Abyss Express

Chapter 669 Act1 Sing for me

Chapter t.1 Sing for me·Sing for me

[Part①·Dionysian Church]

"Just two silver dollars?"

The innkeeper looked incredulous——

——For a moment, he seemed to think there was something wrong with his ears.

Two silver dollars? To accommodate eleven people? And two donkeys? is it possible?

"Yeah! Yeah, yeah!" Flavia nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Boss, we only have so much money left, but don't worry! I will go to Dongma Port to get the money early tomorrow morning. !”

The owner of the hotel is a very traditional Chabon, and he is not a serious shareholder. He is just a high-level worker who manages the property and runs the inn for the landlords in the city. He must act according to the rules.

"A few distinguished guests. I'm afraid I can't make the decision on this matter." With that said, the innkeeper provided another option: "But I know there is a winery in Dongma Port by traveling merchants from the Kingdom of Amitlan. Real estate - their family believes in the god Amun and is usually charitable, so they may be willing to provide you with free food and lodging."

"Is there such a good thing?" Meteor beamed with joy upon hearing this.

Captain Guagua was more cautious. He approached the hotel counter and asked in a low voice.

“How to get to this winery?”

The hotel owner was a well-informed man and was not frightened by the green frogman in front of him - maybe he had seen too many monsters and ghosts and treated him as a fairy.

"My dear Immortal, it's still early. Walk a few hundred meters to Queshan Street and you'll see a low slope. There is a single-family villa next to Queshan Park. That is the Church of Dionysus and the home of Dame Gloria. If you are short of money and a place to live, you are right to find her."

Captain Gua Gua was not in a hurry and continued to ask about the origins of the Baroness.

Gloria Sebastian is an Amitlan, a noble from the western continent of Shambhala. I heard that the title is quite high, and she is a hereditary marquis.

According to the hotel owner's description, Gloria Sebastian was a kind-hearted person who worshiped the sun god. As an ambassador for Western cultural exchanges, she came to settle in the industrial area of ​​East Malaysia Port. In order to enrich the spiritual life of the poor people, she settled in this industrial area. Hong Kong has purchased many cultural and entertainment industries - such as churches, bars, hotels, dance halls and casinos.

After Guagua asked about this, he felt that it was quite reliable. After all, they came from the Nine Realms. If they could find such a Marquis from the Western Continent to help, the rest of the journey would definitely be smooth sailing.

As soon as he left, Meteor took the donkey again and led the brothers out. Before the sky got completely dark, he had to get to Queshan Street before twelve o'clock, so as not to be too late. Ms. Gloria would never Once they fell asleep, they were too embarrassed to call the door.

But before leaving, Dulan was at the end of the team. She swallowed an octopus and a tuna when the ship sank. Although she vomited it clean, her body was a little dehydrated. She begged the boss for two bottles of water, and it was so late. One minute.

When he was about to go out, Dulan accidentally discovered that the owner of the hotel seemed to be doing a strange ritual.

"Please, please, please." This Dongguo host, who was wearing traditional Chabon costumes and a long gown, kept shaking his hands and murmuring: "Please, please arrange a few more guests for me."

Du Lan hid by the door, not intending to alert the boss, just wanting to see clearly.

A crisp "swipe-" sound sounded.

A twenty-sided dice fell from the boss's hand and landed on the table.

It keeps scrolling and eventually the points settle at "5".

The boss's face became gloomy and depressed. He turned off the lights in the hotel living room early, and no one stood guard at the front desk. He hurriedly walked out to close the door.

Du Lan quickly followed the team, avoiding the boss's sight, feeling strange in his heart.

It was no ordinary dice, it had weak psychic energy fluctuations——

——It is a spiritual dice with special divination abilities!

Even if you are far away, you can still hear the resentment and complaints of the hotel owner.

"We just had dinner, and the vote was a big failure, but here are all these poor people, and they have to bend down to serve tea and water. It's so damn unlucky! It's just past eight o'clock. Looking at the results, we won't be able to do a single business tonight!"

At this moment, Duran finally understood what was going on. The boss seemed to have divination ability, which was very similar to the ability of [Timeline]. The Little Brotherhood was once a religious order obsessed with divination rituals, and could change things through this spiritual power. own destiny.

She didn't think too deeply and followed the crew to the streets of Queshan.

After climbing a few hundred meters of low-slope road, following the guidance of the hotel owner, the higher we go, the closer and closer we get to the light scenery of Dongma Port Industrial Zone. We can have a panoramic view of the bustling streets with lights in a radius of more than ten kilometers. .

