Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 42: The cloud of war!

Spider forest.

After a long time to return to here, everything Sauron saw has become different.

The most obvious thing is that these have entered the military alert equipment. Soren not only saw many patrolling elf rangers, but even saw the military camp where the forest elves were tied. After the eruption of the Holy Holocaust, a drow in the dark area and an elf in the surface world have erupted. The two sides did not distinguish between winning and losing, but hatred has become more intense because of the war. The saints of the Elven gods have not yet appeared, but here Sauron has seen many elf priests.

Most of them are pastors who serve the main **** of the elves, Correlong ̇Larisin.

These pastors have a very obvious feature, that is, both men and women are very beautiful, and this beauty is also outstanding in the elves. The reason may be related to the hobby of the elf Lord God, because He is a man who can be a man and a woman. Other gods rarely use the incarnation of the opposite sex, but the elf Lord God has more than once liked to appear as a female incarnation. It is said that the handsome and beautiful elves are more likely to receive the care of the Lord God.

Behind the Spider God - Rose and the Elven Lord God - Correlon There must be a battle between Larisin!

This is also the reason for the increase in the intensity of the Holy Land.

The hatred of Rose was very strong. She was originally one of the most beautiful goddesses among the elves, but it became a spider-like form because of exile. When the spider god, Rose, ate a lot of suffering under the hands of the elf master, this struggle of more than a thousand years made her hatred more and more intense.

After being placed behind the spider **** - Rose, the elf Lord God - Correlon ̇ Larisin immediately re-find a wife.

The two people are basically no more than a couple of couples.

If you can, Spider God definitely does not mind paying a great price to kill the other side, and the Holy Holocaust also gave her this opportunity.

The fangs of the spider **** are ready for revenge at any time.

In addition to the priest of the Elven Lord God, Sauron also saw a temporary establishment of a small temple, which is now the mother **** of the elf gods.

That is, the wife of Corey Long Larisin, the goddess of life of the elf - Ange Silk!

This cstyle_txt; is a lucky goddess.

She inherited a part of the power of the ancient **** of life, in charge of the spring, abundance, planting, birth, defense and wisdom of the priesthood.

Although there is no direct source of [life]. However, the two births of [born] and [spring] contain the breath of life.

The goddess' temple has power to guard.

Sauron also didn't want to get into trouble, and didn't sneak into it.

"It looks like the surface elves and the drow are still ready to play!"

According to Sauron's past memories, the surface elves and the drow had carried out more than a dozen wars before and after. The spider **** secretly killed several gods of the elves, and the one that died some time ago was just an appetizer.

Compared with other gods, Spider God has mastered too many battle-related priesthoods.

The combat clerics she currently holds include: Assassination, Skull, Destruction, Darkness, and so on.

Any one is very dangerous to take out!

Especially the [assassination] priesthood, this priesthood has been achieved after the spider **** is still medium power. For this power, she even did not hesitate to provoke the internal struggle of the drow elves.

well known.

The drow is a race that is very fond of infighting and proficient in assassination. They like to use assassination to solve their opponents.

In the drow city of the dwarf area, even the assassination that has not been discovered can be regarded as non-existence!

This can be seen as a terrible after the spider god.

From [medium power] to [powerful power]. Sauron did not know how much the spider **** had strengthened this [assassination] field.

Especially after the death of the Three Gods, the [God of Murder] was also sealed.

If the spider has a heart, it is possible to steal some of the power of these gods, and it is even more terrible to match her original ability.

"[Assassination] priesthood!..."

Sauron thought that this eye could not help but slightly smashed. He inherited the field of [killing]. If you want to touch the powerful power, the power of this priesthood needs to be recovered anyway.

However, the spider **** itself is the most powerful assassin in the multiverse, and it is very difficult to find her trace!

This goddess is not yet provoked by him.

The line of defense through the surface elves reaches the entrance to the dark area, and Sauron has an [anti-detection cloak] in the body. Don't care about those defensive forces at all.

Blood is visible everywhere at the entrance.

The battle has not stopped, and small-scale conflicts have continued.


Sauron entered the dark area, and with the gradual deepening of the surface of the elves, the traces of the drow began to increase.

When it went deep, it was about three kilometers.

Sauron discovered a scout for a drow. Unlike the half drow in Modo City, these are purely pure drows. They are not very adaptable to the daytime.

"One. Two. Three..."

"The standard five-person squad seems to be the elite of a drow family."

Sauron frowned at a glance. Because the information in front of him told him that the drow family had joined forces in the war, he saw the emblems of two different families.

The main players of the drow are also very serious, and the only ones who can unite them are the spiders.

"Is this ready to die with the elf gods?"

Sauron smelled a sigh of war. He did not know what to do about the historical direction of this matter.

There is no point in blending the Elf Civil War into it.

They have been playing for too long, and it is impossible to ease it. I am afraid that this line of the Holocaust will continue to follow the original trajectory.

Just don't know if Spider God will make changes because of other things!

Sauron is getting deeper and deeper.

Not surprising!

He saw the army that the drow was tying, and unlike the elves of the surface world, the drow army was very well equipped.

How good is it? !

In short, the regular army of the drow is a set of more than +3 extraordinary equipment.

There are many forging masters in the dark area, and the minerals are richer than the surface world. If these equipments are not enchanted and can not withstand the sun, I am afraid that the dagger's equipment weapons have the advantage of compaction.


A strange sound came from a distance.

Sauron quietly lurked in the past, and even after he glanced, he could not help but stunned.

Petrochemical Lizard Legion!

A dangerous magical creature with a low level of challenge. Their attacks can directly turn people into stones, and have terrible crushing power for low- and medium-level enemies.

In addition to this natural ability, petrochemical lizards are far superior to other creatures in ground combat.

