Abyss Domination

Vol 7 Chapter 58: The long princess is visiting!

Modo City suddenly became a lively one.

Since the emergence of the floating island, the floating population of Moto City has been raised by 30%. Not only are there members from the North Wall Witch Council, but also a farther wizarding country, as well as the Arendal Snow and Snow Witches that have just arrived this morning. In addition, there are many eyeliners in the port of Modo. Even the Duchess of Rosade Red Dragon, who once played against Sauron, secretly sent people to sneak into the city of Modo, but these secret agents have just entered the Mo Many cities were given a pot by the rogues of the ruling office.

Floating city.

For a long time, many casters have never given up on the study of Floating City.

The emergence of a floating island in the city of Modo directly led many wizards to visit the city. Even in just one day, many members from the North Wall Witch Council secretly proposed to Christina to be willing to worship her. It is hard for ordinary people to imagine the caster's desire for this kind of sophisticated alchemy. If you look at the sorcerer's girl so easily, it will be called back by Soren, and you can know how amazing the temptation of the floating city.

Because there are so many people coming in at one breath, Sauron can't only receive it separately. He is responsible for receiving the Snow and the Witches brought by Princess Arundel, and Gloria is responsible for receiving the eyes of the Northland who sent it directly. As for the fallen witch, it is responsible for negotiating with the representatives of the Wizarding League. The existence of floating islands is currently unstoppable, and some of the knowledge of alchemy is not incapable of being exchanged. The key is to see that they are willing to pay the corresponding price.

of course.

What Sorenken took out was only the surface of the floating tower. The connotation is that it is just a point to the floating ring.

As for the most important [element furnace], Sauron will never be handed over.

The energy supply of the floating tower can be provided by artificial, legal array, elemental pool and half-plane, etc., to what extent, or to the amount of energy provided. The element pool and the half-plane are mostly floating at the same time. It is like a car with a hundred dollars of oil. It can run for a while, but when it is used up, it can only wait for the element pool to take a long time. After the time is recharged, it will start again. The biggest role of the elemental furnace is to provide long-lasting endurance and maximum energy supply.

As long as Sauron caught this, he was not afraid of other forces to create floating towers, because their floating towers were not far away.

"It's here."

Allendale’s witch group was placed in the station of the city of Modo. This time, Sauron personally visited the floating tower with the princess.

Compared with the last meeting, the princess became more and more beautiful.


Similarly, she has become more and more cold, giving people the illusion that there is a cold winter, and inexplicably feel the breath of winter. This is the power of the gods. The princess is merging the power of the North Wind and the Snow Goddess little by little. Although she hasn't really sealed her gods, she already has a glimpse of the illusion that all things are as cold as ice, and perhaps only those people she cares most can make human emotions appear on the princess.

In contrast, Sauron’s body is more mortal.

Even if he is already a true god!

“The core of the floating tower is three parts. Elemental furnace, floating ring and half-plane.”

Sauron glanced at the long princess with a cold expression. With the integration of the power of the gods, the expression of the princess changed less and less, and the exquisite beauty was like the ice of the ages. If she could not follow the gods. In the struggle between **** and priesthood, she will find herself, and then she will eventually become like other gods, and eventually she will be interfered by the priesthood like a cold winter without feelings and pity. At this point, Sauron has no way to help her. Everything can only rely on the princess himself. The interference that does not defeat the priesthood and divinity will surely follow this path.

For example, the king of the dead, He was almost completely kidnapped by his own priesthood.


The princess nodded gently. The eyes glanced around and slowly said: "What about the elemental furnace? Is it the key to the operation of the floating tower?"

Sauron smiled and said: "The elemental furnace as the core can not be placed in the clear, has been transferred to the innermost part of the floating tower."

"The Northland Witch Council and the Wizards Union have sent people."

“The energy part can depend on the elemental pool and the half-plane, and the part about the elemental furnace is currently only known to you.”

The long princess heard a slight change in his expression, and immediately said, "Can you take me to see?"

Sauron agreed immediately.

Subsequently, he waved open a portal that led directly to a small space inside the floating tower, where a huge elemental furnace was.


In the eyes of the princess, there is a hint of divine glory. It seems that I want to analyze the working principle of the elemental furnace, but I gave up after watching it for a while. Slowly said: "The alchemy knowledge involved is too deep. I still can't understand it."

Sauron is not surprised by this.

Because he himself still can't fully understand, at present Modo City can only understand the Gloria and the fallen witch.