This villa seems to be located in the city center. It just takes a detour through the mountain road and walks for more than half an hour on the asphalt road in the deep coniferous forest. When you reach the outside of the deserted manor, you can see a solid iron gate. , and towering stone walls.

At this moment, Flavia suddenly began to beat her heart——

——The size of Dame Gloria's manor is too large.

Judging from the walls outside the villa area, there is a cricket field and a garden of nearly 1,000 square meters. The distance from the atrium and vestibule to the main building is more than 400 meters. There are marble pavements and countertops along the way. Even though it was late at night, there were still servants gardening in the flower garden.

“What a beautiful church.”

From a few hundred meters away, Flavia could see the brightly lit reception hall, the crystal lamps in the church and the statue of Ammon - the god of fertility wearing a gauze skirt and a crown of wheat ears. , the stone sculpture stands in front of the church porch, more than six meters high.

Seeing that Flavia was a bit frightened, Meteor showed no fear at all. He went to the iron gate to pull the clues, and immediately heard a rapid and harsh electric bell.

There was a commotion of clanking, and immediately a well-dressed young waiter rushed out——

——He is a young man who looks to be only seventeen or eighteen years old. He is wearing a slim-fitting suit. You can tell at a glance that he is of Amitlan origin. He has three-dimensional facial features, a pale complexion, brown eyes, and a warm smile on his face.

"Guests! Long wait! Where did it come from?"

Meteor still wanted to use some tricks and hide it, and was unwilling to tell the truth.

The familiar psychic reaction is here again!

At this time, Dulan finally became vigilant, and in an instant she heard two or three noises of the dice falling to the ground.

What does this sound mean? What happened?

Don't wait for her to think about it for a moment or a second.

The anonymous crying general seemed to be under a spell. He told the waiter about his origins and told the truth.

"I'm from Eureka Volcano City. This is my captain. His name is Guagua! Originally, we wanted to take the Nostalgia to East Malaysia, take the two ladies for a sightseeing trip, and then transfer to Sendai Prefecture. The second pier - what a coincidence, it ran into a storm."

After hearing what happened to Meteor, the receptionist had a regretful expression on his face: "That's too bad. My name is Sirius Parker, and I am Lady Gloria's butler."

Meteor responded generously: "Ah! You look so young!"

"Hey! Look what you said. My business skills are not bad. Otherwise, why would I still be with you at this time? As soon as the bell rings - I will fly over!" Sirius changed the subject and immediately squeezed out of the shooting star. , asked Duran and Flavia: "What kind of business do these two ladies do?"

At this moment, Duran heard the weird sound of dice again!

She tried to hold Sissi, but it was useless. It seemed that the moment the dice landed, something separated her from Sissi!

It was as if the whole world had turned gray, and only Sirius Parker in front of him had color!

She can only speak to this man, she can only respond to this man!

Looking at Sirius Parker's eyes again, there was a hint of impatience in the young and handsome butler's eyes, and he changed from anxious and depressed to a calm state.

"If it's not convenient to talk, that's okay. The Dionysus Church welcomes the lost lambs. We believe in working together to help each other and will not neglect any guest. The convenient door is right here."

Mr. Sirius bowed slightly to make way for everyone.

Flavia felt a little embarrassed - the housekeeper was too polite, so she talked about the purpose of her trip.

"Mr. Parker, I am the boss of Fairy Tale Kingdom. We are a candy company. The company is on the other side of the sea."

Sirius smiled and said, "Ah! So that's it?"

Flavia continued: "If it hadn't been for this shipwreck, there would have been a lot of candies on the ship to bring to the children of Sendai Prefecture! As a result"

"What a pity." Sirius smiled even more, feeling regretful and sympathetic.

Flavia politely added: "Don't worry! The crew and I will stay for one night! If Ms. Gloria can be convenient, let us stay for a few more nights. I will make candies! Use these candies to exchange for money. ! Donate it to the church again! Do you think this is a good idea?"

Sirius chuckled and said: "Hehehe. Your kindness will definitely be passed on to others and help those poor people stay away from the sea of ​​suffering."

[Part②·The dealer who controls destiny]

Duran never heard the weird sound of dice again——

——She is a very sensitive person and will never let go of such clues. She follows the team to the reception hall and needs to change her shoes, hats and coat.

She found the crying general alone and asked in a low voice.

"Step into the meteor"

Ryusei put his wet coat next to the long table, and the maid took him to the laundry room. As soon as he had a little private space, he immediately turned to Dulan and responded: "Huh?"

"The Anonymous Crying General." Dulan was not sure whether he was hearing hallucinations: "Is this journey too smooth?"

