"The armor has been refined?" Chu Qin was a little surprised.

"Well, I've been working underground during this time."

Chu Qin hesitated for a moment: "Why don't you come back tomorrow morning? Shen Tuhu is in a bad mood now and may make things difficult for you."

Chu Xiu glanced at the brightly lit office, and several uneven breathing sounds came from it.

"No, he's so proud. There are so many people now, so we're not afraid of him defaulting on his debt."

This made Chu Qin very helpless, thinking that his friend really wanted money rather than his life. Wasn't he afraid that Shen Tuhu would hold a grudge?

"Then you should be more careful what you say."

After giving instructions, Chu Qin opened the door and walked in.

In the office, Shen Tuhu was listening to the reports of several analysts with a gloomy expression.

"No. 07 Stronghold agreed to our request to dispatch personnel, but put forward several conditions. First, our personnel must obey their commands. Second, we will act as a reserve team and wait until the other party thinks the time is right before entering the nest."

"Isn't this a fucking nanny? We don't get the benefits, and we take the blame if something goes wrong?" Shen Tuhu was angry, "Tell them all to get out of here, and tell them that if they don't accept the people under me, then I will Just go grab it! Don’t blame me for acting overbearingly!”

"Now, you guys, go find a way for me to get the lair information from other strongholds!"

Several analysts looked at each other and did not dare to say a word.

Because of the new group of zombies, everyone in several nearby strongholds is now in danger, and various action plans have been accelerated.

The specific location of the nest has always been kept secret. Under such circumstances, how could it be possible to reveal the location of the nest to them?

Just as the atmosphere was getting stiffer and stiffer, Chu Xiu's voice broke the dull atmosphere: "I've made the armor, thirty pieces, with a total of three hundred causal points."

After a pause, Chu Xiu added: "Thank you."

Shen Tuhu was already very angry. After hearing this, he glared at him fiercely: "What the hell! The nest is gone, why do I need armor?"

Chu Xiu said calmly: "So you want to default on your debt?"

As soon as he said these words, there was a sudden silence on the scene. Several analysts looked at him with looks of shock and admiration, while Chu Qin helplessly held his forehead.

Shen Tuhu laughed angrily: "Okay, okay, okay, you have the guts."

After speaking, he waved his hand and threw a piece of blue light towards Chu Xiu: "Get out of here."

Chu Xiu took it, looked at it, and left the office without saying a word.

Chu Qin chased him out and did not blame Chu Xiu. He just warned: "Shen Tuhu is angry. You have offended him. Be careful that he vents his anger on you."

Chu Xiu paused: "Will he send someone to assassinate me?"

Chu Qin: "?"

It seemed that Chu Xiu would come up with this sentence. It took him a long time to say: "That's not the case. Why do you have such an idea? Have you read some strange online articles?"

Chu Xiu looked disappointed. He was quite expecting Shen Tuhu to use some extreme measures, so that he could legitimately explode the gold coins.

After thinking about it, Chu Xiu took out some items from the storage bag: "By the way, these are for you."

As he raised his right hand, four items fell out.

"What is this?" Chu Qin picked up an item and checked its properties, then a smile froze on her face.

This turned out to be a piece of [treasure] quality equipment of the rank of warrior!

She looked at the other three items, and found that every one of them was a [treasure] of the rank and file!

"Achu, where did you get these things?" Chu Qin was so shocked that she stumbled a bit when speaking.

【Collection】Quality equipment is basically only available to elites! There are not many knight-level creatures now, and there are even fewer knight-level elites!

How could Chu Xiu, a mortal auxiliary profession, get so many good things?

"I was lucky enough to run into a hidden mission," Chu Xiu spread his hands, "I can't equip these knight-level equipment, and it would be a waste to put them on me. Sister Qin, just take it first and return it to me after you return to Blue Star. that is."

"Hidden mission?" Chu Qin's eyes showed suspicion, but other than that, there seemed to be no other explanation. He could only sigh with emotion: "Achu, you are so lucky."

Having said that, without being pretentious, he raised his hand and put away the four pieces of equipment.

