Early the next morning, everyone gathered in the living room.

Wang Long and Li Shan are not in good condition. There are dark circles on their eyes. It can be seen that they did not sleep well last night. In addition to being afraid of the monsters outside the house, they also have to be wary of each other. Only in this good state can they be in good condition. There is a ghost.

In addition, they didn't have that much food, especially Wang Lung, whose stomach kept growling and his lips were dry and white.

After thinking for a moment, Chu Xiu gave the two of them some mushrooms to replenish energy and moisture.

He didn't want these two people to fall apart at a critical moment.

He ate some himself.

After eating, he opened the door and was greeted by thick dust, which made Chu Xiu frown. There were many footprints running back and forth on the ground, and there was a faint smell of blood in the air.

"There were at least four unlucky guys yesterday. No one would be stupid enough to explore at night, but they were caught anyway." Wang Long muttered uneasily.

Chu Xiu didn't speak, just looked at the footprints on the ground thoughtfully.

If those monsters were walking randomly, the footprints going up the stairs should be mixed with those going downstairs.

But at this time, a large number of footprints going downstairs covered the footprints going upstairs.

"It's like at a certain point in time, these monsters ran downstairs collectively. Is it because of the sun? A large number of monsters hide after the sun comes out? Do they hate sunlight? That's why the number of monsters during the day increases Fewer?"

Chu Xiu secretly guessed in his heart.

Shaking his head, he didn't think any more and led everyone to act according to the plan.

Relying on Yunlu's nose, they successfully moved from the eighth floor to the eleventh floor and found the suitable ambush place.

Chu Xiu asked Wang Long and Li Shan to stay and arrange things, while he continued to explore with Yunlu.

He coveted the corpses of those trialists who died last night.

I have to say that Yunlu's nose is really easy to use. He is worthy of being a B-level talent. He quickly helped Chu Xiu collect all four corpses.

His death was miserable, and his soul was almost completely gone, but it still brought him considerable strengthening progress, allowing him to successfully upgrade his bone armor to +3.

The total weight of the reinforced bone armor reached 17kg. Each bone fragment was like pure white jade, and its hardness was no less than that of ordinary iron armor.

This gave him a lot of confidence.

Chu Xiu's professional experience also increased by nine points.

During this period, he also discovered the figures of other trialists in the corridor, but that person did not want to meet Chu Xiu. The two saw each other from a distance and dispersed.

By the time we returned to the eleventh floor, it was almost ten o'clock.

"Why are you so slow?" Wang Long complained.

However, after seeing Chu Xiu's reborn armor, his eyes lit up again, and he laughed and said: "Brother Chu, my talent and profession are more suitable for fighting. Why don't you give me your equipment and return it after the fight?" Give it to you.”

Li Shan also hurriedly said: "Yes, Chu Xiu, I will be the bait, and those monsters will definitely attack me first. Give me that armor!"

Chu Xiu glanced at the two of them speechlessly, not bothering to pay attention at all.

Wang Long snorted unhappily and clapped the metal bat in his hand. Li Shan looked embarrassed, but did not dare to say anything more.

At the same time, there was some suspicion in his eyes, as if he was wondering why Chu Xiu's personality had changed so much.

In his original impression, Chu Xiu should be a good old man. Even if he didn't borrow it, he would never be too lazy to say polite words.

Chu Xiu naturally didn't know about these murmurs in his heart. He walked into the room and began to check the terrain.

Wang Long and Li Shan arranged the ambush site in the living room, which was a square structure. Li Shan placed a two-meter-long log sofa across the corner, forming a small corner that could only accommodate one person.

The heavy sofa served as a wooden shelter. After he entered, he took a few large wooden boards to block the top, thus forming a good shelter.

I have to say that Li Shan is a bit smart. Chu Xiu also remembered that his grades in cultural classes seemed to be good and he was among the top ten in the class.

The corner chosen by Li Shan is facing the door. As long as the door is opened, it will be visible. The monster will rush directly. Wang Long and Chu Xiu will ambush in the blind spots of the two nearby corners.

Yunlu hid in the adjacent room, and after the monster's attention was completely attracted to Li Shan, he would close the door.

After going through the entire plan in his mind and confirming that nothing was missing, he nodded to Li Shan.

【let's start. 】

He held the bone spear tightly and huddled in the corner.

Li Shan took out an iron pot and knocked it gently on the ground. The sound of metal collision immediately spread far away.


