Abyss Domination

Chapter 81: Broken bone flag

Legendary storm lord.

This is the first time Sauron has seen a legendary professional in this world. Although the caravan hostess is very powerful, it is only a high-level wizard, and there are still many gaps from the legendary professional. The women in front of us are female warriors living near the tropical jungle. They generally believe in the **** of the storm. The miraculous and brutal killing is their nature. They have a contempt for men and regard them as tools for making, matching and reproducing. Call them Amazon.

Amazonians are not just humans, but all the intelligent races that live near the rainforest.

It is very similar to the dark area. In the underground world, the female of the drow ruins the ethnic group with cruel means. In the area of ​​the rainforest, humans, centaur, Naga, and so on are also ruled by cruel means. Ethnic group. They retain the tradition of female respect, with females as the core of the tribe, responsible for fighting, killing and protecting the territory. Any male is a vassal product. Because the place of life is in crisis, the wisdom race there is extremely good.

The population is still less than one-hundredth of the southern region, and the fighting power has completely exploded throughout the southern region.

If it weren't for their internal division into countless tribes, it would be very simple to unify the tropical jungle all the way to the coastal areas.

The adventure level of that area is 12, just a little worse than the dark area.


The female warrior is armed with a spear, and her voice is mixed with anger. It seems to be a gunpowder barrel that may erupt at any time. People hear this sound as if it is a thunder. "Take your tribe out of here!"

"Otherwise. I will kill you."

There is no fear in the eyes of the two-headed ogre, even if the other is the storm lord of the legendary field.

It took out a heavy battle flag and inserted it into the ground. The heavy flagpole might have hundreds of pounds and it was painted with a strange skull pattern, but it seemed to care about the weight at all, and the one hand was inserted into the ground for dozens of centimeters. As the distance tightened, the gathered ogre warriors appeared in the eyes of others. The average ogre has a height of about two meters and weighs more than 500 pounds. The whole body has thick fat, but it is not bloated obesity, but the strong muscle block is covered with a layer of fat.

Especially in their stomachs, they are obviously fat and have a circle of meat, but they can still see the strong abdominal muscles.

The height of the two-headed ogre is more than three meters. It looks like a little giant. The head is talking on the left head, and the head on the right is a bit silent. It is painted with dark blue oil on the face, extending from the forehead to the chest. The stout arm has a tattoo-like rune with a cloak of animal skin.


The two-headed ogre erected the flag, and behind it there was a roar of an ogre, as if it were a cockroach or a medicine. It was clear that no spells were released. Other ogres had fast eyes and blood. The muscles of the blue muscles violently, waving arms and roaring. The dull drums of the drums also became very hot, and the ogres looked at the battle flags in front of them with excitement, as if they were likely to launch violent at any time.

The two-headed ogres looked at the white horse city army in front of them. They stood in the towering war. They didn’t have the idea of ​​retreating to the rear as a wizard. They roared: "The flag of the broken bone tribe has been inserted in this land. Let the battle tell us who has the right to decide the ownership of this land!"


The wild drums sounded, and the ogre watched the white horse city army that appeared in front of him. He smiled and waved his whip. With the slamming sounds, more than 20 iron ridge wild boars rushed toward the human army in front of him. . These beasts, which weigh nearly half a ton, are amazingly powerful. They are creatures of varying species, almost the size of a rhinoceros, and some of the rock minerals in the recipe. The scorpio and lizard slaves were driven and rushed up, followed by the ogre warrior waving the mace.

"Array! Heavy hand!"

The commander was a full-body armored warrior. He was covered by armor and his head was covered with a steel mask. He could only hear the sound of a majestic voice. With his command, the White Horse City Guard began to disperse, and the rows of heavy infantrymen who wore chain mail to the half body armor came out. They wore steel shields on their backs and long swords around their waists. The heavy-duty shackles that took out a handle were quickly filled up.

Thirty people are in a row, separated by five meters, five rows are staggered, and the depth is three meters, forming a defensive front.

These require heavy weights that can be filled by ordinary people with their feet. They simply complete the filling with their hands, and then they set up the aiming, but they did not buckle the launch trigger. They are waiting for the commander to release. command.

"Array! Strong hand!"

The ogre drove the iron ridge wild boar and the captives quickly, and the commander of the White Horse City army was not in a hurry. With his orders, the light infantry in the back row was scattered in the two wings, and the strong filling was aimed at the enemy.

"The third knight squad is ready!"

The heavy armored collection of Knight's plate armor, they put down the knight's mask, and used the hand to comfort the horse under the seat. Then the four-meter-long knight gun was erected, with a rank of ten people and a three-meter interval as the standard column. Array. These knights are all second-level warriors advanced, and some have reached the third-order strength, which is the elite of the White Horse Guard.

"Witches are ready!"