In fact, for Chu Xiu, these equipments were of no use at all and could only be taken back and sold for money. Chu Qin would pay him back when he returned to Blue Star anyway, so it was better to enhance the opponent's self-protection ability in advance.

Chu Xiu could steal other people's resources without any mental barriers, but Chu Qin was his friend after all, so he still had to give him some compensation.

These four pieces of [treasure] equipment will help Chu Qin in his future explorations more than the little points earned from clearing a lair.

After that, he stopped talking and went to his room to rest with his eyes closed.

He had a good sleep, eliminating the fatigue accumulated over a long period of time.

Early the next morning, Chu Xiu, who had mostly recovered, walked out of the room.

The awakened people outside the room are still discussing. After the wrangling last night, preliminary results have been reached.

The auxiliary occupations remain unchanged and continue to provide logistical support within the stronghold, while the combat occupations help other strongholds undertake some non-combat tasks such as reconnaissance and exploration, and in return, those strongholds will also allocate part of their resources.

Only high-level combatants like Chu Qin will participate in the frontal attack on the nest, but they will not be the main force, but will assume a role similar to that of an emergency team. If any team is in danger, they will be sent to support quickly.

After Chu Qin gave Chu Xiu a few words of advice and got rid of the combat professionals who stayed behind to protect the base, she left alone.

Chu Xiu asked Chu Qin about the location of the base, but unfortunately the other party did not tell him.

"It seems that the location of the base cannot be obtained through formal channels."

He originally thought that if he was assigned to other bases, he would use the same method to eat the nest before others.

However, Chu Xiu was not in a hurry. He walked out of the base and quickly locked onto a building three kilometers away.

This is a fifty-story office building, which is a small landmark building nearby. Chu Xiu moved and appeared on the top of the office building a quarter of an hour later.

Looking down from this angle, you can see most of the city.

According to the information on the strategy website, the initial landing area of ​​all awakeners is in the outer city area, which is roughly a semicircular area. On the periphery of the semicircle is a dense primeval forest. These forests are planted artificially on the periphery, just like when playing a simulation construction game. There is a clear boundary between the city and the city, which gives people a rather strange feeling.

The center of the semicircle is the central city area.

The central city area is easy to identify. There are more than ten meters of cement walls separating the inside and the outside. There are nine entrances and exits. Roughly estimated, it is an area of ​​about two to three hundred square kilometers, which is much smaller than the outer city, but also very large. Many second- and third-tier cities have urban areas of this size.

In the center of the central city area, there is a high-rise building that reaches the sky. Chu Xiu suspects that it is the location of the corpse king.

As for the other side of the semicircle, there is an endless sea.

To be more precise, it is a sea of ​​blood.

When Chu Xiu was in the apartment building, he could not see the other side of the city at all, but now standing on this office building, he can vaguely see the bloody ocean today.

This reminds Chu Xiu of the description when he received the blood moon reward.

[When you are in the sphere of influence of the Boundless Blood Pool, you can get a secret every morning]

"Boundless Blood Pool?"

Chu Xiu stared at the sea of ​​blood and muttered to himself.

Shaking his head, Chu Xiu stopped thinking and began to search for traces of other awakened people.

Since he couldn't get the location of the nest, he might as well locate other awakened people first, and then follow them to find the nest sooner or later.

But after observing for a while, he frowned slightly.

Even in a fifty-story building, the view is still not good.

Because there are too many buildings in the city, they block each other, and there will be a lot of blind spots when the distance is a little far. You can't see the streets at all, you can only see the sides and roofs of those buildings.

And no awakened person would be bored enough to wander around on the roof. They usually move inside the building and hide their bodies as much as possible.

There are more than 1,500 awakened people entering the abyss this time. It sounds a lot, but scattered in the urban area of ​​thousands of square kilometers, the density is pitifully small.

He observed for three or four minutes and only saw a dozen awakeners, all of whom were from his base within a radius of three kilometers. The awakeners in the distance were blocked by heavy buildings and could not be seen at all.

But Chu Xiu was not in a hurry.

