At the beginning, the awakened ones only regarded the Dark Night King as a wild boss, the nourishment for their growth.

But now, everyone found that things seemed to be getting more and more wrong.

With many trump cards and extremely high growth potential, this is not a boss at all, but a standard protagonist template!

At this time, someone asked a soul-searching question: "If the Dark Night King really kills the corpse king, how should the contribution be calculated?"

Everyone looked at each other, and no one knew the answer to the question.

Generally speaking, all actions taken for world tasks will be automatically determined by the Abyss.

Even if you didn't kill a monster and just performed a reconnaissance mission, there will be a certain contribution.

But in fact, such a contribution value is very low, almost negligible, and the biggest contribution is always [direct damage to the boss], followed by [killing the boss's 'guards']

And now, one of the boss's guards has been killed. If this trend continues, the remaining two are probably not safe.

"I guess this Dark Night King is something that the Abyss created to balance the difficulty."

"Although there are few such examples, this is a world with a world difficulty of seven after all, so it's not surprising that anything happens."

"What we need to do is to help the Dark Night King kill the Corpse King, and then calculate the reward based on the contribution in this battle."

The chief analyst guessed.

What he said made some sense, but in view of his complete failure, everyone expressed doubts.

For a time, all forces began to plan with their own ulterior motives.

And Chu Xiu, who was standing in front of the central tower at this time, naturally didn't know about these.

He just looked at the prompt panel that popped up in front of him with satisfaction.

[Obtained props: Causal points * 678]

[Obtained equipment: Royal Griffin Shield (Perfect)]

[Obtained props: Rusty key (Perfect)]

[Obtained equipment:]

After killing the Royal Elite Corpse Ghost, a large number of items and props suddenly exploded, and there was even a fierce-level [Perfect] equipment!

"As expected of one of the three elites guarding the tower, the drop rate is much higher than that of ordinary elites."

Although Chu Xiu could not use these fierce-class equipment items directly, he could fuse them with his resurrected corpses to further enhance their combat power.

Moreover, the value of fierce-class equipment is much higher than that of the warrior-class and ordinary-class equipment, and even if it is sold for money, it will be a large income.

Finally, Chu Xiu set his sights on the items that exploded.

[Rusty Key (Perfect)] An ancient key, the surface of which is covered with rust, and it is difficult to determine its specific use.

"I wonder if this rusty key is the item needed to open the bloody arena as the tongue said."

Touching his chin, Chu Xiu did not think about it any more, and put it away with a big hand, and then began to resurrect the royal elite corpse ghost.

With the activation of the corpse-driving technique, the huge creature stood up swayingly.

Chu Xiu directly let it devour the nearby corpses. Perhaps because it was from the same clan, the completeness was replenished very quickly. After eating half of the corpses in the field, the completeness was replenished.

The corpse resurrected by the corpse-driving technique can reach up to 60% of its combat power before death.

At this time, the Royal Elite Corpse Ghost, with the blessing of the Yin Qi of the Netherworld, is actually stronger than before death in terms of vitality and defense! It's just that the strength has dropped significantly, only about 40%, and various characteristics and skills have also been weakened, so the comprehensive combat power is judged to be 60% of before death.

"But if you look at it from the perspective of a meat shield, it couldn't be more perfect."

Chu Xiu smiled, and without hesitation, he took out the [Fusion Plasma Extract] and started to fuse!

He directly melted the [Perfect] shield that had just exploded into it, and then matched it with a fierce-level [Treasure] heavy armor. When the fusion was completed, an extremely terrifying creature appeared.

The huge body, combined with flesh and blood, the heavy armor reflecting the metal light, and the huge metal shield engraved with ancient patterns like a door.

The current Royal Elite Corpse Ghost, even Chu Xiu can hardly kill it in a short time!

Moreover, its power has also increased after integrating two high-quality equipment. Although it is still lower than before, it has at least reached the level of high-level fierce level.

The comprehensive combat power is definitely not lower than before!

"With this perfect meat shield, I can be much more relaxed when fighting the corpse king."

Chu Xiu showed a satisfied expression on his face, and refined the remaining corpses to sacrifice the soul and flesh storage bag to expand the volume.

He looked up and saw that the corpse king was still motionless, so he was not in a hurry.

It was late at night, and more importantly, the 27 seconds of beating the royal elite corpse ghost consumed a lot of his mana, and the golden fetus essence was almost gone, and it took time to recover.

With a wave of the Yinfeng Banner, all the ghosts were absorbed, and the resurrected corpses were all put into the soul and flesh storage bag. After doing all this, Chu Xiu slowly retreated, and his figure also disappeared into the night.

The huge army of monsters suddenly disappeared, which once again brought great shock to the awakened people.

However, at this time, they no longer regarded the Dark Night King as an enemy, because Chu Xiu's strength was so terrifying that all the awakened people agreed that if the Dark Night King wanted to harm them, it would be better to leave and return to Blue Star as soon as possible. If the world mission failed, it would fail, at least they could save their lives.

A large number of people firmly believed that the Dark Night King was deliberately designed by the Abyss to balance the difficulty of passing the level.

Chu Xiu just found all this a little funny.

But then he thought about it again, if he killed all the corpse ghosts, others would not have to take risks. Isn't this a merit?

"I really have great merit."

Chu Xiu sighed and didn't think about it anymore.

What he really worried about now was whether to continue feeding his tongue.

A drop of [Perfect] blood wine was not cheap even for him, and the hints given by this guy were really few. He intuitively felt that he might be in vain.

But after struggling for a while, he decided to melt another [Perfect] blood wine to try.

After all, as Chu Xiu's level increases, it will be easier to make money, and this kind of opportunity to directly contact the upper existence is not common.

