After smashing the door open, a huge circular hall appeared in front of Chu Xiu.

In the center of the hall, there was a huge blood pool filled with sticky plasma, which was bubbling out at this time, as if there was a life under the blood pool breathing rhythmically.

Around the blood pool, there were circles of freezing chambers arranged outward, some of which were empty, and some were filled with mutated corpses.

Most of these corpses were fused with a certain item, some had blades growing all over their bodies, some had their chests cut open and a gun barrel extended out, and the original ribs were replaced by steel fixing frames, and some were fused with armor, with armor plates and flesh and blood fused into one, just like

the silver-white knight outside the shelter.

These corpses in front of him, like Frankenstein's wildest fantasy, made Chu Xiu look thoughtful.

Finally, his eyes fell to the deepest part of the hall.

There, there is a transparent glass box about three meters long, wide and high, built of glass. Inside the glass box is a warm room. The pink desk is covered with cartoon wallpapers, and the bed curtains have pleated lace like a princess dress. In the center of the child's bed, there is a crystal coffin. A pale girl lies flat in it with her eyes slightly closed, as if she is asleep.

And right next to the girl's pillow, there is a photo of four people.

In the middle is a woman holding a girl, on the right is an officer in military uniform with a serious expression, and on the left is a slightly fat middle-aged man with a kind smile.

What surprised Chu Xiu was that the middle-aged man was the man he saw in the strange tree. As for the officer on the right, he was also familiar with him, especially the pair of brown pupils, which were extremely similar to the silver-white knight.

Chu Xiu seemed to think of something and touched his chin with enlightenment.

However, after looking around the hall thoroughly, he still did not see the figure of the person in charge.

He sent out ghosts to explore, but there was no other space except this secret room.

"Don't waste your energy, you can't find me." The speaker said again, "This is just an ordinary experimental site. I'm not here, and there's nothing you want here. Please leave."

However, the words of the "person in charge" did not make Chu Xiu move.

After looking around the freezing chamber again, he smiled.


"Although I don't know how you did it, it seems that you have mastered a way to merge corpses and objects."

"But referring to the photos and some scattered information, I am more inclined to another possibility, that is, you have mastered a way to merge objects and people, but the price is that the people after the fusion will become corpses."

"The silver knight and the giant tree outside are your work, right?"

As Chu Xiu's voice fell, the "person in charge" stopped talking again.

Chu Xiu didn't care and continued, "The life support system here has been destroyed, so if you want to survive, you must turn yourself into a zombie. There are two possibilities. Either you are hiding among the dozens of zombies in the freezer here, or the items you merged are highly concealed and escaped my search."

"What do you think of the idea of ​​merging with the computer in the main control center?"

"I think it's a bit nonsense, but it doesn't matter. No matter which one it is, I can always find you after I destroy this place, right?"

Chu Xiu's tone was very flat, just like a fantasy that suddenly appeared on a sunny afternoon without any basis, but it made the person behind the scenes fall into a long silence.

After a long while, she finally heard her bitter voice: "This is all the curse of the 'boundless blood pool'."

"The power of the blood pool will constantly merge people and objects, and cause irreversible deformation."

"One day, it suddenly appeared, the ground cracked, and sticky, smelly blood gushed out, like a huge, never-ending blood-spraying pool."

"Everyone in the shelter is crazy, one after another, they kill each other, and my daughter also begins to show signs. I, I don't know what to do, I'm so scared."

The woman's voice trembled, but in the end she tried to stabilize it: "You guessed right, for my daughter, I merged with the computer controlled by the center. This is a very risky plan, but I succeeded fortunately."

"After that, I used the authority of the shelter to control all the corpse ghosts, and tried to study a way to break the blood pool curse."

"There is nothing you want here, only a poor mother who is trying her best to save her daughter."

As the person in charge's voice fell, a prompt sounded in Chu Xiu's ears.