About two adult petrified lizards can fight against the dragon.

Soren is in front of hundreds of petrified lizards!

Such strength is enough to destroy the kingdom of a surface world. A regular army of about 5,000 people may only be able to withstand the three-wheeled charge of this petrified lizard knight.

Their round of attacks is enough to crush hundreds of people, and the petrochemical is about three or five hundred.

Basically, it was almost killed by petrochemicals.

Because there is no way to detoxify so many people, a drow city can raise more than a hundred petrochemical lizards. I am afraid that there will be three or five drow elites.

"The trough!"

"After the spider god, is this ready to fight with the surface elves?"

Sauron looked at her brows tightly, and she didn't know what she was thinking in her mind. Anyway, the expression was not very good.

The entire surface world.

Almost no cavalry can fight the petrochemical lizard legion. The heavy cavalry is serving food in front of them, and even the unicorns can barely make a wave with them.

It’s just what Soren is currently seeing.

There are more than 5,000 people in the army of the drow. Among them, the slave army (gray dwarf, bear goblin, tauren) is about 3,000, and the petrochemical lizard army is about three to five hundred.

If such a force enters the ground battle, the city of Modo can't stop it!

"Unfortunately [The Dark Girl] has fallen!..."

As if thinking of something, Sauron's face appeared a trace of regret, if the goddess has not fallen, perhaps he can use other methods to differentiate the power of the spider god.

This is just the tip of the iceberg in the dark area!

After killing other gods, Spider God has completely unified the drow race. In terms of a race, the army she can call is definitely more than that.

"It seems to only fight high-end combat power!"

Sauron quickly packed his mind and had a clearer direction in his heart. Since there is no way to match these powerful old gods in the military, then he can only take the high-end route.

The Golem Legion.

Magic superconducting pulse gun.

Space blows.

Send a blow.

As long as you can point the alchemy technology tree. In the future, even if he is facing the spider god, he can not fall into the wind!

It’s much clearer through the military camp.

At present, the surface elves and the drow are in a stalemate, and the other side is tempted to test each other at the entrance, but the large-scale frontal battle has not yet erupted.

After the spider god, it is estimated that the troops are still being mobilized, and the elf gods are also preparing to fight back.

"Unfortunately the gray dwarf is too weak."

Look at the entire dark area. The only ones who have the ability to contain the drow are the gray dwarf, the demon and the eye.

The number of eyes and demons is too small, even if the individual is powerful.

Although the gray dwarfs are quite numerous, they have been broken. They have been abandoned by the original dwarf gods. There is no support from the gods behind it. The **** of the gray dwarf who relies on a [medium power] is not used at all. The gray dwarf is pressed by the drow for a long time.

Many cities in the drow have gray dwarves as slaves!


As if he had thought of something, Sauron suddenly shone brightly and muttered: "The stone skin dwarf!"

Stone skin gray dwarf.

A gray dwarf branch in the dark area was abandoned by the [Grand Dwarf's patron saint], Durag, for some reason, and is now in the corner of the northwest corner of the dark area.

This gray dwarf was surrendered by a group of undercover adventurers in the middle and late days of the Holocaust.


It became the most prosperous weapon black market in the dark area, as well as a trade point connecting the surface world.

The belief of the stone-skinned dwarf was originally [the **** of psionics], and later changed to [the patron saint of the gray dwarf] for some reason, and then changed the letter [the **** of psionics] for some reason.

The cost of changing these beliefs is to be abandoned, and the ethnic group has weakened to less than a thousand people!

"Modo City!..."

Sauron couldn't help but fall into meditation. If it wasn't for this time to come to the dark area, I'm afraid he wouldn't think of this humble gray dwarf.

But since he recalled it today, he might consider taking them away.

Gray dwarves are forging experts.

And because of the enslavement of the demon, many gray dwarves have awakened the psionic talents, and they can definitely shock them with the power of the high priest.

In this way, the arsenal of Moduo City can be formed at once!

The dwarves are stubborn races.

It is almost impossible for other gray dwarves in the dark area to be recruited by surrender. Soren does not dare to fight directly with the [Grey Dwarf's patron saint], so the stone skin dwarf may be the only force he can currently come across.

The grey dwarf does not need much at all.

For Modo City, their greatest use is forging, and too many people will easily affect the balance of the city.

And more importantly.

The future demand for forging in Moto City will be very large. It is not a long-term policy to rely on the power of the North Wall Witch Council. Soren needs to train a group of excellent blacksmiths.

The establishment of floating islands also requires a large number of metal ingots.

"First go to the gray beard to steal the secret silver, and then go find the nest of the stone gray dwarf."

Sauron is now a god, and the speed of the road is very fast. As long as the approximate position can be determined, these gray dwarves can be found in one day.

Modo City already has a stable energy supply.

He only needs to establish a transmission marker, and he can find a way to bring these gray dwarves back. However, the grey dwarf's temper is very stubborn. If there is no way, he is afraid that he can only solve the problem through violent means.


Sauron arrived at the place where he had fought.

It has been a long time since the blink of an eye.

He now remembers the danger of fighting the vampire god, and remembers the pictures of the top professional who killed the spider god.

It can be said that even the current Sauron is difficult to face the level of killing action!

"Ink City!..."

“It looks like the painful lady is ready to open this dusty city~www.readwn.com~ Soren’s sight has a strong city in the distance. He has reached his goal and thought about the imprint city. The thing, Soren soon disappeared in place.

About ten minutes later.

A rather burly gray dwarf came out of an alley in the city.

- "Change the form [the power of God]!"


(ps: There is a red envelope lottery on the 10th, everyone can try luck. WeChat search [Zhusheng Futu] pay attention to the public number, click on the advertisement is equivalent to a genuine subscription.) (To be continued.)



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