Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 102 The King of Dark Night

Chu Qin's words made Chu Xiu secretly speechless.

The so-called dark age refers to the time when the abyss has just fallen.

Human society at that time was not prepared for this, and only a few brave explorers entered the abyss and finally returned by luck.

Of course, these lucky ones also received gifts from the abyss.

As a result, the first group of people who obtained extraordinary powers from the abyss began to try to use their extraordinary powers to seek benefits on Blue Star. At first, they were barely within the limits of the law, but as they tasted the sweetness, the bottom line was gradually changed. After the number of awakened people increased dramatically, a dark era came.

In that era, all the proud orders that mankind had established in the past collapsed. Not only the awakened people oppressed the unawakened people, but also the awakened people plundered each other. The originally peaceful world turned into killing each other. dark forest.

At that time, the awakened people were divided into two groups. One group enjoyed this environment where the weak and the strong preyed on the strong, while the other group wanted to restore the order before the arrival of the abyss.

Finally, after a long struggle, under the leadership of the "Eight Heavenly Kings", that dark age was ended, and people established a new order on the ruins.

Of course, Chu Xiu was not interested in this kind of story of "justice triumphing over evil". In his opinion, it was nothing more than two interest groups fighting each other, winning and losing.

No matter which side wins, a similar order will be established, with the purpose of better exploiting latecomers and further widening the gap between ordinary awakened people and the ruling class, lest the rule of the Eight Heavenly Kings be shaken.

For example, the policy of banning transactions in causal points can of course be said to prevent the price of causal points from being maliciously inflated and causing the collapse of society. After all, for those awakened people with extremely high levels, money has no meaning to them. If control is relaxed, causal points can be increased to more than 100,000 casually.

By then, the number of people entering the abyss will increase significantly, which will lead to a large number of social problems, such as population reduction, labor shortage, inflation, etc. Everyone is exploring the abyss, and who will be farming? Food doesn’t just grow out of the ground just because you have money.

To a certain extent, strictly prohibiting causal point trading will indeed help maintain social stability.

But on the other hand, it can also be seen as the exploitation of the lower class by the upper class.

It's a very simple reason. Where is the cause and effect of low-price recycling? Who will distribute it?

Of course, Chu Xiu has no interest in overthrowing exploitation. Anyway, he doesn't sell causal points, and he can't take advantage of him. The current order is conducive to his development. After all, with his unrivaled strength at the same level, he can fight against the rules. Maximize profits within.

If we go back to the Dark Ages, who knows, will we meet a big boss one day and massacre the city, and by the way, will he be destroyed as well?

"Usually, a few of these forces pop up every year, so you don't need to worry about it at all, but..."

Chu Xiu thought of the six-pointed star symbol and asked:

"Are all members of this Yakuza human beings? Will there be forces from other worlds involved?"

Chu Qin was stunned by this question, and it took him a long time to say: "Are you saying that this Ji Dao may have tokens of evil gods and the like? No, I think they are different from ordinary cult organizations."

Chu Xiu didn't ask any more questions. It seemed that Chu Qin knew nothing about the connection between the Jida and the alien demons.

While they were talking, the stronghold was already in front of them. At this time, the two people returning happened to encounter Shen Tuhu leaving with a group of people.

Chu Xiu didn't intend to cause trouble, but Chu Qin frowned and said, "Where are you going?"

"Mind your own business." Shen Tuhu said in a bad tone. He waved his hand and the others followed him and left.

Chu Qin grabbed the handsome boy with eyes at the end of the team: "Song Zhiwen, what's going on?"

Song Zhiwen looked ahead carefully and whispered: "Because his lair is gone, he wants to explore the central city in advance. I can't stop him."

Hearing this, Chu Qin was immediately furious and said in disbelief: "Is he crazy?!"

According to the normal plan, it would take two days to digest all the nests and ranks, and then send high-level awakeners to conduct preliminary exploration and investigation of the central city on the periphery. After detailed analysis, they would organize manpower to enter.

It would be extremely dangerous for someone like Shen Tuhu to go in recklessly!

Of course, he cannot take this risk himself, but will force others to be cannon fodder to explore the way!

Chu Qin wanted to get up, but was held down by Song Zhiwen: "Sister Qin, if you're like this, don't force yourself. Anyone who follows him is voluntary."

"Don't you know the risks? But Shen Tuhu's price is extremely high. If you fight this time, you will have enough food and clothing for the rest of your life."

Hearing this, Chu Qin was helpless.

Naturally, Chu Xiu would not meddle in other people's business. After placing Chu Qin in place, he returned to the roof of the office building and waited silently.

After waiting patiently for a while, he suddenly looked somewhere.

There, a faint smoke of gunpowder was rising.

Chu Xiu's face under the mask couldn't help but reveal a smile.

"It finally begins."

At the same moment, in front of a shopping mall fifteen kilometers away from Chu Xiu, the roar of heavy machine guns filled the sky.

This nest is located in the underground parking lot of a large shopping mall. At this time, three heavy machine guns firing .50-caliber armor-piercing bullets are placed staggered, forming a dense and intertwined firepower network. Hundreds of bullets are fired in one second!

Countless ghouls surged out from the entrance of the lair, and were immediately shattered into pieces by the huge kinetic energy of the bullets. The terrifying energy of the heavy machine gun bullets even caused large amounts of blood mist to erupt from the parts where the ghouls were hit!

After smashing the corpse's body, even if the bullet was smashed into pieces, it still carried a lot of kinetic energy and turned into fragments to hit back, causing a larger range of fragments and casualties!