[The person in charge of the base has been found. 】

【The task guide is over, you can move freely to get rewards. 】

Chu Xiu was a little speechless. He felt that this task guide was just a decoration. It made no difference whether it was there or not.

Fortunately, he knew that there was a [Legendary] item here.

So he got straight to the point and said, "I got accurate information. You have a precious equipment. I am not interested in you and your daughter. Give it to me and I will leave immediately."

The person in charge paused for a long time before saying, "No, that equipment is my only hope."

"Only equipment of [Legendary] quality, with its powerful power, can offset the influence of the blood pool and save my daughter."

"I can exchange with you for something else."

As he spoke, the floor of the hall suddenly flipped open, and a freezer rose up. As the door of the freezer opened, five blood-red potions in glass test tubes appeared in front of Chu Xiu.

[Fusion plasma extract]

[Level: Warrior]

[Quality: Perfect]

[Attribute: Can fuse a creature with up to two items and obtain the trait [Corpse Transformation]. ]

The potion in front of him made Chu Xiu's heart move slightly.

This thing is indeed of great use to him!

He now has a lot of redundant equipment that he can't use. He has three heavy armors of the [Collection] level alone.

With this fusion extract, he can fuse the corpse he resurrected with the corpse-driving technique with these equipment to further improve his combat effectiveness.

Because he has now entered the battle of the evil level, the ghost army has gradually become a little powerless. The low-level evil level is still okay, but the opponent's high-level evil level and evil level elite can only rely on numbers to contain the enemy.

But the corpse-driving technique does not have this limitation. If you revive a fierce creature, the fierce combat power will be halved!

If you can cultivate a powerful creature like the Silver Knight.

Chu Xiu was a little excited just thinking about it!

And the person in charge's tempting voice continued to ring in his ears: "Even if you don't use this extract, you can sell it to other awakeners, and it will definitely sell for a very high price!"

"Moreover, I can also give you an extra perfect fusion embryo. This is the product that was accidentally born when I used these corpse ghosts to do experiments here. Its basic attributes are extremely strong, it has fierce combat power itself, and it has excellent adaptability to objects, and can maximize the ability to fuse objects."

"But if you don't agree, then I can only destroy the extract and release all the corpse ghosts to fight desperately. After all, I can't watch the hope of my daughter's resurrection slip away in front of me."

After the words fell, the cameras around stared at Chu Xiu motionlessly, as if expecting his answer.

Chu Xiu was also thoughtful. This should be the branch choice of the task.

If he kills all the way, he can get the [Legendary] equipment, and if he chooses to compromise, he can get potions and a fierce summon.

But what makes him more curious at this moment is.

"You actually know the awakener?" Chu Xiu asked.

"Of course," the person in charge seemed to have thought of something, and his tone became a little complicated: "If you don't enter the abyss, how can you be swallowed by the abyss?"

Chu Xiu was silent for a while. It turned out that this doomsday corpse ghost world, like Blue Star, had normal civilizations in the past, and even extraordinary professions such as awakeners.

Does this mean that Blue Star may become like this one day and become the cornerstone of the awakener trials in other worlds?

Although at least from the current point of view, the extraordinary people of Blue Star are much stronger than this world, and there should be no risk of being swallowed by the abyss in the short term.

But no one can say for sure about this kind of thing. Doesn't the so-called "extreme way" indicate that Blue Star has been targeted by some existence in the abyss?

Just as Chu Xiu was thinking, the person in charge urged him, "Outsider, make your choice. You won't have the heart to destroy the only hope of a poor mother, right?"

The words of the person in charge interrupted Chu Xiu's thoughts. He didn't think about it anymore. If the sky falls, there will be tall people to hold it up. Now is not the time to think about these things.

He turned to one of the cameras and smiled: "My choice is."

"I want them all."

The person in charge choked for a moment, and after a while, his voice turned cold and said: "Young man, there are not so many good things in this world that can have both fish and bear's paw. I have all the authority of this shelter. Even if I am not your opponent, I can still destroy these items before you."

