At the moment the silver knight died, two items exploded.

This is the wonder of the digitization of the abyss. Even though the armor on the body has been shattered, the equipment can still be exploded.

And even after the explosion, the broken armor and giant sword still existed in reality.

Some people say that the abyss is a hodgepodge that integrates time and space, and the items that explode are the legacy of the world that was swallowed by the abyss in the past.

Without giving it any more thought, what caught Chu Xiu's attention at this moment was that these two pieces of equipment turned out to be fierce-level [treasures].

Generally speaking, the basic attributes of ferocious-level equipment, even if it is just [Collection], are not weaker than those of [Ultimate] of the warrior-level, or even higher. After all, it has crossed a major level.

Of course, these are just basic attributes. If you include special attributes, you can’t say for sure.

But the problem is that unless there are some special props, skills and talents, the awakened person cannot use high-level items or props, and if they are used forcefully, their attributes will be greatly attenuated.

This is also the impact of the digitization of the abyss.

Chu Xiu has always felt that digitalization is a very disturbing word.

It allows the trialist to become stronger by killing monsters, allows the flesh and blood body to burst into metal equipment, and allows the awakened person to surpass the efforts of ordinary practitioners for more than ten years in one day.

But this gave Chu Xiu an illusory feeling.

It seems that this means that the awakened person is no longer a real existence, but just a series of numbers that can be increased or decreased at will.

If you don't have the strength to hone yourself bit by bit, it will always give people a sense of unreality.

However, who says that the real world he thinks is not illusory?

Of course, Chu Xiu was not pretentious. He quickly put this boring fantasy behind him and quickly began to think about how to use these equipment.

In subsequent hunts, he will definitely reveal more ferocious-level equipment. Although he cannot use it himself, he can use the extract to fuse it with ferocious-level resurrected corpses to create powerful subordinates.

Thinking of this, Chu Xiu raised his head and glanced at the central tower.

After killing the silver knight, there was still no more advanced creature coming.

Does this mean that he can hunt ferocious creatures with confidence?

After having the wings of the Blood Earl, he can deal with at least half of the evil levels in this city.

But it is not that easy to kill them. Fierce-level creatures can easily cross thousands of meters in just ten seconds. If they are pursued rashly, they may attract the attention of other ferocious-level creatures and put them under siege.

But there are still a few that are easy to deal with and have a high probability of being killed.

"And even if I can't kill them, my safety should still be guaranteed. Even if I only kill the murderer's subordinates, it will be enough for me to upgrade."

"In that case."

Chu Xiu looked at the setting sun in the distance.

"Then let the hunting begin!"

With a wave of his hand, the Silver Knight's body began to heal, and even the damaged armor was filled with crazily growing flesh and blood. Soon, the Silver Knight, who was originally dead, stood up unsteadily.

The resurrected Silver Knight was like a loyal guard, guarding Chu Xiu step by step.

Chu Xiu showed a satisfied smile and moved towards the distance.

At the same time, another area outside the city.


With a soft sound, a manhole cover on the ground was lifted.

Zhang Qingshan stuck his head out and carefully looked around to make sure there were no corpses, then he gently put the manhole cover aside, trying not to make any noise.

He held up his hands and rolled his tall body out of the manhole cover. Without any hesitation, he jumped onto a nearby two-story building. After confirming that it was safe, he made a gesture. More than a dozen people climbed out of the sewer mouth one after another. occupy different positions.

Zhang Qingshan had inspected these observation points long ago. Yesterday, he discussed with government analysts all night long to ensure that every detail was foolproof before starting the operation.

Zhang Qingshan was very nervous at this time, because their goal this time was to eliminate an entire group of ghouls led by elite elite creatures within three minutes, and then evacuate safely before the vicious ghouls here arrived.

This is an extremely difficult task, and if you are not careful, your team will be wiped out!

Therefore, every action step needs to be accurate to the second!

Zhang Qingshan felt that his heart was beating faster than ever before. Compared with the threat of death, he was more worried about following his teammates.

In the past three days, after consuming the resources marked by the government, Zhang Qingshan boldly proposed the idea of ​​entering the sewers to eliminate the ghouls. He believed that since the ghouls like to nest underground, there will naturally be a large number of corpses in the sewers. ghost.

This is a very risky suggestion. Although it is possible to harvest a lot of resources, it is more likely to cause death in the complex environment of the sewer!

