Fifteen minutes ago, at the central tower.

Because the three major groups were all killed by Chu Xiu in advance, only the corpse ghosts directly connected by the corpse king's blood vessels were left in the tower walking around.

Thanks to this, the awakened ones gathered together safely without much effort.

They stood around the fifty-fifty floor of the tower, looking up at the huge maze of flesh and blood in front of them.

For some reason, after they came in, the flesh and blood distortion in the center changed. The originally huge volume began to shrink, and even the sarcomas scattered outside were absorbed and fused together. Although the size became much smaller, it was still What was obtained in exchange was a stronger flesh wall.

These flesh walls are like hard brick walls, forming a huge maze covering an area of ​​more than 100,000 cubic meters.

Ye Junlin flapped the wings of the Iron Witch, and after circling the outside of the central tower, he returned to the gathering point with a solemn expression.

"Something's not right."

"These flesh and blood covered the outside. I opened a few gaps and found that there were a large number of corpses belonging to the Dark Night King trapped inside, as well as many corpse ghosts controlled by the Corpse King. However, the Dark Night King himself was nowhere to be found."

At that time, many people saw the scene when the Dark Night King killed three dark gold corpses, but then the blood moon lowered its light and forcibly took the Dark Night King away, which left all the awakened people confused.

Is this because he was afraid that if the Dark Night King continued to fight, he would be destroyed by the Corpse King, so Abyss took him away forcibly?

Everyone didn't know what happened specifically, so they could only guess.

"In any case, a huge trouble we have to face now is that after the Night King disappeared, its zombies became extremely manic and would be attacked whenever they encountered them. In other words, these zombies who originally helped us have become extremely manic. The ghost has now become the guardian of the maze of flesh and blood.”

Ye Junlin's words made all the awakened people present look solemn.

As it stands, there are only two ways to clear the level.

One is to attack slowly from the bottom, directly dismantling the entire flesh and blood maze step by step.

This is very safe, but everyone cannot ensure that the output is sufficient. After all, everyone does not have the terrifying output ability of the Lord of the Night. It would be terrible if it drags on to the bloody sea.

The second way is to form a team and go deep into the maze to get to the core of the Corpse King.

Just when Ye Junlin was detecting it, several analysts and staff also took the opportunity to conduct preliminary research on the flesh and blood maze.

They found that although the flesh and blood had been "hardened" in some way, which greatly improved its defense, it also prevented it from contracting freely.

In other words, if you enter the maze, you don't have to worry about being defeated by the Corpse King changing the terrain segmentation, because from the current point of view, even the Corpse King will most likely not be able to continue changing the maze.

In other words, as long as you study the structure of the maze clearly, you can concentrate your strength, penetrate directly into the heart of the Corpse King, and attack its weakest point!

"After discussions among our analysis team, the advice we came up with is to strengthen the walls and clear the fields, and slowly sort out the path."

"Although these walls have been hardened, we now have nearly a hundred warriors and a large amount of modern firepower. The probability of taking down the Corpse King within an hour is very high!"

"And if we rashly go deep into the maze, we won't be able to find the core of the Corpse King. What if we cause casualties and allow the Corpse King to unlock his power, that would be terrible."

The analyst's suggestion was reasonable, but he ignored one of the most important issues. In other words, he did not ignore it, but pretended to ignore it because he had no way to solve it.

That is, the contribution accumulated by slowly destroying the flesh wall is very slow. At this time, as long as someone boldly enters the maze, it is very easy to directly increase the contribution.

Killing a zombie under the Corpse King at random may contribute more than tearing down the wall for half an hour!

In this case, their opinions actually no longer matter.

"Miss, I suggest we go by the analyst's advice," the Lin family's staff was still working hard. "Even if it's not as good as Ye Junlin, with the equipment and props you have prepared at home, it will definitely be no problem to get into the top three."

However, Lin Wanyue just glanced sideways at him: "Are you afraid?"

This made the latter extremely helpless.

In fact, Lin Wanyue was a little patient at the beginning. The first ones who couldn't sit still were not her and Ye Junlin, but the small teams that were not strong enough.

