Abyss invasion? As a demon cultivator, I laughed.

Chapter 118 The Dark Night King's Response Method

Chu Xiu did not choose to hunt at night.

Because although he is very strong now, whether it is the magic energy filling the body or the triple burst, the consumption of mana is extremely large.

Even using the crazy demon hand alone is a big burden. After reaching the third level, even with his current amazing energy level, it can only last for two or three minutes.

Therefore, although he has not yet fallen into the situation of running out of mana, he still steadily replenishes his mana every time before launching hunting operations.

Compared with the corpse ghosts whose strength increases at night, hunting them during the day is not only more efficient, but also more labor-saving.

And when it is midnight, the tongue jumps out to speak again.

Chu Xiu has also prepared a drop of [perfect] quality blood, which was obtained by melting Wei Shan's two-handed sword. Everyone knows that this weapon was taken away by the Dark Night King, so he is not easy to shoot.

"Freshly brewed blood wine!"

"Quick! Put it in my mouth!"

As soon as the tongue came out, it felt the taste of blood wine and began to chatter.

Chu Xiu put the blood wine in front of it and said leisurely: "I have already got the legendary equipment. What do you plan to exchange this time?"

"There are seven secrets in this city. How about I tell you about an army's hidden arsenal?"

"Are there legendary equipment?" Chu Xiu asked.


"Then don't."

". I also know the location of a secret biological research laboratory, which contains rare characteristics."

Chu Xiu still shook his head, and he didn't keep it a secret: "I want to know the whereabouts of the bloody arena."

"Bloody arena?" The tongue was stunned at first, and then made a "ho ho ho" laugh, twisting back and forth.

"This kind of rubbish is worthy of being exchanged for information about the Bloody Arena?"

"The Bloody Arena is the most precious of the seven secrets, and it is the only secret that can directly contact the boundless blood pool!"

"Unless you can give me blood wine of [Legend] quality, it is impossible to obtain all the information about it."

Tongue's words made Chu Xiu look thoughtful.

It is impossible for him to melt the wings of the vampire earl in exchange for an illusory opportunity. Not to mention how precious the legendary equipment is, this equipment is really too suitable for him and can greatly improve his combat power.

After a little thought, Chu Xiu said: "You said that you need [Legend] to get all the information, so can't I just need part of it?"

"It's up to you. Anyway, all the information I give is in accordance with the rules," Tongue snorted, "but I must warn you first, if you only use [Perfect] quality blood wine, you may be disappointed. It's better to use it to exchange for an ordinary secret."

"Try it." Chu Xiu just said.

As a secret that was specially mentioned by the system, and it can directly contact the mysterious boundless blood pool, Chu Xiu felt that it was worth his investment.

As for other secrets, from the previous description of Tongue, it seems that none of them can provide him with much help, and those secrets will not run away, unlike the Bloody Arena, which has a time limit and will be gone after the world mission is over.

He felt that it was necessary to gamble.

Seeing Chu Xiu's firm attitude, Tongue did not say more, but after absorbing the blood wine, he slowly said: "Only when the dead are resurrected, the entrance to the Bloody Arena will be opened."

After saying that, Tongue flipped over with a "snap" and never moved again.

Chu Xiu: "."

He knew that the information he obtained might be very little, but he never thought that it was just such a sentence without a beginning or an end.

This is even more outrageous than the previous "northwest side of the tower, under the feet of the giant".

"What is the resurrection of the dead? Do I have to do some pre-tasks to resurrect creatures?"

Chu Xiu had a headache.

But soon he stopped thinking about it. The Bloody Arena was just a try. If it works, it would be the best. If it doesn't, it won't affect his progress.

He closed his eyes slightly and began to recover his mana.

But only fifteen minutes later, his door was suddenly knocked.

"Chen Ce, the lady is calling you to attend a meeting."

Lin Wanyue asked Chu Xiu to attend a combat meeting that brought together leaders of major forces.

After the trade fair ended, they did not disperse immediately, but gathered together to discuss the next action.

Almost all the awakened people and staff above the soldier level came.

Chu Xiu sat in the middle of the crowd, listening to their discussion with some boredom.

