Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 110: The second level of the golden embryo, fighting against the fierce level!

"Finally, I got the detailed address."

Chu Xiu's eyes were full of surprise.

However, the last advice from Tongue made him fall into deep thought.

"You need to have the strength of the fierce level before exploring. Can my current strength compare to the low-level fierce level?"

But so far, he has not fought with all his strength, and basically only used one or two trump cards to fight the enemy.

Chu Xiu felt that his offensive ability might be lacking, but in terms of defense and survival ability, it was still not a problem. He could even get rid of the silver knight.

"So, even if the preset fierce level standard of Tongue is very high, I should not be in danger of my life. It's just a matter of how many ghosts I lose."

"But I have to try my best to be prepared before going to explore."

It's not easy to accumulate ghosts, and Chu Xiu feels very distressed for every loss.

With his mind set, he closed his eyes to rest and recover.

The next morning, Chu Xiu, who had almost fully replenished his physical strength and energy, pushed open the door and prepared to start a new round of hunting.

After yesterday's exploration, he had discovered many patterns of the activities of the central city corpse ghosts, and he could be more aggressive.

Today is also the fourth day of entering the abyss, and all the major forces are preparing to move towards the central city.

The entire base has been busy since early in the morning, and many awakened people have set out in advance to the vicinity of the city wall, especially some auxiliary professions of the craftsman type.

In the past few days, many high-level awakened people like Chu Xiu have entered the central city in advance to obtain intelligence. Of course, they rarely go as deep as Chu Xiu, but they have also gained a lot.

After discussion, the staff and analysts of a group of major forces decided to adopt the method of building a strong wall and clearing the field, and taking every step carefully. First, they will use modern weapons to build a solid defense line on the city wall, and then clear the corpse ghosts in the central area step by step.

So the auxiliary professions will be particularly busy these days.

This is a good thing for Chu Xiu, which means that even if he encounters an enemy that he cannot defeat in the central city, he only needs to escape to the city wall area, and someone will help him stop it, which can make Chu Xiu's exploration more worry-free.

At the same time, there are also many ordinary awakened people who are ready to start the upgrade trial after eating up the resources in the outer city.

The world of corpse ghosts is a real world, no different from Blue Star, so it is natural to have a trial for upgrading.

There are many people who are taking the trial for upgrading this time. There are 7 people in Lin Wanyue's base alone. After all, the resources in the outer city are quite rich, enough for many people to upgrade to level 9.

Without entering the soldier level, there is no qualification to compete for the [positioning anchor point], so the awakened people with a little ambition will upgrade to the soldier level before the final formal conquest of the world mission.

Chu Xiu was not dissatisfied with the increase in competitors, but was extremely happy.

"These newly promoted soldiers will have a lot of causal points rewarded by passing the trial. Even if they are muddled through, each person can get at least 300 or 400 points on average."

"And they lack soldier-level equipment, so I just take the ones I don't need to exchange them for causal points."

In fact, for Chu Xiu, even if there are more ordinary soldiers, there is basically no threat to him.

Of course, they will share some resources, but in fact, Chu Xiu and them are basically not on the same plate, and there is not much difference between them or not.

Without thinking any more, Chu Xiu left the base, put on his robe and mask, and ran all the way. He soon crossed the city wall and entered the central city.

He did not stop, but went deeper and came to an area about 9km away from the central tower.

This is the hunting spot he carefully selected after yesterday's observation.

The main reason is that the evil-level corpse ghosts that rule this area move slowly, which can give Chu Xiu enough time to react.

He stood on the roof of a residential building, his ghost eyes flashing, and soon marked most of the corpse ghosts in this area.

He flashed and appeared behind a level 9 corpse ghost like a ghost, pierced it with a spear, and instantly pierced it!

Then the figure did not stop at all, and before the second corpse ghost could react, he punched its head again!

At this time, the corpse ghosts in the entire area began to riot, and he was like a ghost, passing through buildings, accurately slaughtering corpse ghosts one by one!

He set a perfect killing route, so that the leader of this group of corpse ghosts kept chasing him from behind. Chu Xiu stopped and turned around, facing the soldier-level corpse ghost roaring behind him, and punched with the crazy demon hand!


It was a kill without any suspense, and the huge force even exploded a blood mist in the air.

[Professional Experience +56]

[Obtained props: cause and effect points * 122]

Along with the pleasant sound, the furious roar of the fierce level here!

But when it arrived with great momentum, Chu Xiu had disappeared, and even the corpses on the ground were refined.