Chu Xiu said slowly: "Do you know what the taboo in negotiation is?"

The person in charge: "."

"That is, the difference in chips between the two sides is too large."

Chu Xiu smiled and stepped forward: "For me, even if I fall out with you, I can still get a [Legend] equipment, which is enough to meet my psychological expectations. The conditions you put forward are just extra gains."

"And for you."

During the conversation, Chu Xiu had walked to the girl's room and put his hand on the glass.

"This is the most precious thing you have to protect at all costs."

The next moment, Chu Xiu suddenly exerted force, and the glass wrapped around the girl's room suddenly exploded!

As the person in charge shouted in shock and anger, countless glass fragments fell to the ground. Chu Xiu took a step forward and came to the crystal coffin where the girl was placed. At this distance, he could even see every pore of the girl clearly.

And he only needed to lightly swing his fist to smash this lovely girl and the coffin into pieces in an instant!

"You, don't you have a heart!" The person in charge roared with grief.

"You can even kill a child under the age of seven?"

"Do you really have the heart to destroy a mother's only support in the end times!"

"You do this, don't you really feel guilty?"

"No." Chu Xiu said calmly.

He looked at the girl in front of him calmly and chuckled: "Speaking of conscience, I found something interesting."

"I didn't find any traces of fusion with objects on this girl, but there was a fatal wound sutured on her neck."

"So I have another version of the story."

"The manager of the shelter kindly took in a mother and daughter who were wandering in the apocalypse because they took a fancy to the mother's talent as a scientist."

"Either there was an accident later, or the accident happened before. In short, the girl unfortunately lost her life, and the mother, who could not accept this fact, sealed her in an ice coffin."

"Her world became bleak, but the appearance of the blood fountain gave her hope of resurrecting her daughter, so she secretly used the residents of the shelter to conduct human experiments."

"Perhaps it was a mistake or a close investigation. Her behavior was discovered by the administrator and officers of the shelter. At this time, there were more and more corpses outside the shelter, so the mother used the power of the blood pool to kill them one by one. It became a knight constantly patrolling outside, and the other became a giant tree that forever guards the sanctuary."

"This brought a period of tranquility, but more and more disappearing people still attracted the attention of the residents of the shelter, so she just kept doing nothing, integrating herself with the main control center, and integrating the people in the shelter All controls, as materials for experiments.”

Chu Xiu said, looking at the camera, as if he wanted to see the soul hidden behind the data cable through this cold machine.

"Your successful fusion is not due to miraculous luck as you said, but because of the research data contributed by countless human lives in your hands!"

"The research you are doing is not to eliminate the ghoul transformation, but how to eliminate the ghoul transformation while fusing items! Because you want to use the powerful power of legendary items to resurrect your daughter, but you don't want her to become a human. Disgusting creatures that are neither human nor ghosts."

"Of course, the above is just my casual guess, but one thing I can be sure of."

"That's the fake voice you deliberately synthesized. It's so fake that it makes me sick to my stomach!"

As the words fell, Chu Xiu raised his hand without hesitation and was about to drop it heavily towards the little girl in the ice coffin!


The person in charge screamed sharply, and Chu Xiu's fist stopped in mid-air, less than three centimeters away from the little girl's coffin.

After a long time, the person in charge's voice, which seemed to have exhausted all his strength and was full of bitterness, sounded again: "Tell me what you plan to do."

"It's very simple," Chu Xiu showed a satisfied smile, "I want those five tubes of extract, the perfect fusion embryo and the legendary equipment."

"And you have to stay here to produce more extracts for me and study more fused embryos."

"And all I can offer you is a little hope, a little illusory, a hope that is too small to be too small."

"I will promise you that when I become stronger in the future, I will try my best to resurrect your daughter."

"This promise doesn't come with any guarantees. Even if I forget about it the next day, I won't be punished, but that's all the conditions I offer."

After Chu Xiu finished speaking, he smiled and clapped his hands.

"Now the chips are even."

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