Abyss Domination

Chapter 83: Storm Lord

Ride a gun!

In the cold weapon era, the most powerful move, a second-order knight successfully hit the target with a ride and grab the sprint, and can directly kill the fourth-order fighter. Even if it is a warrior in the legendary field, if there is no extraordinary equipment protection, there is no need to open a hole in the body. As for death, you have to look at luck. If you hit the heart, you must be killed. No one will be reckless to the hard-resisting rifle, and the third-order knight can open a blood hole in the dragon.

This is one of the most difficult combat skills ever experienced by players.

Three or five predecessors must be used, not only for the mastery of the Cavaliers, but also for the excellent horses and the ability to manipulate the horses. Because you can't grasp the moment in the wrong position, any attack will cause serious damage to you under the speed of the horse. The horse is still better. If you are not lucky, you will have to return to the West.

A charge!

The number of knights has been reduced by six, five of whom have been laid off, one on the spot, and only three others can fight. However, the lethality is more than ten times. All the ogres who are hit are not killed on the spot, or the body is directly penetrated, and they have basically lost their combat capability. However, it was a round of attacks. At the cost of two deaths and three injuries, four or fifty ogres were taken away, including advanced ogres warriors.

At the beginning, the number of ogres who had already died a lot was greatly reduced, and the pressure on the first front was much smaller.

The light infantry’s ammunition consumed a lot. As the two sides entered the state of strangulation, they also put down the slashing sword and the fighting. The casualties of the White Horse City army were already very serious. There were hundreds of people killed on the spot, and they were seriously injured. It is quite a lot. The ogre's casualties are close to one-third. The main kill is the attack of the first front, the spells released by the wizard and the Knight's charge. Although the light infantry has been shooting many times in a row, but the scorpion has little effect on the rough skin and the ogre with some armor.

If you don’t hit the key, you can continue to fight if you pull out.

The other side.

The two-headed ogre has successively removed three statues. It has a fireball that falls into the knight. A violent explosion flew over a dozen people. A knight twisted his waist and hid it on the horse side. The horse was spotted on the spot. The flesh was blurred, and he was crushed by the body of the horse. One arm was twisted and it seemed that the bone was broken.


A spear of war fell from the sky, and the shadow of the lord of the storm landed, and the spear was swept to the two-headed ogres in front of him.

The double-headed ogre's heavy tomahawk broke a gap, and the left head frowned, waving his left arm to the enemies in front of him, the right head was chanting a spell, and a fire fell on the storm lord. . Less than a second to cast, the right head also controls the body to wave the battle axe, directly to the enemy's waist.


The storm lord slammed the spear and danced, but after every block, she stepped back and her face became more and more angry.

The strength of the other side is obviously higher than her!

Under a series of attacks, her figure quits more than ten steps, and the palm of the hand holding the spear trembles. However, the double-headed ogres in front of her are also not good. There is obviously a jumping arc on the body, and the other party's weapon is attached with lightning damage. A magical spell emerges. The ogre shaman swings the skull stick and blesses a spell for the double-headed ogres. At the same time, he sings the spell quickly, and the surrounding air begins to jump in the arc, and a faint electric light emerges.

- "Remind!"

The Ogre Warriors were also hit by the arc, but they only paused for a moment and then continued to attack.

However, other human warriors were hit by electric light, and the whole body was obviously paralyzed. At this moment, there were five or six soldiers falling to the ground. They were wearing metal armor and they were very resistant to lightning. The scattered electric light did not cause fatal damage, but the effect was not enough for the White Horse Guard.

- "Elemental resistance."

Wizards and priests began to cast spells and fired a flame arrow and a strong acid arrow. A wide range of attacks ignored the enemy and the wizard, and the wizard rarely remembered a large number of turret-type spells. One-third of their spell memory is used to save lives, one-third of the spell memory is used to assist control, and the last third of the spell is considered a true killing spell.

A wizard who remembers all the killing spells, he will die faster than anyone else on the battlefield!

Valuable spells are constantly being consumed.

The second-order wizard has used most of the spells, and a level 5 wizard can remember a three-ring spell. Although they are two or three professional levels higher, the number of spells above the third ring is still very small. In one-on-one battles, their spells are obviously very deadly, but one or two fireballs on the battlefield can't solve the problem, killing a small part of the ogre, and there are more enemies nearby. These wizards have largely memorized spell protection and control spells.