In the following time, Chu Xiu kept hunting in this area. His 150 points of physical fitness allowed him to cross a distance of a thousand meters in a few breaths and jump to a ten-story building. With such amazing agility, the fierce creatures here could not find his trace at all, and could only keep roaring helplessly.

After another blow to the ground of a soldier-level corpse ghost, Chu Xiu finally heard the long-awaited prompt sound.

[Professional Experience +48]

[Obtained Item: Causal Points*98]

[Level Up! ]

[Current Level: Soldier Level 6]

"Finally upgraded again!"

Feeling the increasing power in his body, Chu Xiu couldn't help but close his eyes in ecstasy.

All attributes improved again, with physical fitness increasing by 12 points, and the other two attributes also increased by a similar amount.

Of course, the most important thing is that there is only one level left to unlock a new inheritance!

And there is more to make him happy.

After a morning of hunting, his causal points finally reached 5,000!

Level 1 12 points of physical fitness?

Very good, but Chu Xiu was still not satisfied!

What he wanted was a power far beyond everyone else, enough to crush everything!

Add points!

Without any hesitation, he injected all the causal points into the Golden Embryo!

As a large number of causal points began to burn, this secret technique seemed to have crossed the long river of time in an instant. Chu Xiu vaguely felt that his body was like being entrusted to another time and space, where he practiced hard day and night for millions of times.

A lot of knowledge and insights poured into Chu Xiu's mind, and at the same time his body was undergoing amazing changes!

After all the five thousand causal points were consumed, the golden embryo in Chu Xiu's body was shining like a small Buddha statue!


Chu Xiu punched out, and instantly made a violent sound of breaking through the air, directly smashing a load-bearing wall!

[The second level of the golden embryo has been cultivated]

[Attribute Amplification One] Constitution +25, Energy Level +55, Energy Recovery Speed ​​+150%.

[Attribute Amplification Two] The output power of the golden embryo is further improved, and it can cooperate with the main body to output three times the mana in a short period of time, and the skill power is increased by +100%, but it puts great pressure on the meridians.

[Attribute Amplification Three] The total amount of the golden embryo's origin and the healing effect +20%

The second level of the golden embryo has increased Chu Xiu's physique by 25 points again! Now his total physique has exceeded 150 points!

And the last two attributes have also been improved, especially the second attribute, three times the mana output, and 100% skill bonus! Let the power of the crazy demon hand exceed 400!

Of course, Chu Xiu tried it and it did put a lot of pressure on the body. Continuous use may even cause damage to the meridians!

But even so, this is enough to become Chu Xiu's strongest killer at present.

Just when Chu Xiu was immersed in the joy of his strength improvement, he suddenly heard a "booming" sound of building destruction not far away. Chu Xiu knew that this was the fierce creature approaching him.

But this time, Chu Xiu did not hide, but stayed where he was, with expectation in his eyes!

"I don't know if my current strength can match the fierce level!"

In his eyes full of fighting spirit, a huge creature jumped out and hit the ground heavily. The terrifying impact force immediately smashed a big hole in the concrete road!

This is a creature similar to a giant bear, but its size is much larger than any bear Chu Xiu has ever seen! It is more than ten meters long when standing upright, and weighs only fifty tons! Comparable to a heavy tank!

It was covered with thick hair, but the exposed facial skin showed the characteristics of a ghoul. The most amazing thing was that it had a lot of protruding bone spurs on its body, like a combination of a bear and a hedgehog!

In the display of the Ghost Demon Eye, this was a level 3 creature! The physical fitness was as high as 300 points!

And it was the opponent that Chu Xiu had carefully selected. It was huge and powerful, but relatively lacked flexibility, which was very suitable for the Heavenly Demon Hand to play!

"Come on!"

As Chu Xiu roared excitedly, the Mad Heavenly Demon Hand appeared behind him and rushed towards the giant bear!


With a deafening roar, the two Mad Heavenly Demon Hands turned into fists and hit the giant bear's face heavily! But the giant bear just shook its head, and raised its bear paw to slap Chu Xiu like nothing happened!


The terrifying force smashed a big pit on the spot, and Chu Xiu floated out first, with more excitement in his eyes!

This was the first time he encountered an enemy that the Crazy Sky Demon Hand could not solve. Although the strength of 216 points was strong, it was not enough in front of this giant bear with a physical fitness of 300!

What was even more unexpected was that although the giant bear was huge, its movements were extremely flexible. With a roar, after missing the first attack, it immediately jumped up again, and its huge body directly crossed dozens of meters and slapped Chu Xiu!