He had been sitting here for an hour, mainly discussing the details of the action, including how to arrange the killing mission, the progress of the clearance, etc.

Chu Xiu didn't pay attention to these. Fortunately, with his current body, he could recover his energy without special rest, so it didn't affect him much.

But just when he was bored, the chief analyst from the government walked up to the podium with a solemn expression.

"Everyone, I think you all know the action plan, right?"

"Now, we have to discuss the most important issue."

His words attracted everyone's attention.

Under everyone's gaze, the chief analyst said word by word:

"That is - how to deal with the Dark Night King!"

"Oh?" Chu Xiu's eyes narrowed, and he became a little interested.

The others were also refreshed and their expressions became serious.

The chief analyst continued: "According to the latest news, the Dark Night King has begun to hunt the fierce class."

"Our original plan was to enter the central city to sweep away the corpses, and after raising our own level and combat power, we would then consider a plan to encircle the Night King."

"But judging from the current situation, its growth rate is far beyond all of our expectations!"

"If this continues, no one knows what kind of terrifying monster will be born!"

His words made everyone else below frown.

Even before entering the abyss, everyone had actually had a lot of discussions and made adequate plans to deal with various emergencies.

But the appearance of the King of Dark Night far exceeded their expectations and became a variable that no one could be sure of.

"According to the latest assessment by the data analysis team, the power of the Dark Night King has grown to a critical value that is about to exceed our response limit."

"What I mean by dealing with the limit is that all the forces present use their trump cards without reservation and work together to hunt down the King of the Night!"

After saying that, the chief analyst sent everyone a document, which recorded in detail every sighting of the King of the Night, as well as an evaluation of a large amount of data.

Including the Dark Night King's power value, skill guesses, size of men, strength improvement speed curve, etc.

Chu Xiu turned over it and couldn't help showing surprise.

The above analysis is very accurate, although some data have lagged behind, after all, Chu Xiu's upgrade speed is too fast.

But he was still shocked that the other party was able to guess his own strength quite accurately from those few short battles.

What a professional.

After giving everyone enough time to browse, the chief analyst spoke solemnly: "So, we must make a decision tonight, whether to use all our power immediately to kill the King of Dark Night, or to let this variable go. Keep growing!”

As his words fell, everyone fell silent, and the drop of a pin could be heard.

This is a crucial decision, directly related to the success or failure of this mission to conquer the world!

After a long time, Ye Junlin raised his hand: "If we choose to kill the King of Dark Night, what is the success rate?"

"If we speculate based on the latest performance of the Dark Night King, the success rate is very high, but he has not made a full-strength attack so far. If we conservatively estimate, the success rate will drop to about 70%." The analyst said.

"Is it that high?" Ye Junlin's face was full of doubts, "I have fought with that guy personally, and I know how terrifying it is, and its power grows faster than us awakened ones!"

Wei Shan and Anya beside him also looked heavy, obviously thinking of some bad suspicion.

Ye Junlin knocked on the table lightly: "The price a weak person pays if he wants to surround and kill a strong person is usually much higher than calculated."

As the unsuspected number one person in Jiangcheng's generation, Ye Junlin knows better than anyone else the suppression of the weak by the strong.

A person with three times the physique cannot compete with three ordinary people. Even thirty ordinary people would probably be a struggle.

And if the scope of the siege is expanded to a city, and the fear, fear and other emotions that people may have when they are on the spot are calculated, it will be 300 people. Even 3,000 people may not be able to succeed!

Faced with Ye Junlin's doubts, the chief analyst paused and said: "We know this. Let me reiterate. The success rate I refer to is when all forces use their trump cards without reservation - including those you hide. Without a reported trump card.”

"Furthermore, the Dark Night King's strength cannot increase suddenly."

The analyst's words once again silenced everyone.

After a while, Zhang Qingshan broke the silence: "What's the estimated casualty rate?"

"Then it depends on whether the two young masters and ladies are willing to part with it." The analyst glanced at Ye Junlin and Lin Wanyue, "The defense and survivability of the Dark Night King are estimated to be at the level of ordinary evil level 6-9. If the two If you decisively activate your trump card, you have a chance of achieving an immediate kill.”