The storm lord stepped back for fifteen steps in a row. The anger in her eyes became more and more vigorous. Suddenly a roar was heard. The muscles of the whole body swelled as if they were inflated. With the smashing bones, her figure was raised to two meters. Left and right, because it is a woman's reason, the muscle outline does not look so exaggerated, but still full of a deadly sense of power.

Barbarian? !

No one thought that the female warrior in front of him was actually the storm lord of the barbarians.

With a low-pitched voice, she directly held the attack of the double-headed ogre, and at the same time reversed the spear and swept a blood mark on the other's chest. The tough skin was blessed with stone skin, the spell protection energy has been broken, and the stone skin surgery has a protective strength of about 150 points.

A series of lightning bolts jumped on her palms and body, and the sky did not know when a dark cloud appeared.


The dull thunder rang across the earth, and many people were shocked to pause.

The storm lord's pupil was filled with blood, and the desire to kill bloodthirsty made her become extremely fanatical. It was a lightning storm that was a chaotic force, further strengthening her violent effect. She has obviously been affected by her mind. The others around the world began to retreat. Even the army of White Horse City has withdrawn from the tens of meters. The storm lords in the legendary field are mad, and anyone can be smashed and fish.

"I want to cut your head!"

The storm lord stepped on a heavy pace, and the electric light jumped in the air. The healthy body was like the incarnation of the storm. She looked at the enemy in front of her. Shen Sheng said: "Your head will become my trophy, I will pick them up. Save it in the room."

The two-headed ogre whispered, and it quickly blessed himself with a spell, and then the blood of the bloodthirsty appeared in the eyes, the muscles of the whole body violently, a twisted blue rib appeared, and snarled: "The dragon slayer The descendants are fearless!"

"Kill you! Your flesh and blood can bring me more power!"

Bloodthirsty violent.

The momentum of the two-headed ogre climbed straight, and as the violent ability was activated, it temporarily lost its ability to cast spells.

No occupation can be cast in a violent state.

Because the power of the wild has interfered with their minds, their melee ability will increase linearly during this time, but it is no longer possible to concentrate any spells.

The storm lord in front of him is a legendary professional, but the double-headed ogres are also legendary level challenge monsters.

In addition to its powerful spellcasting ability, it is a terrible violent warrior!


The other side of the battlefield.

The Golem supports the flank with heavy steps, and the light infantry distracts the enemies in front of them. The strangulation of the frontal battlefield continues, and the casualties of the adventurers are gradually increasing. Next to Sauron, an unlucky rogue was smashed into a patties on the spot. He and Yass backed each other back and back, relying on sensitive hands to flash the ogre's repeated attacks. The two sides have cooperated to get rid of five or six ogres, and Sauron has nearly 3,000 points of killing experience.

This kind of large-scale battlefield is absolutely taboo!

As long as the two ogres attack at the same time ~www.readwn.com~ he is half likely to fall here. Those Juggernauts, who were the first to be eye-catching, have all died and are the targets of the advanced Ogre Warriors. They are like a brilliant fireworks. That is to say that the powerful fighting power of Juggernaut also tells people the fragile survivability of Juggernaut.

The outcome of the battlefield is not important.

At the very least, it is not important to Sauron. The winner of the battle should be the commander of the White Horse City. He is now just a mercenary. He is responsible for completing his own tasks and doing as much as possible to reduce the danger. Enemy. Nearby, an ogre rushed into the square of the light infantry to kill, and occasionally a more honest adventurer used to rescue. However, both Sauron and Yas did not move, and the half-elf ranger held the boning knife around the left and right, and occasionally used the longbow to shoot the enemy's legs.

The ogres wearing armor can't hit the commandments, attacking the legs to affect their combat power, and then fighting with Sauron is the safest way.

Maybe it's because they are too tacit!

The Ogre Warlord, who was wearing a heavy armor, smothered a return in the rear light infantry, and his eyes rushed toward them.

The Ogre Warlords who entered the violent state listed them as kill targets!


(Double Ogre Sorcerer - Groll [8 Level Double Ogre / 11 Level Wizard / Level 4 Berserker]: Strength 24 (+6 Dragon Power), Agility 16 (+4 Light Spirit), Physique 20, Intelligence 21, Perception 9, Charisma 14.)

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