Analysts were the first to object, but after on-site inspection and analysis, Zhang Qingshan insisted that it was very feasible. After he expressed his willingness to take the lead and be the vanguard, he eventually attracted many followers.

The facts also proved that his judgment was correct. Cleaning up the sewers allowed the government forces to gain a lot of resources. Zhang Qingshan successfully rose to level 3, and those who followed him also gained a lot.

This made Zhang Qingshan the most prestigious among the three major S-class warriors in the government.

Of course, the most important thing is that he has gained a group of brothers who trust him unconditionally and are willing to follow him to death.

It was precisely because he knew the heavy burden on his shoulders that he was so nervous at this time.

If he made a wrong judgment, it would mean putting those brothers who trusted him in danger!

Fortunately, all the actions went as planned yesterday, and his research and discussion all night long were not in vain.

They successfully sneaked into a high-end residential area, and killed all the corpse ghosts in turn according to the established order, and finally only the soldier-level elite who was roaring in the center of the residential area was left.

Just like all the previous battles, Zhang Qingshan rushed out first, and the dragon egg on his shoulder had hatched a khaki baby dragon, which was now following behind Zhang Qingshan. He opened his mouth and spit out a rock armor that covered Zhang Qingshan, and then he collided heavily with the soldier-level elite!

While he was holding the corpse ghost, the other teammates launched a tacit attack. The Archer (A) condensed an ice arrow, and Hawkeye (A) pulled the trigger, and the anti-tank heavy sniper in his hand burst into fierce flames. Other heavy-armored professions, healing professions, auxiliary professions, etc., all launched attacks at the same time.

With the tacit cooperation of everyone, the soldier-level elite soon collapsed, and a large amount of item experience exploded at the same time.

"It's almost level 4! There's also a [treasure]!" Zhang Qingshan's eyes flashed with joy, but this joy was quickly suppressed by him.

Because now there is one last but most important thing, that is to get rid of the hunting of the fierce monster!

"Act according to the plan, quickly!"

With Zhang Qingshan's shout, everyone else acted in an orderly manner. The summoner (B) released a large number of bird summons as bait to delay, and the others rushed to the nearest manhole cover.

Zhang Qingshan was no exception. He was very fast. He rushed to the evacuation point in almost a few breaths and opened the manhole cover. However, just as he was about to jump down, a deafening roar suddenly sounded in the field!

The door of a coffee shop in the community was suddenly smashed, and a huge figure rushed out. It was another soldier-level elite! At the same time, a large number of corpse ghosts also rushed out!

There is actually a group of corpses hidden here!

This made Zhang Qingshan's heart suddenly sink!

At this time, many people had not yet evacuated. He did not hesitate at all, turned out again, raised his sword and rushed into the group of corpses. The young dragon behind him spewed out fierce flames like a high-pressure flamethrower, instantly igniting a large number of corpse ghosts, and Zhang Qingshan himself collided fiercely with the elite corpse ghost!

With his entanglement, most people successfully escaped, except for a mage girl with a very poor physique!

She had no melee skills to protect herself and had been hiding in the residential building because of fear. Although she was only a hundred meters away from the nearest evacuation point, the corpse ghosts everywhere made her be killed immediately as soon as she appeared!

But Zhang Qingshan knew that hiding all the time was definitely not a solution. When the fierce corpse ghost came, with its powerful perception ability, all traces of humans would be exposed!

With a fierce bite of his teeth, Zhang Qingshan resisted the attack of the elite corpse ghost, and with the help of the momentum of the attack, he accelerated to get rid of the entanglement of the elite corpse ghost and rushed towards the girl!

He was like a running bear, knocking away all the corpse ghosts along the way, rushing into the residential building and picking up the girl.

The girl grabbed Zhang Qingshan tightly, almost crying with excitement, but Zhang Qingshan just whispered: "Xiaoxue, add shields, I'll take you."

Before he finished speaking, a deafening roar interrupted his words.

Zhang Qingshan's heart suddenly stopped for a moment, and he turned his head to look, and a huge figure fell from the sky and hit the center of the community heavily!

In the smoke and dust, the terrifying body of the evil corpse ghost covered with bone spurs slowly emerged.

Even if he was dozens of meters away, he could feel the unparalleled powerful aura on the other party.

Zhang Qingshan couldn't help feeling bitter in his heart, he knew that he was probably going to die here today.

He felt a vague regret in his heart, not because he regretted forcing himself to be a hero, he would never give up trusting his comrades at any time, but because he regretted not conducting more detailed reconnaissance before.