"But if the first strike fails and arouses the opponent's alert and leads to a long tug-of-war, then the success rate will drop sharply, or even fail!"

You have alerted me.

Chu Xiu couldn't help complaining in his heart.

But he was also a little curious,

I'm so strong, but you still have a 70% success rate?

Are the cards of the Ye family and the Lin family really so powerful?

However, the analyst's estimate is based on Chu Xiu's data before his upgrade. After unlocking the demonic energy infusion and raising the demon hand to the third level, his offensive and defensive capabilities have been greatly improved.

And even in the past, analysts' estimates of his defense power were low. After all, the only time he was witnessed being hit was before the skeleton armor reached the [Ultimate] quality.

"So you'd better not mess with me. I'm not a murderer." Chu Xiu thought to himself.

As if sensing Chu Xiu's thoughts, Zhang Qingshan spoke as soon as Chu Xiu's idea came up: "I am more inclined to cooperate with the King of Dark Night."

"So far, it seems that the other party does not have strong ill intentions towards us. On the contrary, there are reports of many awakened people being spared by it. To be honest, I once had a close contact with the King of Dark Night, and the other party found out In my case, there was no attack.”

"Our main mission is to kill the Corpse King. If we use up all the prepared cards in advance, what will happen even if the variables are eliminated? The mission will still fail."

"I don't think the equipment exploded by the Dark Night King can make up for our losses."

Regarding his words, Lin Wanyue and Ye Junlin rarely agreed at the same time.

It's just that their reasons are far different from Zhang Qingshan's.

Lin Wanyue said: "The Lord of the Dark Night is not in a hurry. Once we get the [Location Anchor Point], we can invite high-level awakeners to enter. The Lord of the Dark Night is just a turtle in a urn, and he will be able to eat this piece of fat sooner or later."

Ye Junlin said from the perspective of clearing the mission: "The danger in the central city has greatly exceeded our previous expectations. Because of the troublesome characteristics of blood symbiosis, our strategy progress has fallen behind greatly. If we clear it slowly, time will count. It’s too late to double it!”

"In this case, the resources consumed by the Dark Night King are irrelevant at all. We had no time to eat them. If it can help us kill the Corpse King, we will make a lot of money."

"Furthermore, after the Dark Night King killed the ferocious class, the missing low-level corpses are our meal. To some extent, it may also speed up our leveling."

The three of them represent the three largest forces. Seeing them expressing their opinions, others will naturally not object.

In the end, everyone decided to send a few people to try to contact the Dark Night King, while others avoided the Dark Night King's hunting area and continued to develop their power.

Moreover, the three major forces will officially cooperate and gather many S-level forces to try to hunt the vicious class.

It is worth mentioning that each of the three major forces has discovered a hidden mission and is currently working hard to conquer it. If it can be completed, the overall strength will definitely increase a lot.

"Okay, that's it for today's combat meeting."

"But at the end, there are two things I hope you will pay attention to."

"First, I hope that in the process of clearing out the corpses, you can try your best to find out the intelligence of several vicious elites."

"There are currently three vicious elites we have discovered. Each of them leads a large number of followers. When the ghouls are officially surrounded, these vicious elites will cause us great trouble and must be cleared up as soon as possible."

The analyst's words made Chu Xiu rub his chin. The vicious elites were indeed in trouble. The most obvious one was the group of strange birds hovering above the central platform. Not only were the leaders strong, but they were also numerous. When encountering a strong enemy, they would Fighting as a group, even with his current strength, he would not dare to challenge easily.

"The second thing is to ask everyone to pay attention to the clues of the 'Ji Dao'."

"These perverts are hiding among us and need to be removed as soon as possible."

This is also a very important matter for Chu Xiu, and he knows the dangers of the Jida better than anyone present.

But he still remembered that the murderer said that there was a high-ranking dependent who was among the crowd.

"It seems that I will have to attend more boring meetings in the future."

"Whether it's intelligence from vicious elites or clues from the Yakuza, they are all very useful."

After saying this, the meeting officially ended, and Chu Xiu returned to his room to rest.

Six hours later, the sun rose from the edge of the city, and Chu Xiu also opened his eyes.

He stretched his muscles and stood up.

It's time to kill.

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