Bu Liuxing: "I don't know, Ms. Dulan, what are you talking about?"

"After passing the carriage and horse station, from the hotel to the reception hall of the Dionysus Church, did you hear a strange sound, which sounded like the sound of a dice falling to the ground?"

"Uh" Meteor's inspiration is very keen, but at the same time, his ability to resist interference is also very poor. He is accompanied by two blood-giving units, Duran and Flavia, so he can feel the abnormalities of the Black Snake and the White Snake. Reiatsu, and at the same time Captain Guagua's hybrid reiatsu - they were mixed together, like a noisy rhapsody. If anything else, it was as faint as the sound of a dice falling, and he didn't pay attention to it at all.

"Sirius Parker questioned you just now. He only said a little bit, but you said a lot." Duran was almost close to Meteor's ear, her wheat-colored skin was about to break out with cold sweat, and her chin was pressed against Meteor's cheek: "I don't understand. I don't understand. At that moment I was even doubting - are you really the crying general? Did you really go on a six-year expedition with the gunsmith? Infiltrate enemy-occupied areas as a sharp-knife force? In that environment, you Is that the same? What do civilians ask? Just say what you said?"

When Dulan talked about this, Meteor finally came back to his senses.

His whole body tensed up, beads of cold sweat oozed from his forehead, and his heart felt like it was falling into an ice cave!

That seems to be the case! Unknowingly! Just tell everything? !

Why is this happening? ! Why? !

"As soon as the housekeeper opened his mouth, I...I..."

Meteor's teeth chattered, he bit his fingernails, and he began to feel nervous.

"I just think this guy is very friendly, and he seems to be able to talk about anything. I. I don't know! I don't know what the hell that dice sound you are talking about is."

"Was I under mind control? Just now? But why didn't I feel spiritual pressure?"

Right now, right now.

The butler Sirius hurriedly came from the tea room, carrying a large plate with fresh fruits and warming ginger tea.

"Guests! I kept you waiting! Change your wet clothes and come to the banquet hall to get together? How about it? Lady Gloria listened to the stories of the two rich ladies. She was very interested in independent and strong women - especially I'll prepare some greeting gifts, if you two can appreciate them."

"What to do!" Duran muttered nervously: "Lord Knight! Sissi said that as long as you are here, we are not afraid of anything bad. In this situation, it seems that we have taken the initiative to get into the wolf's den!"

Meteor immediately responded: "Don't be afraid! I'll go with you."

Flavia finished changing her clothes in the female guest dressing room, put on a pair of loose pajamas and jumped out. The feeling of taking a hot bath was really great - on the Homesick, she could only take a bath once every seven days. .

Seeing Meteor and Dulan Ni together, she immediately shouted.

"Hey! What are you doing next to my assistant?"

Sirius Parker turned to Flavia, bowed and handed over the fruit plate, and the moment he asked -

——The sound of dice sounded again.

This time, Captain Guagua was far away, putting aside these noises and removing these irrelevant spiritual pressures.

Meteor heard it too!

"Ms. Flavia Sissy Marcus, in the name of Countess Gloria, I invite you to come to the banquet hall. As the host of the Bacchus Church, we have prepared a meeting gift for you."

The moment the sound of the dice completely disappeared, a strange arc appeared at the corner of Mr. Parker's mouth——

——He was refreshed and contented, as if everything was under control.

Flavia answered immediately without thinking.


[Real name: Goelia·Sebastian丨Goelia·Sebastian]

[Hunwei: Sing for me·Sing for me]

[Destructive power:? ? ? ]

[speed:? ? ? ]

[Range: Outside specifications (blessed by elixir)]

[Endurance: Outside specifications (blessed by elixir)]

[Precision:? ? ? ]

[Growth:? ? ? ]

[Origin:? ? ? ]

[Special ability ① Twenty-sided die: [Sing For Me·Sing for Me] can give mortals luck beyond common sense. After obtaining this twenty-sided die, all aspects of daily life, food, clothing, housing and transportation will be interfered with by it - this is a Powerful psychic power. Every trivial and discontinuous independent event can be determined by this small dice. ]

[Derivative ability ①·Great success: When a twenty-sided die rolls twenty points, it can produce incredible miraculous power. The current independent event will ignore the existing attributes of things, and everything will develop in an excellent direction. ]

[Derivative ability ②·Big failure: When a twenty-sided die is rolled, it can produce a terrifying power of disaster. No matter what stage the current independent event is in, everything will develop in the worst direction. ]

[Derivative ability ③·Another round: Gloria Sebastian is a trickster. When the dice does not suit her wishes, she can throw it again, but she can only throw it once. ]

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