"I can't find any traces now, but when they start attacking the nest and a large-scale battle breaks out, the movement can't be covered up."

"Besides, I can go to other observation points to expand the scope of observation."

Almost as soon as his idea came to fruition, a slight explosion came into his ears.

Chu Xiu turned his head and looked down, only to see that a building in the direction of the sound seemed to have been hit violently, raising a cloud of dust.

From the height of the 50th floor, the dust was almost undetectable, but with Chu Xiu's eyesight at this time, it was clearly visible!

In the dust, there were traces of fighting!

This made his eyes light up!

But suddenly, Chu Xiu's expression became solemn, because he saw a familiar figure rushing out of the dust, and it was Chu Qin!

At this time, Chu Qin seemed to be injured and was running away in a panic, and there was a dark shadow chasing her behind her.


Chu Xiu snorted coldly, wearing the robe and mask of the Elder of Pain, and took a step forward, jumping directly from the office building!

The wind blew in his face, and under the action of gravity, he fell at a very fast speed. When he was about to land, the Phantom Step suddenly broke out, offsetting most of the potential energy!


Chu Xiu fell to the ground, smashing a big hole in the original place. This scene was seen by several awakened people, and they all widened their eyes in shock.

But Chu Xiu ignored them, and ran towards Chu Qin's position with a move. The Phantom Step was used to the extreme, coupled with the boots of speed and a 50-point physique, making Chu Xiu almost become a phantom.

In less than half a minute, he went straight through a distance of more than a thousand meters!

After rushing out of a building, he happened to see a figure wrapped in a black robe like him rushing out and slashing Chu Qin on the back!


Even with the protection of the soldier-level [collection] armor that Chu Xiu had just given to Chu Qin, the blade still left a huge wound, almost cutting to the bone! Chu Qin's back suddenly turned bright red. If it weren't for the armor Chu Xiu gave, this knife could have cut off Chu Qin's entire right arm from behind!

Chu Xiu's eyes turned cold, and without saying a word, he rushed out, and the bone spear in his hand suddenly rose up like a poisonous snake that had been waiting for a long time, rushing straight to the mysterious man's chest!

The man didn't seem to expect someone to suddenly attack him. Surprise flashed in his eyes, but he was not in a hurry. A round arm shield suddenly appeared on his right arm. He raised his hand to block Chu Xiu's attack. At the same time, the blade in his hand turned flexibly and slashed towards Chu Xiu!

He obviously used some skills to slash with this knife. The attack trajectory of the long knife completely violated the human body structure, and the blade was accompanied by an extremely sharp blade!

Just when he was about to stab Chu Xiu, the Heavenly Demon Hand emerged from the void and grabbed the blade. At the same time, another fist hit the man's body heavily!


With a muffled sound, the man was blasted far away by the Heavenly Demon Hand, but he just flipped flexibly to relieve the impact and climbed up from the ground.

Chu Xiu's eyes showed a little solemnity.

This man is very strong!

From the fight just now, it can be seen that his physique is only slightly weaker than his own. Considering that Chu Xiu is already level 4, it is impossible for others to catch up with his upgrade progress. Therefore, if this person does not have equipment that can increase a lot of physique, then he is at least an S-level combat profession!

That is the level of the Seven Knights!

Moreover, his reaction is extremely fast, and his skills are extremely proficient. He is also a leader among the Seven Knights!

No wonder Chu Qin was chased and beaten by him.

But unfortunately, he met Chu Xiu.

The killing intent was brewing in Chu Xiu's eyes, and the demon hand gradually became huge and violent.

However, at this moment, the man suddenly raised his hand.

"Brother, wait, we are one of us!"

"I am also from the 'Extreme Dao'!"

As he said, he lifted up his black robe and revealed his right hand.

There was a dark hexagram mark on his arm, and there were many complicated runes next to it.

This pattern made Chu Xiu's body, which was about to attack, stagnate.

He had seen this pattern!

In the trial of the soldier class, when summoning the incarnation of pain to descend, a huge formation appeared in the sky.

And this pattern is right at the very center of the formation!

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