The sound quickly quieted down, and the apartment building remained as silent as ever.

Li Shan increased his strength and knocked again.


Chu Xiu felt his palms became sweaty and his heartbeat began to accelerate. Although he had remained calm, he would still be nervous when he was really going to play.

The Abyss is not a game, the consequences of mistakes are death!


Li Shan knocked again. This time, after waiting for more than ten seconds, a soft sound of "pah, pah" suddenly came from the door.

Chu Xiu immediately became nervous.

From this angle, he couldn't see what was going on at the door, and even the helmet on his head limited his sight to a certain extent. He could only hear the sound of heavy footsteps approaching from far away.

As he got closer, he began to hear hoarse gasps, like the last gasps of someone whose throat had been cut, but the sound and breath were much louder. At the same time, a stench mixed with blood and body odor poured into his nasal cavity.


Chu Xiu seemed to be able to feel that there was still flesh and blood torn from the prey's body in this monster's mouth.

Even if he didn't see the figure, Chu Xiu knew that a huge and ferocious beast had walked in!

Suddenly, out of the corner of Chu Xiu's eye, he caught a dark shadow flashing past quickly!

The figure was so fast that his eyes blurred, and a broad back covered with black hair appeared in his sight!

This is a two-meter-tall humanoid creature with extremely large latissimus dorsi muscles, indicating that it is very good at swinging. Its chest and back are covered with thick black hair. These hairs can effectively provide protection. The limbs are not covered with hair. It is very Slender, if you look closely, you will find highly compact muscles with almost no fat, and the skin is a scary blue-black color.

Amid Li Shan's frightened scream, the creature's entire back muscles bulged, and it swung its right hand and hit it hard!


With a loud noise, sawdust flew into the air, and under the terrifying force, a large piece of the hard wooden sofa was smashed off! The top wooden board was also broken into three or four pieces!

From below, Li Shan screamed sharply due to fear: "Chu Xiu! Wang Long! You fucking do it quickly!"

Chu Xiu's heart was pounding, and the monster's roar in his ears made him instinctively want to retreat! This is the fear that comes from deep in the genes when facing a ferocious beast whose strength and size far exceeds his own!

But reason still overwhelmed the instinctive fear. He gritted his teeth, raised the bone spear in his hand and stabbed it!

As if feeling the wind, the monster suddenly turned its head, and a face as highly rotten as a ghoul came into view!

Chu Xiu's heart trembled, but he immediately suppressed his fear and sent the bone spear forward with force!

"Stab it!"

At this time, the monster just turned around, and the sharp spear tip penetrated its flank. As soon as it made contact, Chu Xiu felt a huge resistance from the front end, as if what he hit was not a flesh and blood body, but a body. Layers of tightly intertwined cotton.

After the tip of the spear penetrated seven or eight centimeters, Chu Xiu felt a huge resistance coming from the front, and the bone spear could no longer advance. When he looked down, he saw a big green and black hand tightly grasping the bone spear. front end!

Chu Xiu's heartbeat suddenly slowed down by half a beat, and his face was filled with shock! This monster was able to withstand all the strength of his body with just one hand!

Before he could recover from his fear, he felt a huge force coming from the bone spear. The next moment, he jumped directly into the air, but it was the monster holding the bone spear, using the bone spear as a fulcrum. , directly lifted Chu Xiu up!


With a loud noise, Chu Xiu was lifted high and hit directly on the ceiling! Countless rubbles from the wall "swished" down, and his mind felt like a heavy hammer, and his internal organs seemed to be displaced under the huge impact!


There was another loud noise, and he fell from a height of three meters. The seventeen kilograms of bone armor did not provide much protection, but instead increased the force of his fall, causing severe pain all over Chu Xiu's body.

There was a ringing in his ears, and he could vaguely hear Yunlu's frightened scream.

He managed to hold himself up with his hands, only to see a pair of scarlet, bloodthirsty pupils staring back at him.

No, something was wrong. Chu Xiu's mind was dizzy from the impact, but he still felt something was wrong. Things shouldn't be like this. Although this monster was very powerful, it should still be their turtle in the urn.

At this time, Li Shan's heartbreaking roar reminded him: "Wang Long, get in here!"

Chu Xiu looked out of the corner of his eye and saw that Wang Long, who was supposed to attack with him, was standing there, his legs trembling, and his hands holding the bat constantly shaking.

He was completely frightened.

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