Chu Xiu shouted and waved the Crazy Sky Demon Hand to meet it!

Double explosion!


The two collided, like a high-explosive bomb detonated in the air, and the huge air wave rolled up the dust all over the ground!

A man and a bear fought madly in the field. Chu Xiu was flexible and used bone-penetrating nails to hit the giant bear from time to time. Although it could not hurt the root, the penetrating power like the enhanced Barrett was enough to break the defense!

However, dancing on a tightrope will always lead to accidents. Chu Xiu was unable to inflict enough damage to the giant bear, but was seized by it during a confrontation and slapped on him!

At this time, the berserk demon hand had just been blasted out, and there was no time to defend, which means that this palm was completely absorbed by Chu Xiu's body!

Almost in an instant, the shield of the Elder of Pain's robe was cleared, and the huge kinetic energy that was still left was completely borne by Chu Xiu without any reduction!


Chu Xiu flew backwards, and the part of his skeleton armor that was hit by the palm had a few cracks.

He only felt a burst of pain in his chest. With his 150 physique, taking this palm hard, although it did not cause his bones to break, it also made him feel stagnant in his chest, and he couldn't recover for a long time.

You don’t need to look to know that at least a large bruise was visible to the naked eye.

But the pain from the chest made Chu Xiu even more excited!

He stretched his muscles and stood up, and his bones made a "crackling" sound all over his body.

Fighting the giant bear in close combat was just a test of his melee limit!

Now that the test was completed, he didn't have to hold back!

With a thought, a dense army of ghosts appeared around! They didn't approach, but in the soul state, they kept casting spells at the giant bear in the center!

One by one, the Yinfeng blades slashed on the giant bear's thick fur, tearing open wounds. A large number of earthbinding spells were set on its body, hindering its movement. The resurrected heavy-armored corpse ghosts and corpse tigers as meat shields rushed up and bit its body. At the same time, Chu Xiu took a step and jumped high!

Mad Demon Hand·Triple Explosion!


The loud sound of the collision of power resounded throughout the city!

The loud battle between the two undoubtedly attracted the awakened people around.

The first batch of high-level awakened people who had reached the level of soldiers who went deep into the central city to explore climbed up the tall building and looked into the distance.

But in the yellow sand and the smoke, there were two figures fighting fiercely! Wherever they went, no matter how solid the reinforced concrete buildings were, they were destroyed one after another!

And soon someone recognized the identity of one of the figures!

"The demonic energy on the body, the sharp horns on the head, and the demonic arms behind the back."

"It's the Dark Night King!"

"The Dark Night King has also entered the central city! And is fighting with the fierce creatures!"

This amazing scene shocked all the awakened people.

"It seems that the rumors are true. The Dark Night King is not only extremely powerful, but also can grow and upgrade!"

"Oh my god, how can we fight such a terrifying boss?"

At this time, someone said, "It doesn't have to be hostile to him! You also participated in the analysis meeting yesterday, and you know how abnormal the difficulty of this world mission is! Maybe the Abyss added helpers to our side to balance this abnormal difficulty!"

"Maybe we can use the Dark Night King to weaken the power of the Corpse King through guidance!"

"That makes sense, hurry up, let's report the news!"

The battle between the Dark Night King and the fierce monster caused a sensation among the awakened people. Even Ye Junlin and Lin Wanyue came from other areas to watch this battle.

After feeling the terrifying power of the Dark Night King, the two showed shock.

Especially Ye Junlin, he only realized now that the other party was just teasing him that day! If he used all his strength, he might be able to escape, but Wei Shan and Anya would definitely die!

Just as everyone was shocked, the battle between the two was decided.

After fighting for a while, the giant bear whimpered in fear and suddenly turned around and fled away!

The figure of the Dark Night King jumped high, and the huge demon arm behind him seemed to be injected with some powerful energy and grew bigger again!

The next moment, it fell from the sky and hit the giant bear's head heavily!


The hard skull of the giant bear exploded in front of Chu Xiu.

And a pleasant prompt sound came to his ears.

[Professional Experience +664]

[Obtained props: Causal Points * 378]

Looking at the huge corpse in front of him, Chu Xiu couldn't help but smile from the bottom of his heart.

With a wave of his hand, the giant bear's corpse began to be refined, and at the same time, the strengthening progress of the skeleton armor skyrocketed!





At the moment when the strengthening progress was fully filled, the prompt sound sounded again.

[The skeleton armor has been strengthened to perfection, and the fourth level of restriction has been unlocked! ]

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