.

At the same time, there is a glimpse of the power of hunting and blasphemy on the body, which is quite difficult to deal with.


If they face the ancient gods of Ms. Yin Yue, they naturally do not have the upper hand.

The professional grade of Lady Night is about 45.

Ms. Yin Yue is her old rival, and her professional level should be almost 45!

In contrast.

Sauron’s career level is too far away.

But this is also normal, because Sauron is just a new **** that has just emerged, and these two goddesses existed when the material plane was born.

No matter who has lived for so long, the professional level should be above 40.


The magnificent temple shook again.

Soren originally thought that Ms. Yin Yue should be the upper hand. But what he didn't think of was that the two sides actually played a half-pound.

One of the oldest gods, actually tied with six weak gods.

This is really amazing!

Sauron hid in the dark and observed a little embarrassment.


Ms. Yin Yue is not the body. It is an incarnation that retains its strength of about seventy-eight percent. This is the most common means used by veteran gods. They are often very careful, and unless they are necessary, they are all using their own incarnations.

Say it.

Soren has never seen the body of Ms. Yin Yue, and every time she sees her incarnation.

The avatar has a maximum power of 80%.

According to the occupation level. The strength of the 45-level 80% is about 36.

No wonder the two sides are playing the same!

Because the avatar can't inherit a lot of gods ability, it can only be calculated as a 36-level legendary professional. In addition to the legendary spells, many fields and priests can't be used.

- "Hunting God to make *6!"

Sauron initially calculated that the six gods might have a divine value of more than 30 points.

The kingdom of God itself will cultivate divinity.

After many souls enter the kingdom of God, the value of divinity will increase little by little, and this process may last for hundreds of years. Many Holy Spirits are gradually upgraded to the level of the demigod. If it is the paradise of the heavens, it is gradually becoming a form of angels. The **** of hunting has existed for thousands of years, even if it is the decree of death. Most of the remaining is the Holy Spirit that has existed for more than a hundred years. These hunting gods were first given a divine value by the hunter god, Mara, and then slowly ascended up over a long period of time.

"Would you like to grab it?"

Sauron thought about it and decided to grab the head soon.


In the moment he seized the opportunity to shoot, he still shouted: "Mrs. Silver Moon! I will help you!..."

- "Shadow jump!"

- "Shadow kills!"

- "Weakness insight!"

- "Divine Shockwave!"

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

Sauron's hands-on is more than 80% of the killing of the grasp, I saw his figure suddenly appeared in the vicinity of the hunter-killing **** surrounded by Ms. Yin Yue, this hunting **** made a legendary spell in front of the original, now being asked The sneak attack is directly into the state of sudden death. The legendary ability of the vulnerability insight directly caused a heavy blow effect, and the last magical shock wave easily took away the head.

- "Shadows hide!"

Since it has been decided to grab the head, Sauron does not want any face at this time.

A set of attacks just took away a human head.

Soren immediately activated the hiding ability of the Shadow Warrior, and immediately entered the stealth state in front of these hunting gods.

Anyway, he has a 'anti-detection cloak'. These enemies cannot see him.

"It's you!……"

With the killing of the gods and the killing of Soren, the pressure of Ms. Yin Yue was light, she raised her hand to bless a high-energy shield, and then cast a short-distance transmission spell.

The appearance of Sauron is not surprising.

It’s as if Sauron is not surprised that Ms. Yin Yue will enter this country of God.

She had seen Sauron appearing. Prepare to leave the battle temporarily and let Sauron attract a few enemies. However, I didn't expect Soren to steal the head and let her lose her pressure. The idea of ​​slowing down the pressure suddenly fell into disappointment, and only silver teeth could be used to cast spells.

The two sides still have a relationship.

But there is no denying that the two sides are not very right!


The battle is still going on.

However, Sauron is not in a hurry. Ms. Yin Yue is one of the ancient gods, and even if it is an avatar, it cannot be killed so easily. So he is still honestly waiting for her to kill a certain enemy and say it.

Grab the head.

Sauron needs the divine and divine power of these alien gods.

As for the purpose of Ms. Yin Yue, she should want to restore her power, because she has already recovered to [medium power], and the value of divinity or godhead is much higher than that of Sauron. In ancient times, she was very close to the existence of [Great Power], the goddess of magic (powerful power) and the master of the storm (powerful power) was born in the battle between her and the lady of the night.

The divine value and the value of the gods on these alien gods are probably not so much in her eyes.

At least not much improvement for her!

The Holy Holocaust deprived her of all her power during the fall of Ms. Yin Yue. Here is the **** of hunting - the **** of the Mara. This god's domestic power has a high affinity with her priesthood.

Ms. Yin Yue is probably here to supplement her lost power.

Now everyone's power is from scratch.

If Ms. Yin Yue can add hundreds of thousands of powers from the fallen gods, I am afraid that I will have a great advantage in the future against the enemy.

Sauron is not in the brain without a head!

He is sure that Ms. Yin Yue needs the most value of her power, so she dares to blatantly grab the head, because after she gets the divine and the godhead, he will give up the power stored in the temple to Ms. Yin Yue.

Sauron also helped her.

As one of the ancient goddesses, Ms. Yin Yue can't fight with him for this divinity and godhead.

She is just an avatar.

The body of Sauron is here, and it’s really a five-fifth open!

- "Yang Yan Explosion *3!"

This is the first time Sauron has seen the ancient incarnation of the gods.

It is also that he has a few people who have encountered occupational level 35 or above. Ms. Yin Yue’s ability to cast spells is incredible, and the spells are too scalp.

Yang blasting such a high-level spell, she is also a direct instant!

And one or three.

On the ability to cast spells ~www.readwn.com~ Ms. Yin Yue's incarnation is probably stronger than Aaron Dell's long princess.


This goddess is obviously biased towards the spellcasting of the law, not as close as the Lady of the Night is also the top.

Of course, Ms. Yin Yue is not unable to fight in close combat. In this year, even the pure wizards will use a few sticks. The sticks are used to be a smooth one. Ms. Yin Yue naturally has a good ability in melee.

Her artifact is called [The Staff of the Moon].

It sounds like a cane or a stick, but if you really think so, it's wrong, and it's still a big mistake.

The type of artifact is - [heavy hard hammer]!

That's right.

The goddess of this year is a more violent, the artifact used is not what the snake's first whip is a hard hammer, or else it is a variety of very yellow and very violent special weapons, you are a **** with a conventional weapon are not very embarrassed with these Goddess say hello!


Another hunted **** made him into a state of sudden death.

Sauron did not appear unexpectedly. This time, he did not take it away, but used his own character.

- "Hand of death!"

Mastering the power of God in the field of death, the effect is similar to ‘law: death’, and you can directly kill some targets regardless of the exemption.

In addition to this, Sauron has the special ability of ‘the word of God.’

The effect is also directly obliterated, but only effective for enemies who are near to death and have low vitality.

Say it.

Soren now finds that he has mastered a lot of ability to grab the head!


(PS: Everyone pays attention to the floating public public number. We can chat and chat with each other during the Chinese New Year.) (To be continued.)

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