These fragments seemed to have turned into a metal storm that could tear everything apart, completely blocking the entrance to the nest.

Even if there were corpses that were lucky enough to rush out, they were surrounded by the awakened ones who had been waiting in advance. They were alone and could not cause any trouble to the awakened team.

"Set fire!"

During the cooling interval of the heavy machine gun, the incendiary bomb was thrown near the nest. The flames burned along the liquid and soon formed a sea of ​​fire. The scorched smell of burnt flesh and blood could be smelled hundreds of meters away.

At this time, another awakened brought high-explosive grenades, and one grenade after another fell into the blocked nest, causing a large number of casualties immediately.

Listening to the pleasant experience increase sound that kept ringing in their ears, all the awakened people present smiled from the bottom of their hearts.

With the support of a large number of lethal weapons, it was a one-sided massacre to deal with these low-intelligence ghouls.

After a while, there were no more ghouls rushing out of the entrance of the nest, only piles of corpses.

Lin Yang, the soldier-level awakener in charge of this stronghold, shouted: "Don't take it lightly, the next step is the real hard bone!"

"We are going to set out inside the nest!"

"Just like we practiced before, remember four words, fortify the walls and clear the fields! Don't be reckless, after completely clearing one layer and establishing a new line of defense, move to the next layer!"

"Everyone remember, our goal is to be uninjured!"

"Yes!" The other awakeners responded to him excitedly.

"Okay!" Lin Yang was in high spirits, drew out the long sword at his waist, and was about to lead the team into the nest.

But at this moment, someone suddenly discovered something and pointed to the roof of a place, and his voice began to deform due to fear: "Boss, look at that!"

"Huh?" Lin Yang looked up, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his expression changed drastically!

His unusual behavior made other awakened people look over, and they saw a hideous "corpse ghost" standing on the roof of a residential building not far away!

This corpse ghost is much taller than ordinary corpse ghosts, and its sharp claws like ten long swords flashed a sharp cold light under the sun.

"It's a new type of corpse ghost! Could it be that the 'King of Dark Night' is coming?"

All awakened people panicked, and even Lin Yang looked ugly, shouting: "Don't panic! There is only one, maybe..."

However, before he finished speaking, a low horn sound interrupted him!


Like the roar of an ancient giant beast, it sounded clearly in the ears of everyone present. The awakened people felt that their hearts were grabbed by an invisible big hand, and a huge sense of fear surged up!

At the same time, new corpse ghosts appeared around them!

The eyes of these corpse ghosts flashed with bloodthirsty light, like a wolfhound tied up, waiting for the master's order, and they would pounce forward and tear them into pieces!

What's more terrifying is that more new corpse ghost elites appeared! Each one exudes the powerful breath of a soldier-level creature!

"One, two, three, four, it's over, it's over, I'm going to die here today!"

Lin Yang's face became paler and paler as he counted. These soldier-level creatures reached more than ten in just a few breaths, and there were many more hiding in the dark!

The others were even paler, and some of the timid ones couldn't even stand steadily. They fell to the ground and murmured: "The King of the Dark Night, it's really the King of the Dark Night, he's here!"

They seemed to see the god of death waving at them, and their brains were stagnant in fear!

At this time, a voice suddenly rang out in the crowd: "Left! There seems to be no corpse ghost on the left!"

The words awakened the dreamer, and everyone looked in the direction and found that the encirclement of the corpse group seemed to have not been fully formed!

Lin Yang was overjoyed and shouted, "Everyone, get your equipment! Break out with me!"

He led the way and rushed towards the gap, followed by the others. Soon, there was not a single awakener in the huge square.

Chu Xiu slowly walked out of the shadows and looked at the direction where everyone was running away in silence.

"King of the Dark Night? Which idiot came up with this name? It's too rustic!"

Unable to help but complain, Chu Xiu shook his head, walked to the nest, and started the perfect refining.

The burning corpse of the corpse ghost began to be refined and integrated into the white bone armor. The living souls that had not completely dissipated in the air were also captured and turned into nutrients for the ghost army.

After a while, all these resources were absorbed. Chu Xiu did not waste time. With a wave of his hand, a large number of ghosts came out in a line and rushed to the deeper part of the nest.

On the other side, Lin Yang and others who had escaped by chance were still patting their chests with lingering fear.

Lin Yang didn't know why, after hearing the strange horn, he suddenly lost all his fighting spirit, and the only thing in his mind was to escape.

After recovering from his shock, he looked back in the direction of the nest, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes.

"I didn't expect that we were so unlucky to run into the boss of the outer city, the Dark Night King!"

"Hurry up and send a message to other bases!"


What Chu Xiu didn't know was that because of his terrifying strength, a group of bases had already defaulted him as the final boss of the outer city.

And the boss, of course, had to be hunted, and it was impossible for everyone to let him continue to snatch the resources of the awakened.

Yesterday, a large number of analysts worked all night, not only to re-plan and speed up the progress of the action, but also to plan how to eat this "big piece of meat"!

"The ultimate boss in the wild, if you can kill a monster of this strength, it will almost 100% drop [perfect] quality equipment, and it may even explode [legend]!"

Excitement flashed in his eyes.

But unfortunately, he also knew that it was impossible for him to eat this piece of fat meat alone. All the strongholds have also agreed that once there is news about the Dark Night King, they will immediately broadcast on all bands and concentrate their forces to surround and kill him!

At this time, the voice of the analyst next to him also rang:

"Boss, someone responded!"

"Ye Junlin is coming here!"

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