More than thirty statues gathered together, approaching from the flank with heavy steps, and the whole formation became a concave word, which looked like a pocket, and the two wings were the adventurers responsible for the cover. The wizards have already begun to cast spells, and they have added their own armor and shields. The battle has not yet reached the time when they should be shot. The front is just the garbage that was driven to death.

"Courage Wars! Blessing!"

The high-spirited war songs sounded, and the sacred sorcerer appeared in the white robe. This is an advanced career for the troubadour. It requires a part-time pastor. With his songs echoing, everyone seems to be boiling. White light emerged, and the priests of the army began to bless the soldiers with blessings of the gods, which allowed them to temporarily forget the fear, and even the pain can be weakened. More than a dozen assembled mattresses were pushed out, and the arrow of the arm was aimed at the enemy in front.

The distance is getting closer.

When the distance between the two sides was reduced to three hundred meters, the commander slammed the sword and roared: "Launch!"


The bed suddenly penetrated an iron ridge wild boar and opened a **** hole directly. The front heavy infantry buckled the trigger, and the heavy scorpion in the hand flew out. The lizard and the jackal in front fell to the ground. They filled the squats without hesitation. After the third round of attacks, they put down their heavy shackles, pulled out the swords and raised the shields, reduced the distance to three meters, and began to wait in line.

The light infantry behind is still shooting fast, and the captives driven by the ogres have fallen one after another, and they have died without rushing to a distance of 100 meters. However, the skin-throated iron ridge wild boar still survived, even though the body was filled with 弩矢, but still rushed over. The heavy infantry with iron ridges and boars within 50 meters in front of them began to disperse, pulling the distance to five meters. When these iron ridge wild boars rushed straight, they slammed to the side and then stabbed the sword to the neck.

A stock of blood splashed.

These heavy-duty fighters with a professional level of second-order or above will not be used after the wild boar has rushed over, and once again line up into a loose formation of about five meters, holding the shield and the sword in their hands, and rushing over the rear with three battles. Ogre.

"Auxiliary soldiers! Kill those wild boars!"

The adventurer began to attack the iron ridge wild boar that rushed through the first line of defense. These stupid beasts would only go straight, and the heavy infantry of the first line of defense would go straight to the back and prepare to attack the light infantry behind. The adventurers of the two wings have begun to shoot. The size of these beasts is not small. The second line has a distance of 30 meters, enough for the archers to launch a round of shooting. Sauron also took out the brain of a wild boar and took a 500-point killing experience.

"The Golem is going forward!"

The huge figurine marched at a heavy pace, welcoming the ogre rushing up.

After the distance was nearly seventy to eighty meters, the Ogre Warrior of the assault pulled out the iron spear and directly threw the body back and threw it, which was the heavy infantry soldier who flew to the front.

"Get out of the way!" The commander gave a dull whisper.

- "Protect remote weapons!"

Dozens of iron spears hit the energy field, but instantly broke the protective energy. Seven or eight overwhelming heavy infantry were hit. Five of them broke through the armor, and three were blocked by the shield and were quickly knocked down. Climbed up. They are equipped with stainless steel shields. Even if they are hit by iron spears, they will not be fatal if they are blocked by shields, but it is obviously inconvenient to fight.

The ogre holding a hundred pounds of heavy weapons rushed over, and the distance had been nearly 50 meters. They roared and the skin of the whole body was red, and they slammed the mace.

- "Greasy surgery!"

- "Cobweb!"

- "Acceleration!"

- "Strength!"

- "Fossil is mud!"


The wizards and priests began to cast spells ~www.readwn.com~ but they were not aggressive spells, but they continued to cast control spells, while at the same time adding strength and acceleration to the heavy infantry in front, these spells lasted for a long time. Very short, all calculated in minutes, a third-order wizard can only bless ten minutes.

Greasy and cobwebs have a very bad effect on the ogre. They are one step at a time. The greasy technique can only be slightly slipped and offset. The spider web is directly freed by them, and they can't delay the speed of their charge. As the distance narrowed to about 30 meters, the ogre warriors roared, and the speed began to increase in an instant, and they finally reached the limit sprint effect. They swung a heavy mace and slammed their heads toward the enemy in front of them. Come over!


Continuously blocking the sound, the first row of heavy infantry took a step back and steadily held the Ogre attack.


(Strength [Two Rings spell]: Temporarily increase the power of the target by 4 points, up to 25 points, and the duration is the spell strength *1 minute.)

(The battlefield of White Horse City is somewhat similar to the semi-loose formation of Roman tactics. It is a line of defense with three to five columns. It is staggered by a certain distance, not the very tight formation of the Greek phalanx. Their weapons are The short sword and the long sword are the main ones. With the 弩矢 and the shield, basically no weapons such as a spear are used.)

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