For them, if they compare the damage step by step, they will definitely not be able to get into the top 30, so they might as well go into the maze and take a gamble.

The anchor point can easily cost hundreds of millions, so it’s worth their gamble!

And with them taking the lead, the larger forces cannot sit still. If the anchor point is taken away by forces far inferior to themselves because of this, then all their early investment will be in vain.

In this way, at the end, Lin Wanyue and Ye Junlin were forced to enter the maze.

Fortunately, a group of awakened people still retain their sense. They have reasonably arranged their own routes and communication methods for asking for help from each other. There are also many forces that have formed teams to explore to ensure that they will not give the Corpse King a chance to defeat each other. Reduce the possibility of attrition.

In this strange situation of mutual cooperation and overt and covert fighting, everyone entered the maze of flesh and blood one after another.

And when Zhang Qingshan rushed to the central tower with a group of auxiliary professions fifteen minutes later, there were only a few awakened people who were unwilling to take risks and a few analysts left here.

After seeing that Zhang Qingshan had brought back almost all the auxiliary professions, the chief analyst's eyes widened in disbelief.

Among the nearly 1,000 awakeners who entered the abyss this time, one-fifth were auxiliary professions, which is a full 200 people.

And the number of people who went with Zhang Qingshan was no more than 30.

"How did you do it?" the analyst was shocked.

"This is thanks to a masked mechanic (A) friend."

"She passed the soldier level not long ago and made a device called "Escape Balloon", which can generate great lift in a short time to help the wearer rush into the sky and escape danger."

"Originally, she just used it as a life-saving trump card, but in the end we used it to transform a huge floating balloon, combined with my green dragon and four flying summons, and transported more than 100 people at a time, and barely sent all the members here."

Zhang Qingshan's words made the chief analyst show admiration.

Although it is theoretically feasible, there are many difficulties in actual implementation. For example, a group of auxiliary professions have to set up the framework of the floating balloon in just a few minutes when Zhang Qingshan and his team arrive. For example, the control of the floating balloon is also problematic. It is not possible to fly to the designated target as long as there is energy.

Moreover, Zhang Qingshan did not know that there would be a mechanic to help them before the action.

"It's too risky. If you fail, you may be trapped."

Zhang Qingshan smiled: "I just thought about saving as many people as possible. I didn't expect that there was a mechanic and her team willing to come with us. It seems that there are more kind people in this world after all."

The chief analyst did not speak again, but said with some regret: "Then you have to speed up, otherwise the anchor point will be taken away."

Fifteen minutes is a long time for the awakened.

Then the analyst quickly told him the situation.

However, after listening, Zhang Qingshan immediately realized a serious problem.

"I can't leave."

"If I leave with the high-level awakeners, there will be no one to protect the auxiliary professions here. If I were the corpse king, I would definitely take the initiative to leave the maze and launch a surprise attack. I can't miss such a good opportunity."

"It seems that the task of cleaning up the flesh and blood maze can only be left to us." Zhang Qingshan sighed.

Hearing this, the analyst's eyes were full of admiration. Without saying anything more, he began to arrange suitable work for the awakened people present.

For those who have no power, they cannot make decisions to change the situation. All they can do is try their best to do their part.

Soon, everyone began to destroy the flesh and blood maze from the entrance. Because the corpse ghosts near several entrances had been cleared by the awakened people who entered in advance, the initial progress was very fast.

But in Zhang Qingshan's big eyes, the worry became heavier.

"Although the corpse king is in a weak state, theoretically, even if we venture into the flesh and blood maze, we still have a high chance of passing the level."

"But you seem to have missed a very critical issue."

After a pause, Zhang Qingshan uttered two words with a serious expression: "Extreme."

"I didn't," the analyst sighed, "but no matter how I persuade, the result will not change."

He looked up, looked at the huge maze above his head and murmured: "Now, I can only hope that the group of lunatics have not gone crazy to that extent."

Zhang Qingshan frowned, looked up for a long time, and a decisive look flashed in his eyes.

"I won't pin my fate on a lunatic."