Putting the girl down, he drew the giant sword behind him, and with a look of fearlessness, he resolutely set up his sword for attack.

However, just when he was ready to fight to the death, the field suddenly went dark, and a shadow even larger than that of the evil corpse ghost enveloped it!

Zhang Qingshan was stunned, and looked up, only to see a pair of wings covering the sky and the sun appearing above the evil corpse ghost! And in the middle of the wings, a figure wrapped in demonic energy was quietly floating, with a pair of scarlet eyes, like a ghost crawling out of hell!

At this time, the evil corpse ghost on the ground screamed in fear, and Zhang Qingshan realized that this evil ghost did not come here for revenge because he sensed the death of his subordinates, but was chased here like he was running for his life!


Zhang Qingshan widened his eyes in disbelief, and before he could react, the huge black shadow suspended in the air suddenly screamed! The next moment, Zhang Qingshan seemed to see a surge of impact, and countless phantoms emerged from the shadows, and then a great fear rose in his heart!

The evil-level corpse ghost below screamed and wanted to escape, but the figure had already retracted his wings and dived down, and at the same time, a huge demon arm appeared behind him and punched down!

The already terrifying power was boosted by the high-speed dive, and the destructive power was raised to a higher level. In just a moment, the evil-level on the ground that made him unable to resist at all had a lot of bones smashed, and flew out with blood spurting out of his body. At the same time, a large number of terrifying corpse ghosts appeared nearby and began to frantically encircle the corpses in the field!

At this moment, Zhang Qingshan knew the identity of the shadow.

"The King of Dark Night! It's the King of Dark Night!"

He had heard many rumors about the King of Dark Night, but today he saw him with his own eyes and realized that the King of Dark Night was much more powerful than everyone described!

Looking at the figure moving at high speed in the field, like a demon in the night, Zhang Qingshan felt that his blood was stagnant.

He turned over and hugged the girl behind him in his arms, covering her mouth tightly with his hand to prevent her from screaming out of fear, and trying to shrink his whole body in the corner.

In front of this powerful creature, he couldn't even raise any thoughts of fighting, and even the courage to raise the sword seemed to disappear under the previous strange impact.

All he could do now was to hide himself and pray to God, praying that the powerful king would let go of his insignificant ant after killing his prey.

Soon the sound of fighting outside the house disappeared, but Zhang Qingshan became more nervous. He listened to the footsteps of the zombies, his heart beat violently, and the strong tension made him almost breathless.

Cold sweat soaked his back, and he didn't even dare to open his eyes. He never thought that one day he would shrink in the corner and shiver like a little girl.

Suddenly, all the noise disappeared, there was no sound in his ears, and you could hear a pin drop.

"What happened? Did the Dark Night King leave? Did I survive?"

Countless chaotic thoughts poured into Zhang Qingshan's mind, and finally he mustered up the courage and slowly opened his eyes.

At the moment he opened his eyes, a pair of scarlet eyes came into view!

The Dark Night King stood in front of him, less than half a meter away from him!

In an instant, Zhang Qingshan felt that his blood was frozen, and the huge fear was like a big hand, tightly grasping his heart! He couldn't even breathe!

His mind was blank, but he vaguely knew that he was really dead this time.

However, at this moment, the Dark Night King suddenly retreated and left without saying a word.

Zhang Qingshan: "???"

He was confused.

What's going on?

Does he feel that he is too weak and even too lazy to kill him? Or is he going to play with him like a cat catching a mouse?

Zhang Qingshan stood there at a loss, until there was a noise outside, and the Dark Night King spread his wings and flew away completely, then he collapsed to the ground with disbelief on his face, and his whole body was completely soaked in cold sweat, as if he was exhausted.

Chu Xiu, who flew up to the sky again, looked down at his friend, and the corners of his mouth behind the mask never fell.

He did it on purpose.

Chu Xiu had already discovered Zhang Qingshan, but this was the first time he saw his good brother being scared like this.

Thinking of the lofty words Zhang Qingshan said to him when he told him his ideals, Chu Xiu couldn't help but help him "train" his mind.

Chu Xiu felt that after this incident, his good brother should have greatly improved his resistance to "fear" attacks.

He is such a good man.

Shaking his head, Chu Xiu didn't think any more and went straight to his next target.

Hunting the fierce level gave him a lot of experience.

He was about to level up.

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