“The elemental furnace can be replaced with a half plane.”

“It’s not difficult to open up a huge pool of elements with your ability, and you can achieve similar results with the power of the gods.”

Sauron hesitated: "But in this case, you need to pay a lot of power."

The princess heard this and thought about it. Whispered: "Don't worry, my current power is more than enough."

"I want a structure diagram of the floating ring."

“Arrangement diagram of the energy shield, node structure diagram of energy transmission, and information related to the lock.”

Looking at the floating tower, the princess is also not polite at all, and he has to go through the most important information except the elemental furnace.

Her relationship with Sauron is not very general after all.

You don't have to turn around like other forces. Sauron did not hesitate too much, and agreed on the spot: "You can give it to you tomorrow."


The long princess heard a smile on her lips and seemed to be in a very good mood. She said: "These things are even a gift to Anna!..."

bride price? !

What is this ghost?

Sauron heard a moment on the spot.

The first reaction in his mind was that the princess did not object to his relationship with Princess Anna. Then the long princess actually mentioned the words of the bride price? Is she going to marry Princess Anna to herself?

Do not!

Things can never be that simple.

Sauron’s thoughts were running at a rapid speed, and the next moment he guessed the problem.


Sauron looked up and glanced at the long princess, slowly saying: "You want to seal the gods?!"

The long princess smiled and nodded.

it is as expected!

Soron’s mouth couldn’t help but reveal a bitter smile. Is it because the long princess will open?

Changgong mainly seals the gods.

Then she naturally can't always hold the power of Allendale, and as the **** of the whole material plane there is almost no male that can make her see, she is almost impossible to combine with a male to give birth to future generations. Then this is the case. Allendale’s imperial power must be passed down by Princess Anna, the first successor. Since Princess Anna is only a mortal, she must definitely combine with a male to give birth to future generations to pass on the power of Allendale. Then this man can't have anyone other than Sauron.

The princess is ready to arrange the event. . .


It should be said that the princess has begun to prepare for the customary affairs after the closure of God, and even proceeded according to such circumstances. Her passing time allowed Princess Anna to advance to the throne.

The gods can't interfere too much with the world.

Even the gods in the field of [ruling] like Sauron have limited interference with the world. For example, most of Sauron’s customary matters are now handed over to the Parliament of Modo City. He only takes the lead in the general direction. The specific thing is not involved at all. If the gods are too deep in the common customs, they will definitely be countered in the future. After all, Modo City is just an emerging force. There is still less internal interlacing, and there is nothing to manage a little.

However, the old kingdom like Aaron Dell, if the long princess continues to personally involve the world after the gods, it is absolutely harmless.

The chief public of the patriarch must give up the imperial power!

Sauron is also the same path as her. Look at the current situation in Moto City, you can understand his next arrangement.

Gloria is the hostess of the city of Modo.

Since Solon’s sacredness, many of the affairs of the city of Modo have been handled by Gloria. Not only is Gloria aware of this, but even many of the top executives of Modo City understand this, or why they are so determined to support Gloria’s control of Modo City~www.readwn.com~ This is Sauron’s gradual decline as a **** Steps from the table to the stage.

In the future his core will be transferred to the half-elf church, and Gloria will become the city owner of the city of Modo at the right time.

Sauron will return to the dark.

In this way, as a god, to take charge of the city of Modo. Avoid something similar to what can be understood as [law of causation] to interfere with his rules as a true God.

Under normal circumstances.

The weaker the god, the more he interferes with the secular, and at the level of the Lord of Glory, it can be said that He does not even care about the affairs within the church.

As for the existence of the ancient death **** - Jekyll, even if there is no church in succession, it does not matter!

This is the case with some rules of the gods.

When Sauron had just sealed the gods, the church and the city of Modo were both grasped, but now he is already [weak and so divine power], and the city of Modo is almost inconsistent, just setting a general direction, and the half-elf church Almost all of the internals were handed over to the management of the high priests, and Sauron’s interference with the world was also being reduced little by little.

At last. His existence must be ‘high on the top like other gods!’

The only explanation that the princess is so eager to give up the imperial power is that she will soon be sealed, and it is very likely that she will be [medium power] and must be clean and have a relationship with the world. Directly become the goddess of ice and snow with all the beliefs in all the cold regions except Aaron Dell!


(PS: There is still one more today. The website is getting more and more pitted.) (To be continued.)

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