After the voice fell, he stepped towards the entrance without hesitation, and almost without any verbal conversation, the members of his team automatically split into two groups, one group continued to stay to protect the auxiliary profession, and the other group went deep into the flesh and blood maze with Zhang Qingshan.

At the same time, the scenery around Chu Xiu began to break.

Not long after the second battle, he returned to the ancient arena.

Four statues of gods stood quietly in front of him.

This time, however, all four gods glowed with a faint glow, in stark contrast to the coldness when he first arrived.

Three balls of blue light rushed out from the boundless blood pool and merged into Chu Xiu's body.

[Obtained props: Causal points*4000]

[Obtained props: Optional scroll of the perfect treasure house of the soldier class*1]

[Obtained props: Ancient blood*3]

After checking the harvest in front of him, Chu Xiu couldn't help but sigh at the generosity of the blood pool again.

Not only did he give 4,000 causal points at once, but the remaining two props were also extremely valuable.

The optional scroll can be used to select a soldier-level perfect quality equipment or prop from the treasure house of the boundless blood pool at will. As for the ancient blood, it is the universal currency in this bloody arena, which can be used for trading or directly exchanged for equipment, props, blessings, and anything else you want from the boundless blood pool.

"But these things can only be used after I become a formal gladiator."

"And I'm still a little short of being able to cultivate to the third level of magic energy."

As the final inheritance of the warrior class, there are too many causal points required to achieve perfection. He cleared the three major tribes and got more than 10,000 points. He also received blood pool rewards in succession, but he still needs 3,000 or 4,000!

"The skills that consume so many causal points to unlock must be extremely powerful. I wonder if I can get so many causal points."

Just as Chu Xiu was thinking secretly, a blood baby with a taller body, nearly 200 meters long, came over.

This blood baby seemed to be different from the ordinary ones. It was wearing a wide robe. As soon as it came in, it knelt in front of the four statues, with its head slightly tilted, as if listening carefully to something.

"What is it doing?" Chu Xiu whispered.

"It should be listening to the will of God," Tongue replied, "The Blood Servant is a high-level blood infant and is also the person in charge of the arena, so when the four gods need to have some special competition, the Blood Servant will appear."

Hearing this, Chu Xiu understood that the four gods wanted to play tricks.

Not long after, the Blood Servant turned around and whispered a strange word to him.

Chu Xiu understood what it meant. It was asking Chu Xiu to follow it. The Boundless Blood Pool prepared a special trial for him, which would be held in three days, so he could rest and recover first.

But after hearing this, Chu Xiu immediately became a little anxious: "Tongue, tell him that I have something to go back, ask him if there is a way to return temporarily, or arrange a third opponent for me immediately."

Tongue took over Chu Xiu's tongue and said a lot of words.

Chu Xiu could feel that Tongue was very considerate and added a lot of honorifics to his original words.

After hearing this, the Blood Servant was stunned for a moment, and immediately went to communicate with the four gods.

And this time, it came back quickly.

"The gods are happy with your request, and they also want to see your competition as soon as possible."

"But there are no suitable players at this time, so if you want to compete immediately, you will fight against the official gladiators."

Chu Xiu's expression became a little solemn. Each of the official gladiators was a trump card carefully cultivated by the gods. Even if they were also at the level of soldiers, they were definitely far better than the opponents he had encountered before, at least much stronger than the rock trolls.

"Of course, the gods know the difficulty of this challenge. As compensation, if you win, you will receive a higher level of blessing."

The Blood Servant added.

After hearing this, Chu Xiu no longer hesitated and nodded, "I agree."

As his voice fell, the surrounding scenery began to change again. Chu Xiu felt a sense of weightlessness coming, and when his feet landed on the ground, he was already standing on a plain.

A strong smell of blood rushed into Chu Xiu's nose. He looked up and found that there were human corpses everywhere. Some of them were disemboweled, and some had their limbs torn apart. Almost everyone had a look of fear on their face, as if they had encountered something extremely terrifying before death.

Not far in front of him, there was a high bulge, a pile of corpses made up of countless corpses. At the highest point of the pile, a black shadow stood quietly, staring at Chu Xiu expressionlessly.

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