However, he soon regretted it.

Because this time there are fewer hints, and it is a completely unhelpful nonsense.

"The way to the bloody arena, the corpse king knows." Tongue said seriously.

This made Chu Xiu angry, and he almost wanted to punch it to pieces!

"So, do you mean that you want me to interrogate the corpse king?" Chu Xiu was a little crazy.

After entering the abyss, he killed so many corpse ghosts, but he didn't meet anyone who could communicate. Even if the corpse king could communicate like an ordinary person, how could it tell him where the opportunity was?

Moreover, although Chu Xiu had been sweeping all the way so far, in fact, a fierce elite guarding the gate had forced him to use the trump card of magic energy. He was not arrogant enough to think that he could defeat this powerful world boss.

In Chu Xiu's conception, it was safest to rely on the power of other awakened people to pass the level together. It would be very difficult for him to rely on himself!

"You broken tongue, I will never feed you a drop of wine in my life!" Chu Xiu cursed.


Hearing his words, the tongue that had begun to play dead turned over again.

It bounced in place, and Chu Xiu actually saw the word "scratching ears and cheeks" on a tongue. After a long time, he said anxiously: "According to the rules, I can't reveal the secret to you anymore."

"But I can give you a suggestion."

"Oh?" Chu Xiu's expression moved and looked at it again.

"You can hang the keys you collected outside, so that as long as you enter the range of the bloody arena, the door will automatically open."

Chu Xiu: "."

He almost wanted to curse. Originally, seeing the tongue so solemnly trying to keep him, he thought it would say something useful.

In the end, it was just a piece of nonsense? ? ?

If he knew the location of the bloody arena, he could just take out the key when he got there. If he didn't know, this information would be useless. Could it be that this broken tongue wanted him to walk around the whole city to determine the location of the bloody arena?

Chu Xiu rolled his eyes in annoyance and put his tongue away directly.

But after a slight hesitation, he still followed the tongue's words and took the key out of the storage space and put it on his body.

Then he didn't think about it anymore and closed his eyes to rest.

The next day, under the attention of everyone, Chu Xiu challenged the remaining two fierce-level elites.

With the Royal Elite Corpse Ghost as a big meat shield, the battle became easier. The mud monster below was directly smashed by a few punches. The flying strange bird was a little troublesome, but in the end, after Chu Xiu opened the magic energy to infuse his body, he used the crazy demon hand to tear off its wings.

The two fierce elites dropped two [perfect] equipment, namely [014 Mutant Corpse Silver Wings] that allow the user to fly, and [Deformed Parasitic Core] that can increase attributes.

At the same time, as Chu Xiu guessed, a key was dropped from each.

"It seems that this thing is really the key to open the bloody arena. Now I just need to know the location of the bloody arena."

While thinking, Chu Xiu began to refine the corpses on the ground.

The deformed monster was directly torn apart by his ghost army, so Chu Xiu did not revive it, but only revived the strange bird corpse. After letting it reach full completeness, he directly fused the two [perfect] items that exploded.

This made the strange bird corpse's strength and other attributes drop significantly after resurrection, but the extra pair of wings basically made up for this, especially the [Deformed Parasitic Core], which made its basic attributes soar and catch up with the original body!

Chu Xiu's mind moved, and the strange bird corpse ghost crawled at his feet. After he rode on it, the four wings behind it vibrated at the same time, and then it rushed straight into the sky at a very fast speed!

With the blessing of the four wings, the speed of the strange bird corpse ghost even exceeded that of his life! Now it can cruise at a high speed close to the speed of sound, and the maximum speed is even more than 1.5 times the speed of sound!

You should know that the maximum flight speed of Chu Xiu's Vampire Earl Wings is only 400 to 500 kilometers per hour, not even one-third of the strange bird corpse ghost!

Now, even if he can't beat the corpse king, he can summon his mount at any time to run away.

This made Chu Xiu extremely satisfied.

Flying mounts are rare, and those that can fly so fast are even rarer.

The dragon of the Dragon Knight (S) can also fly, but to reach supersonic speed, at least to get the general level, only a very small number of wind dragons can exceed the speed of sound at the fierce level, and as for the flying objects summoned by ordinary summoning professions, they are even worse.

And Chu Xiu, at the soldier level, has such a powerful mount!

This made him very excited. Riding on the back of the strange bird, he kept diving and accelerating in the clouds. The wind blew in his face. The huge airflow seemed to have become real, like countless big hands pushing him from all directions. The scenery under him quickly shrank and enlarged rapidly. This kind of supersonic flight without a windshield, people who have not experienced it can't imagine how exciting it is.

However, when Chu Xiu was having fun, he suddenly felt a gaze watching him.

The gaze came from a vague human figure at the top of the tower.

But just like before, it only lasted for a few seconds and then disappeared.

"Is it the corpse king? Why doesn't he take action now?"

Chu Xiu pondered secretly and controlled the strange bird to land.

He did not rush to kill the monsters, but decided to restore his condition to the best before challenging the corpse king.

However, just when Chu Xiu was about to put away the monster army and return to the base to rest.

Suddenly, a strange bell sounded.


The bell sounded from the inside of the central tower, spreading far away like a yellow bell, spreading throughout the city.

This made Chu Xiu frown and stop his steps to leave. The other awakened people did not know what happened and looked towards the central tower.


Another bell sounded. This time, everyone finally realized that something was wrong. As the bell sounded, the sky seemed to be stained with a layer of crimson, the sunlight was blocked and gradually dimmed, and a blood moon emerged from the background.


With the third bell ringing, the sky was completely stained red with blood, and at the same time a panel appeared in front of everyone.

[The time for recovery has arrived, and the blood moon ceremony has begun. 】

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